Now that the commander has explained, Kong Lin and Yu Nansong are not good at disobeying, so they can only go back to the Seven Departments to discuss strategies.

In the sky, the sea of ​​gray clouds was churning. It seemed that because of the appearance of the innate demon emperor, the entire sky had changed. Yuan Futu shuttled through it, his consciousness was always locked on the body of the black dragon, and its speed also increased. Very quickly, every time the two huge dragon wings were stirred, it would cause a series of explosions.

"Where does it want to take Jin Bao?"

Yuan Futu guessed that the black giant dragon should have become interested in the blood of the ancient emperor dragon, so he took Jinbao away. However, Jinbao is his heart, and it is absolutely impossible for him to let go of it because he is afraid of the black dragon's strength. So I mustered up the courage to go after it.

In just a few hours, he had already left the ruins plain and came to a primitive wild forest. There are towering ancient trees everywhere, and countless powerful monsters live here.

That black dragon is the innate demon emperor, he will be the overlord wherever he goes, of course he is fearless, I saw it circling in the void, suddenly fell, and flew into the bottomless pit that was dozens of kilometers long among.

"Is this its lair?" Yuan Futu speeded up and followed closely behind.

After entering, gusts of sinister wind mixed with a strong bloody breath blew over, and the monstrous cold air invaded his body, making Yuan Futu feel the sudden drop of energy and blood, and the realm of the domineering Jinxian degenerated to Yuanxian, and the blood all over his body was swollen. There are signs of condensation.

"What a powerful evil spirit!"

Yuan Futu clenched his steel teeth, and directly cast the blood explosion forbidden technique, refining the chill that invaded his body, and only then eased up a bit.

The formation of this huge crater was ingenious, as if it was split open by the gods. The mountain walls on both sides continued to tighten, and the temperature also dropped rapidly, gradually condensing into a thick layer of black ice crystals.

"What kind of conditions can form such a domineering evil spirit, and it has condensed into ice cubes!" Yuan Futu exclaimed. These ice cubes are excellent materials for refining immortal weapons. They are extremely hard. The malevolent evil spirit can even erode the opponent's fairy weapon, even if it is contaminated with silk, the primordial spirit sea will freeze.

The world of earth and immortals is infinitely vast, and the treasures of heaven and earth are even more numerous, but Yuan Futu has no intention to mine these things at all, and he senses that the black dragon has sunk to the bottom.

It didn't take long, the sound of a river surging in his ears, Yuan Futu felt strange, but after exploring with his spiritual sense, he found that there was actually a dark river flowing at the bottom of the pit.

When he came closer, Yuan Futu discovered that the river water was in the color of ink, and the evil spirit of death inside was more intense.

After he was shocked, he gradually realized that the lair of the black giant dragon should occupy a precious place where evil spirits gather, and these evil spirits are all tempered by the souls of the dead.

Some dead cultivators or demons, their souls will not be completely wiped out, but this fierce place traps them inside like a cage, and tempers them into evil spirits. Over time, the ecology here will change. It has undergone earth-shaking changes, as if it is a real hell.

Yuan Futu felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, even if he performed the Forbidden Blood Explosion Technique, he felt as if his skeleton was about to freeze, the cold poison was raging and it was difficult to get rid of it.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, I must find Jinbao as soon as possible, and find a chance to take him away!"

Still thinking in my heart, suddenly there was a roar, a huge sound wave from far to near, I saw more than ten black shadows suddenly jumped out of the black river water, some of them were monsters, some were immortals, all wrapped in strong evil spirit, There was a bloody light in his eyes.


Yuan Futu was shocked, and released the flying sword to kill him, but the flying sword directly pierced through the shadow's body, without any effect.

"The evil spirits are all evil spirits!"

Those evil ghosts have stayed here for an unknown number of years, and when they appeared, they roared towards him with a fierce aura.

Yuan Futu only felt that the spirits were about to split apart, only then did he realize that they had no real body at all, they were all concrete spirits.

"Tiangang big handprint, break it for me!"

Dao's giant palm slapped away, and fought hard with the evil spirit. The huge force shook the lake of the soul, and the condensed power of the soul almost collapsed.

"Good guy! Every evil spirit has at least reached the level of a golden immortal!" Yuan Futu exclaimed in his heart.

However, under the attack of Tiangang's handprint, the evil ghost was directly blasted out, and the body of the soul began to disintegrate, which seemed to be a little weak in defense.

Fortunately, there were not many of them, and it was more than enough for Yuan Futu, who had reached the middle-level Gangxian, to deal with these ghosts, and they were dealt with in two or three.

But just when he was about to move on, a huge sound wave came from behind again, and Yuan Futu felt a terrifying and huge force surging in the black water.


Suddenly, a gigantic demon god with a height of hundreds of feet stood up from the river. Looking carefully, its body was actually composed of hundreds of ghosts, and its evil spirit was soaring to the sky.

At the same time, countless evil spirits rushed out of the black water, it seemed that Yuan Futu's fight just now had attracted their attention.

In the blink of an eye, there are at least thousands of ghosts here.

Yuan Futu's eyes widened, only then did he realize that he was in a dangerous place, and flew forward without even thinking, while behind him roared and shook the sky, and a ghostly army composed of countless evil ghosts rolled in, wanting to completely wipe him out. devour.

If they were to be chased by them, not to mention middle-level gang immortals, even Xuanxian-level spirits would be devoured. Yuan Futu didn't want to be planted among these guys and continued to accelerate.

"How could there be so many evil spirits? Could it be that this place used to be a place of murder, otherwise how could so many people die?" Yuan Futu couldn't figure it out, but the crisis was gradually approaching.

Ahead, a mass of black mist surged, and the mountain walls on both sides became narrower and narrower. After walking for a while, the front suddenly opened up, and a huge and ancient palace appeared. Stone pillars stood on both sides of the main hall, with carved The patterns of countless gods, demons, and Buddhas seem to be telling a story that started from chaos.

09 Standing in this black water, the hall has endured the erosion of endless years, and it looks a bit dilapidated, but it still has an indescribable majesty.

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