bully sword bully god

Chapter 833 Absolute Domain

The reason why Yuan Futu was unable to use it before was because he was unable to use the right method, and secondly, it would change the operation of the heavens after he used it, so that the imperial court of the fairy world would find out and chase him down. Therefore, he was always worried, and said: "The imperial court of the immortal world Will there be no problem?"

The patriarch Donghuang shook his head and said: "Before you used the power of the law, you only knew how to release it without restraining it, so that the change in the way of heaven affected the whole world. Now I will teach you these methods to fix the law in a limited area. Within the scope, it will not be noticed by anyone."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Futu asked suspiciously.

The Patriarch Donghuang solemnly said: "This is called the 'absolute domain' of the law."

While speaking, he waved his hand, and an invisible force spread out. Yuan Futu suddenly felt his breath stagnate, as if the time and space around him had stopped, and he couldn't move at all.

But the ancestor of Donghuang was very comfortable inside, saying: "The laws in the absolute domain are completely controlled by you, which is a self-ruled world. Anyone who steps into your world will be restricted by the laws, and the changes in the way of heaven are limited to In the field, it will not be scattered because of this."

Yuan Futu was shocked and said: "Is it really a complete master?"

The patriarch Donghuang smiled and said: "That depends on how strong you are and how deep your understanding of the law is. First of all, the scope of the absolute domain. With your current realm, it is estimated that you can reach ten feet." Heaven and earth, and the application of laws will also be restricted, at most it will slow down the flow of time and change the changes in space, but it is still too early to completely block time and space."

"It's only one zhang, isn't it too little?" Yuan Futu said depressingly.

The patriarch Donghuang's face darkened, "One foot of heaven and earth is enough for you to do a lot of things. The power of law is exerted by the force of the world. If you release it with all your strength, although time and space can be temporarily stopped, the range will also expand to tens of feet. It's a pity that this is a desperate blow, and it doesn't have much meaning in battle, but this absolute domain of ten feet can be maintained for a long time."

"If the law is cast by boundary forces, then how do you do it?" Yuan Futu said.

The patriarch Donghuang is just an illusory body imprinted with a soul, where there is no such thing as boundary force, he said: "This is the world of the primordial spirit, it is not real, I just use the law to change, it is also in the illusory, you It can only be used in the real world."

"Then how should I cultivate? If I am in the Great Thousand World, if I make a mistake, the way of heaven will change. Wouldn't it tell the imperial court of the fairy world where we are and where we are going?" Yuan Futu said with a frown.

The Patriarch Donghuang said: "You can master the mystery of the law here, but in actual combat, you must be foolproof and never expose it easily."

Yuan Futu thought it was not that simple, his face was gloomy as if water would drip out.

"Half a year, I think it should be enough. Now I will teach you how to use the law of space and time to build an absolute domain. You have to listen carefully. As for how far you can achieve it, it depends on your own good fortune." Eastern Emperor The ancestor said in a deep voice.

Yuan Futu said: "As long as I can have this absolute domain, then the power of my immortal law can form thousands of changes, and no one can get close to my ten-foot world, but is this effective for the soul?"

"Soul is thought, and thought must travel through the void before it can attack others and affect the other party's soul, so whether it is tangible or intangible, it will be restricted by laws." Donghuang Patriarch explained.

Yuan Futu felt relieved, nodded and said: "That's good, but before I start, I have something to do, and this is not a place where I can practice."

The Patriarch Donghuang nodded and said, "Let's go and explain the matter first. Since you have already made a decision in your heart, you don't need a mother-in-law. A man should make a decisive decision."

Yuan Futu withdrew his consciousness, called Boss Kong and others into the room, and told Wen Xiaoxiao's previous plan, and said: "What do you think?"

Li Maocai said, "Sounds good, but the biggest problem is her. If the words are not true, then our situation will be very dangerous."

Boss Kong nodded and said: "It's a little risky, but it's a way out, and it's not a good thing to have a relationship with the Tongtian Sect."

The big head also agrees with this.

Yuan Futu set his eyes on Immortal Su Su and said, "What do you think?"

Immortal Su Su's face was as deep as water, and he said calmly: "Since you will tell us this, you must have made a decision in your heart. I just want to know if you have any selfish intentions."

She always felt that Yuan Futu was a little too hasty in this regard, wishing to grow the Babu Futu into a powerful force that could compete with the Sin Immortal Seven Emperors in a few days, and there must be a reason for this.

Yuan Futu said in a deep voice: "I just want the Babu Buddha to grow as soon as possible."

Immortal Su Su said: "But there are more than 2000 people here. If you make a mistake in the realm of the first-class fairyland, the consequences will be unimaginable. I suggested going to the Land of Clouds and Desolation before. How to develop, the path you have chosen now is really risky, and the most important thing is, I don't trust that woman."

Yuan Futu said: "But she hid the halo brand for us, otherwise we would have been chased to death by the imperial court of the fairy world."

Kong Lin nodded and said: "She has no reason to harm us. In fact, the matter is not that complicated. Aside from being a predator to capture other evil forces, we only need to find that paradise. If she really Lie, we can also drive the ark to leave as soon as possible, and change the voyage to go to the land of the cloud."

The big head said: "If it is true, then we will proceed step by step according to her plan, and maybe in a few months, we will already have a large-scale army of evil immortals."

Immortal Su Su frowned slightly, looked at Yuan Futu, and said: "I have no opinion on this matter, the head of the department can make his own choice." After finishing speaking, he turned and left the room.

Li Maocai sighed and said, "Women, sometimes it's not easy to serve."

Kong Lin asked: "Then what should we do now, the destination needs to be decided in advance."

Yuan Futu pointed to the place marked on the map on the desktop, which was located on the edge of the Forbidden Land of Eclipse, and said, "Let's move towards this place."

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