bully sword bully god

Chapter 87: Chapter 87 The Perfect Killing Sword

"Oops, it's true!"

The moment the sword shadow approached, Yuan Futu felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end. He cast the Gale Seal without hesitation, and his whole body was taken ten feet away in an instant, and the place where he was standing was blasted with a bang. collapsed.

The Fearless Sword Intent suddenly spread out, covering the surroundings.

"Impossible. At that time, I felt the sword intent in the handwriting. It was not so powerful at all, and it would not form an attack effect. Could it be... the eye of reincarnation?"

Yuan Futu was extremely shocked. He didn't dare to imagine whether the power of the eye of reincarnation could really bring history back to reality. If it could, then this chaotic spirit treasure was definitely an existence against the sky. He finally understood why a spirit treasure would It is enough to change the luck of the entire imperial court.

The spreading sword intent gathered again, turned into a sword intent, and came roaring.

Yuan Futu sacrificed the Tianyuan sword, activated the profound wind and demon sickle in "Shenfeng Escape", and immediately countless wind blades spiraled around the Tianyuan sword and swept away at a high speed.

The two forces were on the verge of breaking out, continuously exploding incomparably powerful shock waves, which made Yuan Futu a little unsteady. He guessed that the strength of this kind of sword intent should have returned to the state when the first sword sect was engraved thousands of years ago through the eyes of reincarnation. , otherwise it would never be so tyrannical.

With a fierce blow, the sword shadow exuding fearless sword intent did not disappear, but instead flowed like a mighty river, flowing through a long rainbow. Yuan Futu deeply felt the power inside, and said in a deep voice: "Compared to the first suzerain, my brave sword It's not worth mentioning, but if you can simulate such a sword intent, it will be more than enough to deal with Pound's "Sword of Profound Sky"!"

While thinking in his heart, Yuan Futu also used the Tianxuan Sword Art, but instead of using the elemental force of the earth, he used the elemental force of fire!

On the blade edge of the Tianyuan Sword, strands of crimson flames began to diffuse, like a lump of red cloud, illuminating the night in front of the cliff, and the blazing high temperature evaporated the cold rainwater around into a dense white mist. The deposits wriggled and tumbled here.

The fearless sword intent is hidden in it, like a raging fire burning the sky and the earth, it is unstoppable!

Seeing the huge and hard attack, Yuan Futu stabbed with Tianyuan sword horizontally. The infinite fire light suddenly formed the shape of an electric drill in the front of the sword, but it was integrated into the effect of the front spin, and the power of breaking the defense was obviously gone. was played to the extreme.

"Break it for me!"

Yuan Futu who has reached the peak of Hunyuan, his innate power reserve of chaos is much higher than other practitioners of the same realm, and he has infinite confidence at this time.

With a bang, this huge sword shadow was pierced fiercely and became fragmented.

Yuan Futu's heart sank, and he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, when suddenly the second line of characters on the Xuanya wall became brighter again, and the squirming characters broke away, transforming into a strange sword shadow.

This sword shadow was very vague, its shape was erratic, and it didn't have the majestic sense of being fearless in the world like Yongjian, but it made Yuan Futu's heart twitch violently.

"Damn it, it's the sword of wisdom to level the world!"

This sword shadow suddenly struck, creating a large strangling space, and the dense cracks like spiders in the void could almost be seen with the naked eye.

Yuan Futu's jaw was tight, and he also used his wisdom sword. He knew that any tricks he used would be resolved by this sword shadow, so he simply used his wisdom sword to check and balance it.

The strangling space formed by the two sword intents was overwhelming, causing those raised rocks and centuries-old trees to be smashed into pieces.

"It's so powerful to strangle the space... Any force, any matter will be destroyed by the power in the space!" Yuan Futu was forced to back away, deeply aware that his wisdom sword was too weak, and also understood that with the current strength It is almost impossible for Realm to crack this wisdom sword, so he can only learn experience from the sword shadow in the fight to strengthen his own wisdom sword.

However, less than half an hour later, the sword shadow condensed with the sword intent of the wisdom sword disappeared by itself.

Yuan Futu looked puzzled, and looked at it with eyes of reincarnation, but found that after the wisdom sword disappeared, it was replaced by another kind of sword intent.

This kind of sword intent killing and decisiveness seems to contain a sky-high resentment, as if all living beings are worthy of killing for it, and everything in the world should be destroyed by it.

Yuan Futu had felt this kind of sword intent before. On the line of life and death that night, the shocking killing intent was released from Pang De's sword.

"Sky Profound Sword Art", kill the sword!

Yuan Futu took a deep breath. If Yongjian has a unique advantage in breaking defense, then Killing Sword can almost ignore defense, and its powerful power is absolutely incomparable to Yongjian.

I saw the third line on the sky cliff transformed into a fierce and slender sword shadow, from which the monstrous murderous intent shot out to cover the sky and block out the sun.

Yuan Futu turned pale with shock, and instantly opened his earth shield, the round khaki barrier was several inches thick, completely enveloping him, penetrating through every hole.


At the moment when the Earth Yuan Shield opened, the sword shadow had passed by his head, if it shifted by half an inch, the entire brain would be completely exploded, Yuan Futu looked at the fist-sized gap in front of him in astonishment , "This killing sword is more than several times stronger than Pound's, and the earth element shield doesn't work at all!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a chill down his spine, and a strong sense of crisis emerged spontaneously. Yuan Futu had no time to turn around, and directly activated the Gale Wind Seal, avoiding the second pursuit of Killing Sword.

The sword intent was bursting out, and the aura of hatred for everything and killing the world became stronger and stronger. It was like a ruthless cold-blooded beast, and killing was the only thing it had to do.

In an instant, the sword shadow struck again, making a deafening scream.

Yuan Futu has not yet reached the level of killing swords, so he can only unleash the power of the brave sword again. The blade edge of the Tianyuan sword forms a thick earth-yellow airflow with the covering of the earth element force.

Facing the murderous sword shadow, Yuan Futu had no choice but to use his most powerful sword.

"Ten times mysterious heavy sword!"

When he was cultivating in Tongtian Sword Pagoda, the strength of Yuan Futu's sword was only five or six hundred catties, but now the ten times the power of the mysterious heavy sword can be superimposed to nearly eight thousand catties.

There was a loud bang, and the sound of rolling thunder oscillated and dispersed in the void. Yuan Futu retreated like a defeated leaf in a strong wind, and the sword shadow was also fixed in the void, splitting a few strands at the tip of the sword. texture.

Yuan Futu who bumped into the cliff could only feel his blood churning, his throat was sweet, his eyes were full of astonishment, and he said: "This is the power of a perfect killing sword?!"

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