Taxue drove Qin Yang all the way for more than two hundred miles, and at the beginning of noon, he entered the Qinghe boundary of Julu County.If it wasn't for Qin Yang's injury on Taxue's body to force him to stop, Taxue would still be eager to try.

Although this Qinghe is not an important town, it is also a necessary place for the official road of the old Zhao Qi, so Qinghe became lively because of it, and there are various restaurants, teahouses and post houses everywhere.Qin Yang didn't take much effort to find a post house to rest. After ordering a waiter to take care of him, Qin Yang went up to the second floor by himself and found a seat by the window where he could see the official road. After coming down, I ordered a plate of stir-fried chicken, a plate of sauced beef, a plate of peanuts and a pot of old Zhao wine, and began to drink by myself.

Qin Yang estimated that the driver of the first emperor should be near Xiajin not far to the southeast.He rested in Qinghe to confirm his judgment and at the same time to obtain some useful information from other diners.This is a habit Qin Yang developed in another time and space. He would never ask questions unless he had to, especially in crowded places. "Too many words will lead to mistakes" is the principle that Qin Yang has always followed. He knows that if he speaks out, he will leave a memory on others.For a person with a special mission, this is quite dangerous, and he would not take such a risk.What's more, what others say unintentionally may be more true, so "listening" is one of the important ways for Qin Yang to obtain information. Many times in another time and space have proved that Qin Yang's choice is completely correct.

After noon, the sun in the sky became hotter and hotter, and more and more people entered the post house to rest.Qin Yang still poured himself as if no one else was around, as if the pot of wine would never be finished.

At this moment, two people came up from downstairs and sat directly beside Qin Yang.The two are full of travel and life, one is about forty years old, and the other is about [-] years old.The older man is of normal build, with a white and beardless face, and is amiable; the young man is tall and tall, about eight feet tall, with a dark face, tiger eyes like lightning, and eyebrows inserted into the hairline.

As soon as the two of them sat down, the young one immediately yelled out loudly: "Mate Dena, serve the good wine and food quickly!".The sound is like a bell, shocking the eardrums.The middle-aged man said softly, "Ji'er, when will you restrain your reckless temper? Are you afraid that no one will know you?".The young man was slightly taken aback, and immediately replied: "What Zhongfu said is true, Jier is reckless.".

Qin Yang, who was always paying attention to his surroundings, was moved in his heart, and thought to himself: "Ji'er? Father Zhong? Could it be that these two are the famous Xiang Yu and his second uncle Xiang Liang in history?".

Qin Yang is proficient in the ancient history of China, and the memories of Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang flooded out of his mind in an instant.He knew that Xiang Yu's role in the storm at the end of Qin Dynasty was extremely important.

In 223 BC (the 24th year of the First Emperor), Xiang Yu's grandfather, Xiang Yan, led a Chu army of more than 60 to a Qin army of 24 led by General King Qin to fight in Huaibei. Xiang Yan was defeated and committed suicide.After the fall of Chu State, the Xiang family was hunted down by the Qin army as the backbone of the Chu State's resistance to Qin. Xiang Yu's father Xiang Chao was killed by the Qin army, and his young grandfather Xiang Jin was torn apart by a car in his hometown of Wuzhong.So Xiang Yu went into exile with his uncle Xiang Liang to Wu County (now Suzhou, Jiangsu).Xiang Liang once asked someone to teach him calligraphy and poetry when he was young, but he got tired of it after a while; Later Liang asked someone to teach him martial arts, but he stopped learning after a while; Liang was furious!Ji said: "Studying literature is only about being able to remember names, learning martial arts is only about being able to use one to a hundred, and if you want to learn, you can learn the enemy of thousands of people!" So Liang taught him the art of war.But after learning for a while, he didn't want to learn anymore, so Liang had no choice but to follow him and leave him alone.With a height of more than eight feet ("Han Shu" records it as eight feet and two inches), he is capable of carrying a tripod (the origin of the term "overlord lifting a tripod"), and he is very powerful. When he was young, his ambition was extremely lofty.Once when Qin Shihuang was on a tour across the river (today's Qiantang River), Xiang Yu saw his majestic carriage and horses, and said to Xiang Liang, "He can replace him (I can replace him)." ), Chen Sheng and Wu Guang raised their arms in Daze Township and rose up (that is, the Daze Township Uprising). Xiang Yu followed his uncle Xiang Liang to assassinate the prefect Yin Tong in Wuzhong and raised his troops to respond. His unparalleled martial arts! The [-]-year-old Xiang Yu led the [-] Wuzhong (now Suzhou) anti-Qin army in this way, and stepped onto the stage of history.

After the Qin Dynasty was destroyed, Xiang Yu called himself the overlord of Western Chu, established his capital in Pengcheng (now Xuzhou, Jiangsu), and occupied the nine counties of Liang and Chu.In the winter of the second year, people killed King Huai.When the feudal lords rebelled, Tian Rong of Qi took the lead in raising troops, and Xiang Yu personally led his troops to attack Qi general Tian Rong and others.Then Liu Bang and the princes joined forces to advance eastward, and began the four-year "struggle between Chu and Han".Xiang Yu was good at raiding and fighting. He once led 3 elite troops from Qi to attack for more than a thousand miles. He defeated Liu Bang and the coalition forces of princes who had occupied Pengcheng, and almost captured Liu Bang alive.After that, he fought with the Han army for a long time, conquered Xingyang (now northeast of Xingyang, Henan Province) once, and captured Chenggao (northwest of Xingyang today) twice, forcing Liu Bang to flee in a hurry.However, because Xiang Yu was not good at planning and did not follow good strategies, he gradually lost his advantage and initiative.Finally at Gaixia (now southeast of Lingbi, Anhui), the decisive battle was lost and the encirclement broke out.Retreating to Wujiang (now Hexian County), because he had no face to see the elders in Jiangdong, he did not want to cross the river to escape. He dismounted and fought on foot, killing hundreds of Han soldiers, wounding more than 10 places, and finally committed suicide at the age of 31.

Xiang Yu's courage was superhuman, and he said to himself, "After more than [-] battles, the one who deserves to be defeated has never been defeated."Therefore, Xiang Yu is almost the incarnation of a hero in later generations, and later generations have many praises.The most representative one is Sima Qian's "Gaixia Ge": "Strengthen the mountain and the world is overwhelming, but the time is not good and the time is not dying. What is the time when the time is not dying, what is the reason for the time of death, what is the reason for the danger!".This is actually Sima Qian's exclamation left in Shiji to commemorate Xiang Yu.Sima Qian thought that Xiang Yu was a hero, but he was born at the wrong time.There is also a song by Li Qingzhao, "Being a hero in life, and a hero in death. I still think of Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong.".

But Xiang Yu is not the same thing in Qin Yang's eyes.Although Qin Yang admired Xiang Yu's heroism very much, he was very disdainful of Xiang Yu's actions against the Queen Qin.In Qin Yang's memory, Xiang Yu did at least seven things that both people and gods were angry with in just seven years, or "atrocities".

In the first month of 7 BC, Xiang Yu was ordered to lead his subordinates to attack Xiangcheng (now south of Xuchang, Henan), an important military place. After a hard fight, Xiangcheng was captured.In July 7 BC, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang were jointly ordered to attack Chengyang (now north of Qingdao, Shandong). After capturing Chengyang, they once again adopted the method of massacring the city to end the cleaning of the battlefield.Later, Xiang Yu killed more than [-] Qin soldiers after the Battle of Julu.

In "Historical Records. The Benji of Xiang Yu" ** records Xiang Yu's six massacres: the first Xiangcheng massacre, killing all civilians in the city.The second Chengyang massacre killed all the civilians in the city who assisted the Qin army in resisting.The third Xin'an massacre, the fourth Xianyang massacre, massacres of civilians in Guanzhong, mass burning, mass murder, mass looting, mass grave digging.In the fifth massacre of breaking Qi, the number of Tian Rong's surrender is unknown, the massacre was plundered and burned, and the Qi State was forced to return to the restored state.The sixth Waihuang massacre was finally given up because of a young man's self-interested remarks.The above-mentioned killings were all appalling massacres and surrenders after the victory.

After Xiang Yu entered the customs, he carried out a comprehensive cleansing of the descendants of the first emperor, and then burned Xianyang and Afang Palace, and dug the emperor's mausoleum. "Historical Records Xiang Yu's Benji" records Xiang Yu's entry into Qin Dynasty: "Xiang Yu led his troops to the west to slaughter Xianyang, and killed Qin's prince and infant; burned the Qin palace, and the fire lasted for three months; took his treasures and women, and went east.".

In other words, Xiang Yu's heroic halo is formed by the accumulation of thousands of innocent civilians, and his hands are covered with the blood of thousands of innocent civilians.The restoration forces at the end of the Qin Dynasty with Xiang Yu Group as the axis turned into crazy demons and launched a perverted revenge on the whole society. Compared with the civilization construction of the Qin Empire, its brutality was far different.Such atrocities of destruction made the short few years from the end of Qin Dynasty to the beginning of Han Dynasty a period of great destruction unique in Chinese history.As a direct result, the prosperous Qin Empire suddenly fell into a society of extreme poverty in which "people eat each other, and more than half of the dead" in five or six years.Even after more than 50 years since the founding of the Western Han Dynasty, it was still in severe depression and could not recover.

Such a murderous demon and destroyer, for Qin Yang, who takes saving the people of the world as his own responsibility, left only disgust and anger in his heart, which also doomed the fate of Qin Yang and Xiang Yu in this time and space. Opposition and conflict.But when they met by chance like today, he didn't know what Xiang Yu and Xiang Liang wanted to do when they came here at this time, so Qin Yang decided to listen to what they had to talk about.

Sure enough, when the food and drink were served, Xiang Yu's voice gradually became louder again.

Xiang Yu lowered his voice and said, "Father Zhong, the tyrant is so well guarded, but how should he do it?"

"Ji'er be careful with your words. You can eat and drink, so why talk so much?" Xiang Liang's voice was very low, but there was a hint of anger on his face.

Wanting to achieve something big but so fraught, even Qin Yang secretly shook his head this time.I thought to myself: "No wonder Xiang Yu was defeated by Liu Bang just a few years after Xiang Liang's death, and ended up committing suicide in Wujiang. Even Fan Zeng said that Lizi was not enough to plan, so it can be seen that Xiang Yu is just a martial artist .”

In just a few words, Qin Yang judged that Xiang Yu and the two were here to assassinate the first emperor.Because of the attempted assassination, there is no record in history.But this time Qin Yang came here to kill Zhao Gao, as long as they stopped plotting to assassinate the First Emperor, Qin Yang didn't want to cause trouble, and just watched the two of them silently.

In a moment, the two devoured their food in a hurry, and rode straight to the west without noticing the existence of Qin Yang next to them.

Seeing that the two were going west, Qin Yang must have given up his plan to assassinate the First Emperor, so he just watched Xiang Yu and the two go away.Although he silently thought about the two opponents he was about to face soon, he still drank his wine calmly...

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