those years of rebirth

Chapter 88 Relentless Killing

(Thank you for the rewards of the children's shoes...the update came late...sorry...but fortunately, today's task is completed...tomorrow it will be updated twice a day as usual...)

Er Ming just fell silent. At that moment just now, he was indeed thinking about how he would torture Wang Hengxiao severely next time, or just play to death all at once.

This child's childishness made him very afraid, and at this time he directly controlled his body by means of a magical method.If a few years, more than ten years later, I still have a way to survive?

Cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots has always been Er Mingang's motto in life.

At first, he thought about what Wang Hengxiao said to fool you, but when he heard Wang Hengxiao's words, he was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "I can swear that I will never embarrass you and your family again. As long as You let me go now, and I can promise to help you do one thing, anything."

There was a sly look in Ermingang's eyes.

"Hey, Team Er, you are very smart, you don't make things difficult for me, but you can send someone to make things difficult for me, is that what you think?"

Wang Hengxiao is so shrewd, such word games are everywhere in later generations: "Er Mingang, I can see that you are a conceited person, and even more so, you can't trust anyone except yourself. Would you believe your oath?"

"I will not kill you today!"

Er Minggang's face was really ugly. The two major humiliations he encountered in his life happened to him two days in a row. In reality, he was humiliated by being beaten by Lin Deshuang, and now he was beaten by a single punch in his eyes. The dead little kid was restrained, even his life was controlled!

What a disgrace is this?

If he had the ability at this time, he would turn around and slowly crush Wang Hengxiao to death, enjoying the pleasure of killing.

However, he knew that this was impossible!

This little kid was beyond his cognition.

The word monster came out of my heart!

Yes, it can only be described as evildoer.

For the first time in decades of my life, I felt a little fear in my heart. This is the fear of facing the unknown. When I was on a mission in Vietnam, I faced the elite team of the US Marine Corps alone without a trace of fear.

"I'm from the National Security Bureau. If you hurt me, Lin Deshuang will be in bad luck. You and your whole family will not end well."

Er Minggang gradually calmed down, and said slowly: "I know I was abrupt just now, I apologize. We will live in peace in the future, and I will not have any bad thoughts about you and your family. I will send someone to protect you them……"

"Perhaps you don't know, our family's strength in the capital, compared with Lin Deshuang and the Lin family, are very weak! If I die... think about the consequences."

Wang Hengxiao stretched out his hand slowly, and said lightly: "Er Mingang, you don't need to scare me, you are Manchu, I know. You Manchus ruled the land of China a hundred years ago, 200 years! It seems that you haven't done enough crimes... Do you want you to continue to be high-ranking? Let alone your family is huge, so what if you are the first family?"

One needle was inserted into Ermingang's tailbone, two, three, four...along the spine, silver needles were inserted into it, and surrounding acupuncture points.

Er Minggang's eyes slowly showed panic. He felt his body gradually weakened, blood began to flow slowly, the hematopoietic function of the spine was instantly lost, and the entire spine gradually lost consciousness. He hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up!" Come, come... come... Tatu, come in and kill him..."

A hoarse voice, a cry of panic from the heart spread out.

The people outside hurried in again.

Tatu, the tall, thin middle-aged man, is also a Manchu.

When he went in just now, Tatu noticed Ermingang's abnormality, and he had been guarding the door after he came out. At this time, he entered the door for the first time, and happened to see a small figure jumping out of the only small window , while Er Minggang stood in the middle of the room, motionless.

Tatu's heart skipped a beat, and with a bad premonition, he hurried forward and said, "Captain Er, what happened? That brat ran away?"

The muscles on Er Minggang's face twitched, and the muscles all over his body twitched. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak. He could only make ahhhh sounds. Struggling, wanting to break free from some kind of shackles, but it is difficult to succeed, in exchange for more piercing pain.


Finally, the too forced movement of qi and blood finally caused a backlash, a stream of blood spat out from Er Mingang's throat, and his whole body fell straight backward.

"Er team...Er team..."

Tatu was stunned. Erming had just turned into this before his eyes. Even though he fell to the ground and passed out, he could still see the muscles on his body twitching and shrinking!


This was the feeling in Tatu's heart, and he immediately felt dry mouthed, and hurriedly shouted: "Come on, call the doctor! Go to some people and chase that brat back... He killed Team Er... Can't Let him run away... If you don't catch up, go to the brick factory below... You can run away from the monk, but you can't run away from the temple... His family is right there... If you can't catch anyone, kill his whole family..."

Tatu said that he was Ermingang's team members and subordinates, but in fact they were like retainers and servants.Of course, in the eyes of the Manchus, they are slaves. It is said that the ancestors of Tatu’s family were Han Chinese, but they were slaves of the Ermingang family in the Qing Dynasty, and it has continued to this day. In order to cater to the preferences of the Manchus, they changed their names. I hope to completely become a Manchu, like an aristocrat, but it is a pity that nearly ten generations have passed, and I am still a slave.

Boom boom boom boom......

A few people came in and saw Er Minggang's miserable situation, they were also stunned, they hurriedly carried Er Minggang's body into the car, and went to find a doctor, but here in the countryside, they don't know what kind of doctor there is. I can go to Lin Deshuang now, and Tatu knows that Lin Deshuang came from the capital this time, and there is also the famous imperial doctor Mr. Zhang, who only asks Mr. Zhang to take action, which should be able to save Er Mingang.

Several other people hurriedly chased after Wang Hengxiao's figure. Here in the wilderness, running alone there, they could see clearly, and the three hurriedly chased after him.

Wang Hengxiao saw the car driving towards the brigade in a hurry, followed by three burly figures, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought: I don't want to provoke right and wrong, but you guys insist on provoking me, I can only do it once solve.

In front was an orchard, and Wang Hengxiao's small figure was extremely agile. After a few jumps and moves, he entered the orchard and disappeared.The three people hurriedly chased them in, checked the traces on the ground, and found that there were no traces on the ground, and the only possibility was that they had climbed a tree.

"Search separately for one person and one area, and meet at the west end!"

The three of them quickly decided on a countermeasure, hurriedly separated, and swept towards the west from three directions. Basically, there would be no missed areas. If Wang Hengxiao was still inside, they would definitely find them.

Wang Hengxiao was indeed still inside at this time, sitting on a branch of a mulberry tree. This mulberry tree was quite old and had so many branches that it was covered in a radius of 40 meters. The thickness of an adult's hug.At this time, there is no sangzi yet, there is only a little bit of greenery, and there are no leaves. It is indeed impossible to hide a person on it.

And Wang Hengxiao also plans to hide here, he is waiting!

He could guess that the three people on the other side would definitely search separately, and he was waiting for the unlucky guy who got into this area, or the first unlucky person.

Sure enough, in less than 2 minutes, a person quickly chased after him. Wang Hengxiao recognized that this was one of the three people who had just caught up. He quickly got down from the tree and hid behind the trunk, waiting for the person to pass by. !


There was a sound of a dead branch being trampled, and just a little distance from the trunk, Wang Hengxiao quickly jumped out from behind the tree, threw out his hands one after another, and a dozen silver needles flew out!

This man obviously didn't have the skill and consciousness like Er Mingang, although he reacted very quickly, but the silver needle had already arrived in front of his eyes.

Twice chi chi, like the crisp sound of two eggs being smashed!Two silver needles went straight into his eyes!


A scream!

Although the man was miserable, he didn't panic, he jumped up and rushed towards the position of Wang Hengxiao he saw just now, his fists were very powerful.It can be seen that this person is also a master of dark energy, his muscles are knotted, and his energy will burst out when he moves casually.


Wang Hengxiao had already moved his position, and a wooden stick in his hand hit him directly from behind.

Hearing the sound of the wind, the man turned around to block it, raised his fist to block it, and punched him straight in front of him!It is the Paoquan in the serious Xingyiquan.

His eyes were already dripping with blood.

Wang Hengxiao secretly admired these people in his heart, they are indeed masters of national security who have gone through the test of life and death!

But the hands are more fierce, the more so, as an enemy, the more he will be wiped out.

The long stick suddenly changed its move halfway, the vertical chop turned into a straight stab, stabbing at the man's throat!But he was quickly grabbed by him, twisted quickly, and with a click, the wooden stick as thick as an arm was twisted into sawdust.

Wang Hengxiao hurriedly retreated!

This person's strength is not weaker than the previous six sons.


Hearing Wang Hengxiao's position again, the man snarled and rushed forward again!

However, this time he was out of luck!

He jumped up and hit a tree trunk directly. With a bang, he was thrown backwards and landed on the ground with a plop.

Wang Hengxiao chuckled, this was calculated by him, a head-sized stone also fell from the tree trunk, and hit the man's stomach with a bang.


Another scream!

Wang Hengxiao knew that time was running out, and the two screams before and after had already attracted the attention of the other two people, and they must be rushing over at this time.

When the next step was to jump up, at the moment when the person was dizzy, a small palm cut across his throat, with a crisp cracking sound, the bones of his throat were shredded, and his blood-filled eyes suddenly became huge. His whole body was trembling, and his throat let out a low growl.

Wang Hengxiao knew that this person was bound to die, so he hurriedly pulled off his silver needle from his body, and then ran away.

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