those years of rebirth

Chapter 97 The Chinese Superman

(Thank you for your support, thank you for the rewards of kimo children's shoes and baby children's shoes...thank you for the monthly ticket support of Xiangcheng children's shoes and Mietian children's shoes...tomorrow will be three more...) When Jack called the car, he walked into the team first In the middle, he suddenly saw a group of people not far in front of him, among them were the Chinese people he met when he was attacked before, and immediately knew that the other party was going to intercept him and others.

"Quick... Speed ​​up and rush over..."

Jack yelled at the team members driving.

"Boss, it's already the fastest. This is a truck, and the fastest speed is only so fast..."

The team members who drove were very helpless, thinking that it would be great if they were in the United States. Even in the countryside, they can find cars everywhere, which is convenient for escape, with fast speed and small targets.

China cannot be compared with the United States.

Buzzing... The accelerators of the two cars have been stepped on to the maximum, and they rushed directly across the national road.

The faces of Lin Deshuang and the others changed slightly, and Liu Changan next to him said in a low voice: "Board Lin, your junior brother is in the second car, the first car is filled with food and water, and the second car is full of people. "

Linde nodded and said, "Go and drive our car over to block the road."

A team member quickly left to drive.

However, Mr. Zhang said in a deep voice: "It's too late, wait for you to hurry up and watch me!"

Saying that, Mr. Zhang jumped onto the road directly, the first car sped past him quickly, and the second car came quickly!

In the eyes of everyone, Mr. Zhang let out a low shout, and his thin body suddenly swelled. He grew three to four centimeters taller, and his circumference became four to five centimeters thicker. From a thin old man to a burly man.


Amidst the loud shouts, Mr. Zhang suddenly pushed out his palms and pushed them directly on the front of the second car!

Boom... With a loud noise, the green iron sheet on the front of the car was deeply dented, the whole front of the car was tilted up, and one wheel lifted off the ground. It could no longer keep going straight and hit the side of the road. go up.

Mr. Zhang was also knocked back ten steps by the huge counter-shock force, and a series of deep footprints were left on the ground, even on the asphalt road, there were several footprints one centimeter deep!

Everyone was stunned. Lin Deshuang had never seen Mr. Zhang show such power. However, as the leader, he reacted the fastest, waved his hand hurriedly, and shouted: "Quick, rescue the hostages!"

Liu Zi and Huang Feng rushed out first, followed by Liu Laoniu!

The Dongfeng car hit a tree stump by the side of the road and turned to one side. The whole front of the car was flattened into shapeless shape. The driver was a big man with dark skin. His face was covered in blood, and he passed out. , Seeing that it is impossible to survive.

Da da da da... A burst of gunshots suddenly sounded from the hanging bucket behind the car, sweeping towards the outside.

"Get down..."

Lin Deshuang hurriedly yelled, and a dozen people hurriedly lay down on the ground, and the sound of bullets hitting the ground was beeping, and two team members were kicked back by the stray bullets, and they were shot while lying down.

"Forest Bureau, I'm going!"

Huang Feng said something in a low voice, and climbed up with both hands and feet, at an extremely fast speed, and reached the rear of the car in a few blinks of an eye.Liu Zi and Liu Laoniu also hurried over!

Inside the car!

But it is another scene!

There were more than a dozen people lying in disorder in the car, as well as more than a dozen guns, and several boxes of bullets!But the master was nowhere to be seen, Huang Feng and the six sons hurriedly searched for it, but there was still no one. Seeing that the big opening on the roof of the carriage over there was cut by a sharp weapon, they instantly knew that someone had run away, and they ran away with the master.

"Ju Lin, the master is not here, they ran away! Hurry up..."

Huang Feng jumped out from the big hole on the top, and immediately saw several black shadows running quickly in the woods dozens of meters away, and hurriedly chased after them, Liu Zi and Liu Laoniu were not slow at all.

"Grandpa Zhang, you old man, go back and rest, and leave the rest to me!"

Lin Deshuang hurriedly appease Mr. Zhang. This old man's anger is not something ordinary people can bear.

Mr. Zhang circulated his qi and blood, and the qi and blood in his body calmed down. Just now, almost all his strength exploded, and a speeding truck was abruptly pushed down. All the Western Bureau players present could see clearly. Cast an admiring look.

Warriors only admire the stronger ones.

Mr. Zhang nodded and said, "Hurry up and save little brother Wang!"

Lin Deshuang promised: "Even if I die today, I will rescue my junior brother."

Whew... The truck pulling food in front stopped, apparently just realized what was going on behind it, the four figures running over from the side of the road hurriedly jumped on it!

Wang Hengxiao was hugged by Claude's waist, holding a pistol against Wang Hengxiao's chest all the time, and would shoot if there was any abnormality!That's why Wang Hengxiao couldn't move, otherwise it would have been absolutely easy to escape just now while taking advantage of the chaos.Claude and Nien were very wary of Wang Hengxiao because they had seen the terror of Wang Hengxiao.

There were more than a dozen people in the car behind, only Jack, Claude, Nin, and Crete ran out!It was still the four of them, and Wang Hengxiao, the hostage.

The four of them hurriedly got away and ran to the car in front. The car quickly started again and sped out.

The four sat and looked at each other, but no one spoke!

All four of them saw clearly just now, under the headlights, an old man with white beard used his palms to overturn their car, the car was galloping at the fastest speed!

In fact, the four still don't believe what they saw, even though they saw it with their own eyes.


Nien opened his mouth and said, "Boss, we..."

Jack seemed to wake up suddenly, stared at Wang Hengxiao, and said in a deep voice, "They don't seem to care about the safety of this kid. Who is that old man? Is he a Chinese superman?"

Crete walked ancient tombs all over the world, saw the magical places of various nations and civilizations, and heard many legends, but what I saw today was also the most incredible.

"Jack, that's probably what those Chinese said, their martial arts masters... I was wrong, I shouldn't have come to China."

Crete sighed and said, "I'm the one who made you suffer."

When I came to China this time, some of Crete’s friends persuaded him not to come.

But he insisted on his belief. He has traveled all over the world, and only China is left. If he does not come once, he will leave regrets.

At this time, the regret is gone, but the lives of many brothers who have cooperated with Russia for many years have been left behind.It's not even certain whether he can leave alive.

When the four people were sighing, Wang Hengxiao remained silent all the time, and his body's perception closely followed the cold muzzle on his chest. At this moment, Claude seemed to relax.

Ka... Wang Hengxiao suddenly moved!

The elbow hit the elbow of Claude's arm holding the gun, and Claude's reflex suddenly jumped, his whole arm trembled, and the pistol fell to the ground!

Then, Wang Hengxiao's body broke free from Claude's arm, turned around, and blocked Claude in front of him. On the opposite side, three black guns pointed at Claude. Of course, they He wanted to target Wang Hengxiao!

Jack, Nin, and Crete all responded extremely quickly, but they were still a little slower than Wang Hengxiao.

"Three gentlemen, are you going to kill your companions?"

Wang Hengxiao's voice was deliberately low, but no matter how low the child's voice was, it seemed a little cute and ridiculous.

Nien swallowed his saliva, and said in a deep voice: "Little rascal, you let Claude go, we promise not to kill you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, stop!"

Wang Hengxiao shouted directly.

Jack said in a deep voice: "It's impossible to stop the car, even if you kill him, it's impossible. However, if you kill him, you will die yourself."

"Boss, someone is blocking the road's our car, damn it, Wright and the others have been arrested!"

The driving mercenary shouted loudly.

A hundred meters ahead, a black car could be seen blocking the middle of the road, blocking the two-lane national road, and he recognized that car very clearly, it was guarded by another group of them and fled tool, waiting at the intersection on the west side.Now that the car is here, the fate of those companions can also be imagined.

Jack turned his head and took a look, and said in a deep voice: "Stop the car over there, tell them, we have hostages, let us go, and release the hostages! Crete, you can speak Chinese, go and speak!"

The hostage is naturally Wang Hengxiao!

Wang Hengxiao pushed Claude, who was pinched on the back of his neck by his own little hand, in displeasure, and said in a deep voice, "Hey, gentlemen, I have a hostage too!"

Jack glanced at Wang Hengxiao, and said bluntly, "Then you kill him."

Wang Hengxiao was at a loss for words. It was very simple to kill Claude. Crush the bones of the back of his neck in his hand, and then shatter the back of his head. Claude in his hand would die instantly.However, he will also directly face three guns!

There was a stalemate for a while.

The car stopped in front of the car blocking the road ahead.

A dozen people suddenly appeared around, all of whom had ambushed here early. Lin Deshuang and Liu Zi drove over from behind, and when the Dongfeng truck stopped, they also chased after them and stopped not far away.

"We have a hostage, let us leave so that he will be safe!"

Crete was behind the carriage and shouted to Lin Deshuang and the others who were chasing up: "If we can't leave, we will kill him."

A beam of light shines from inside the carriage, printing a small figure of Wang Hengxiao and Claude who is kneeling and controlled by Wang Hengxiao.

Jack didn't care about Claude in Wang Hengxiao's hand, and pointed a pistol at Wang Hengxiao's head directly, and said in a deep voice, "Now, get out of the car with me, or I'll blow your head off!"

Jack really doesn't care about Claude's death. In such a dangerous situation, it is the best principle to ensure that the most people get out safely!Claude broke free from Wang Hengxiao's grasp in a hurry, he knew that Wang Hengxiao didn't dare to attack him.

Because, he knew that this kid didn't want to die!

"I can guarantee that you will be unlucky."

Wang Hengxiao said something and jumped out of the car.

Jack, Nin, Claude, and Critter all jumped off, as did the driver driving ahead.

Jack looked at the military jeep that Lin Deshuang and the others were driving, his eyes were shining, and he said in a low voice: "Of course we will be unlucky, because we are mercenaries, but you can't see that day, kid! Wait a minute if I'm really safe If you leave, I will spare your life if I am in a good mood, but if I am in a bad mood, you will die!"

After finishing speaking, Jack yelled at Lin Deshuang: "Give us your car!"

He could see that the other party still cared about this brat, and no snipers in the dark dared to shoot.

(To be continued)

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