Leng Rong's heart was throbbing with pain at this moment, he lay down on the table, clenched his fists tightly, just as Bai Yue came in, she was shocked when she saw him like this, and ran over quickly. 【y】

"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you, Brother Feng? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" She helped him up and panicked when she saw him now. It's impossible, there won't be such pain.

"Yue'er, my heart hurts so much, it feels like a knife is stabbing it, and it seems like something is missing, I don't know why!" He covered his heart, dripping cold sweat, white Yue couldn't believe it when he saw him like this, especially when he saw his tears.

"Brother Feng, are you crying? It can't be like this. The poison has been cured, so you won't have such symptoms!" She grabbed Leng Rong's hand and felt his pulse. There was indeed nothing abnormal, but why? He will cry out in pain.

Even Leng Yan himself didn't expect that he was crying?It's not like he couldn't feel the coolness on his face. The pain in his heart gradually faded away, until finally he felt nothing at all.

Pain, either overwhelmingly painful, or bland, with no feeling at all.

And he, from the pain that turned the world upside down to feeling nothing at all, what a contrast did he go through?He slumped on the chair, bloodless, and his heartbeat seemed to return to normal. It seemed that what happened just now hadn't happened. Bai Yue was relieved to see him calm down.

"How's it going?"

"Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." He calmed down, and slowly opened his eyes, Bai Yue sighed, "You scared me to death, but luckily nothing happened."

"En." He nodded, as usual, "You've only been superficial for a few days, and the emperor will approve some memorials in the court for you, Brother Feng, you've done a good job."

He smiled coldly, okay?On the surface, he picked up the memorial, "How about the others?"

"You mean the princes?"

Leng Yan nodded, and Bai Yue continued, "Brother Yifeng has already arranged people in various mansions, the prince will naturally not be happy, and besides, he is also panicked now, and he dare not even step out of the palace. I'm afraid you will be bad for him."

"He doesn't need to talk about it. It's okay to ignore that trash." Leng Yu's current crown prince will not be guaranteed sooner or later. Why should he be afraid of a trash who can only bully the weak and fear the hard?Now it's just to keep his dog's life for the time being.

"Okay, except for the fourth prince, I don't know what he wants to do. The fifth prince is the same as usual, but Brother Feng, in my opinion, they are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although the fifth prince always seems to be indifferent to the world, but after all It’s always better to be on guard if you have ulterior motives.”

"I understand that, is there anything else?"

"No, the last thing I want to say is that Zixi is gone. I know you won't give up, and we won't either, but sometimes, don't work too hard. After all, if something happens to you, she won't give up." It won't be easy." There was too much involvement between them.

"I know, let's get out!" Bai Yue nodded, he was the only one left in the study, his hand slowly covered the position of his heart, "Zi Hao, if I hurt, will you hurt too, or You're in pain right now so I don't feel anything left?

If our hearts are really integrated, then it's great, I can know your mood, whether it hurts or not!


For several days, Le Zizhen refused to see anyone except Hong Chen and Yi Nong, and even Yin Mojue didn't see her anymore. For the first few days, she leaned on the bed every day, looked outside, her eyes were a little dull, I don't know what she is watching, neither happy nor sad, and I haven't said a word in the past few days.

She does what others tell her to do, and she is very cooperative. In fact, this situation should be considered good. She doesn't cry or make trouble, which saves a lot of worry, but the more she behaves, the more people watching Feeling more and more distressed about her appearance, Hong Chen asked Yi Nong when she would recover.

The doctor and farmer always shook his head, fiddled with herbs, and said earnestly, "Girl Hongchen, there is a transition time for everything. Losing a child is already a big blow to her. It is much better than others. Let her be alone." Let's think about it." After all, this hurdle is only for her.

"But it's been so long, if she doesn't talk, won't she suffocate herself?"

"You have to ask her about this. Take it easy. She doesn't speak, and no one can help her. Well, I have to go and talk to that kid Mojue about the situation. Miss Le doesn't want to see him. bugs me all day."

Hong Chen nodded, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It's okay, it's okay, no matter what, she's still my half-disciple!" He walked out with a smile, Hongchen turned into the room, and found that she had gotten up and was sitting by the window, seeing Hongchen come in Yes, she twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Hong Chen..." She hadn't spoken for several days, her voice was much hoarse and softer, but she was already fine, at least she no longer closed herself off!

"How's it going? Is there anything wrong?"

She shook her head, she is fine now, fine, "I'm fine, I'm sorry for worrying you these days."

"Okay, don't talk about this, as long as you are doing well, it's better than anything!" She also smiled, at this time Xiao Diao ran in from the door, slipped into Hong Chen's arms, and rubbed , and then her eyes kept staring at Le Zizhen, and she also stared at it intently.

Finally, she burst out laughing, Xiao Diao whimpered a few times, rubbing against Hong Chen's arms more and more, Hong Chen looked at it, "Ran'er, so you have learned how to make people happy?"

The little mink squeaked a few times, seemed to be very proud, no matter what, finally after so many days, Le Zixi smiled, this little thing also has merit.

Le Zizhen looked at the little thing, "Is it called Ran'er?"

Hongchen nodded, and touched the little guy's head. It moved wildly, and jumped on Le Zixuan again. She was startled, and touched its head, "It's so cute, this little guy is spiritual .”

Who knew that just after she finished saying this sentence, Xiao Diao actually gave her a 'smile', she was happy again, it's nice to have a pet, "Hongchen, I want to tell you something."

"Say it, if only I can."

"I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to go to the place where Yi Nong lives and learn something." Her previous plan was to take advantage of her pregnancy to read more books, but now that the child is gone, she can only find some interesting things for herself. Meaningful things, staying here is too depressing, and she doesn't like it.

"it is good."

Le Zizhen nodded, she should have figured it out, if it is gone, it is gone, why should you feel sorry for yourself?It's just that she really wanted to say sorry to the child who was less than one month old. It was her carelessness, and she was punished.

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