The young man surnamed Long's eyes fell on Wu Aotian, he exclaimed in surprise: "Wu Aotian, if I remember correctly, your meridians should have shrunk in two places, so you can't practice body strengthening formula?"

Without waiting for Wu Aotian to answer, the man surnamed Long showed a puzzled expression again: "But you are full of energy and your muscles are full of luster and elasticity, so what's going on?"

Wu Aotian looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes were somewhat strange. According to the memory in his mind, this man was called Long Shouhe, and he was the vice president of Songyun City Appraisal Office. Although he was just a commoner, he was a True spiritual practitioners!

Every time Guiyun Temple sets up a laboratory, it will be equipped with a principal, a deputy, and two spiritual practitioners as the principal and vice president of the laboratory. In a certain area, there is also a district chief who is in charge. It is divided into twelve districts, and twelve district chiefs manage the appraisal office of the entire Guiyun Kingdom, and they will be directly responsible to Guiyun Palace.

For ordinary people, spiritual practitioners are extremely admirable existences, not only because of their admirable strength and status, but also because of their longevity.

Spiritual cultivators have aura in their bodies, and aura will transform the human body to a great extent, thereby greatly improving people's physical fitness and life expectancy. Ordinary practitioners generally have sixty The lifespan between the age of one hundred and one hundred years old is regarded as healthy and long-lived, but the lifespan of spiritual practitioners is several times, even dozens of times that of ordinary people!

Even the lowest-level spiritual practitioners, that is, the entry-level spiritual apprentices of spiritual practitioners, usually have a lifespan of about [-] years, which is three or four times that of ordinary people. It will also be extended indefinitely. It is rumored that spiritual practitioners who have cultivated to the limit can already live the same life as heaven and earth, and the years are immortal.

Long Shouhe was very puzzled, because Wu Aotian was inspected by himself at the beginning, on the premise of not hindering the fairness of the inspection result, he naturally didn't mind selling the Wu family's face, and he, the vice president, personally inspected it, and found that Wu Aotian had two The atrophy of the meridians makes it impossible to practice for life.

But Wu Aotian in front of him looks quite strange, he doesn't look like a cultivator at all, but his blood vessels are unobstructed, and he doesn't look like his meridians have shrunk at all, what's going on, could it be that his own inspection was wrong?

If it is true that my original inspection was wrong, it would be a great damage to the reputation of the laboratory, and it would also be my negligence in my work.

Just when Long Shouhe was puzzled, Wu Aotian smiled lightly and said: "Vice President Long really has a good memory, but I had a little adventure this year, I swallowed a strange wild fungus, and then my two The atrophied meridian will be repaired automatically..."

The strange fruit is of course a non-existent thing, it is pure nonsense, Wu Aotian said this, just to give a reason for Long Shouhe to believe.

Long Shouhe's eyes lit up, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "You swallowed a strange wild fungus, and your meridians automatically repaired? It seems that your luck is not bad, to have such an adventure... What kind of wild mushrooms are there?"

Wu Aotian continued to talk nonsense: "Golden yellow, about the size of a fist, with a delicate fragrance, it grows on the root of a dead tree..."

Long Shouhe looked expectantly: "Do you remember that place?"

Wu Aotian shook his head and said: "I can't remember the exact location, it's on the Black Forest Mountain, I went to look for it later, but I didn't find anything again."

Long Shouhe let out a little disappointment. According to Wu Aotian's description, it is obvious that the wild fungus is an elixir with strange effects. If it can be used to refine elixir or take it by himself, it will definitely help his practice.

"Since your meridian has been repaired, you will definitely be able to practice the body strengthening formula. However, as a necessary procedure, this time, an appraisal is still required. Well, I will personally test it for you."

Hearing the conversation between Wu Aotian and Long Shouhe, the three families next to him reacted differently. The father and son of the Wu family looked at each other, and the eyes of both of them were a little strange. They naturally knew that what Wu Aotian said must be a lie. Where did he go to the Black Forest Mountain? What kind of wild fungus did you find, but Wu Aotian said that he had an adventure, and the two of them took it as an excuse that he didn't want to reveal the real adventure, so naturally they wouldn't say it.

The faces of Wan Chengshan and Qi Tiancheng changed because of this conversation. Qi Tiancheng is fine, although he acted as this dishonorable intermediary and witness this time, after all, it is not a direct conflict with the Wu family, but Wan Chengshan is miserable. Well, this time with great fanfare and force to come to the door, it cost a lot of money to invite the Qi family as a middleman, and now it is even more difficult to fight, so how can you not be disappointed?

What's more, after going through this incident, the relationship between the Wu family and the Wan family has become even more incompatible. I am afraid that the Wu family will retaliate against the Wan family after recovering from this incident. He is not a person who can be bullied by others. If it is not because of the strong support of the iron law of the empire this time, Wan Chengshan really does not want to take this step.

Feeling the uneasiness of Wan Chengshan and Qi Tiancheng, Wu Aotian turned his head to look at them, with a mocking smile on his lips.

Sensing Wu Aotian's gaze, Wan Chengshan seemed less confident, and the more he felt that he seemed to have fallen into the trap of this kid from the Wu family from the very beginning...

Under the leadership of Long Shouhe, Wu Aotian and his group came to the compound behind the appraisal office. Although the gatehouse of the appraisal office is not spacious, the appraisal courtyard is very spacious, and there are various facilities on site. These are used to identify the level of practitioners.

Long Shouhe stopped, turned his head to look at Wu Aotian, and asked gently: "Are you ready, do you need to rest first?"

Wu Aotian shook his head, smiled and said: "No need, let's start now."

Long Shouhe nodded, and didn't say any more, he led Wu Aotian towards the field, stopped in front of a strange-looking stone, pointed at the stone and said: "Use your full strength to attack this stone, you won't If you hurt your hand, don't worry."

Wu Aotian nodded to express his understanding, and didn't speak, he stood in front of the stone that looked quite flat but gave a rather soft feeling, raised his fist, and punched it hard.

The surrounding Wu Houde, Wu Lingfeng, Wanchengshan and Qi Tiancheng stared at the stone with wide eyes. They all passed this test at the beginning, so they naturally know the magical effect of this stone.

People who practice the body strengthening formula will greatly improve their physical fitness, and their strength will be much stronger than that of non-practitioners. After reaching a certain strength, the stone will have a slight depression and faint light. pass sign.

Everyone practiced the body strengthening formula. Naturally, no one expected that Wu Aotian, a traverser, would appear in this world, and he was also a strange person who directly tempered his body with aura. Although he did not practice the body strengthening formula, his physical quality was better than that of practicing the body strengthening formula. is much stronger.

One punch landed, cleanly.

Wu Aotian didn't feel any pain, instead he felt as if his fist had hit a sponge, visible to the naked eye, the stone was dented for a moment, but a slight light was blooming on the whole stone .

Although I knew that Wu Aotian would definitely pass the examination, when the passing light came on, Wu Houde and Wu Lingfeng couldn't help but cheered in a low voice at the same time. But they all went dark at the same time, and the loss was palpable, especially on Wan Chengshan's face.

"Ah, it's light, it's really light!"

"Hey, the third young master of the martial arts family can really practice the art of strengthening the body. It's really lucky."

"This is a big embarrassment for the Wan family. Last time Wan Qing was punched by Wu Aotian and several ribs were broken. It seems that there is a reason."

"I'm afraid the Wu family will not let it go this time. There will be a good show to watch."


Those idlers who followed from a distance to watch the fun, looked at Wu Aotian's test results, and whispered to each other behind them in amazement, the whispers of discussion reached the ears of everyone in front, and Wan Chengshan became even more angry from embarrassment He turned his head and gave the group of people a hard look.

The discussion suddenly became quieter, but it didn't stop. It's just that no one dared to speak loudly. After all, the Dewan family is a noble in Songyun City, so there's no need to offend him just to watch the excitement.

Long Shouhe, who was staring at the test stone, also had bright eyes, and said with a soft smile, "You can really practice the formula of strengthening your body, do you want to continue to test what state you have reached now?"

Wu Aotian hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, I will continue."

Long Shouhe nodded, and looked sideways at Wanchengshan who looked disappointed, and Qi Tiancheng who was pretending to be calm, with a faint smile on his face, but the meaning of this smile seemed to be a little deep.

Following behind Long Shouhe, he walked towards the inside again. At this time, everyone in the appraisal field had noticed the strangeness here. The Wu family, the Wan family and the Qi family were all prominent figures in Songyun City. These people Naturally they all know each other, seeing Wu Aotian and these people all showed the same look of surprise, after all Songyun City is not too big, the news that the third young master of the Wu family is a useless person, everyone in the city knows.

Under the gaze of all kinds of eyes, Long Shouhe stopped in front of a huge stone lock, turned his head to look at Wu Aotian and said: "This stone lock weighs one hundred kilograms, you only need to lift it up for five breaths , if your arms and legs don’t tremble, you’ll be considered as having passed the second-level assessment.”

After a slight pause, Long Shouhe stared at Wu Aotian and said, "Although it's just a simple weightlifting, it can test the appraiser's muscles, strength, coordination and other aspects..."

Wu Aotian nodded, walked slowly to the stone lock weighing one hundred kilograms, bent down slightly, held the stone lock with both hands, stood with his feet apart, after grasping the center of gravity, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and suddenly lifted his hands Twitch, the [-]kg stone lock suddenly left the ground under Wu Aotian's strong force, and it was instantly higher than the top of the head. Wu Aotian suddenly straightened his hands to support the stone lock.

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