Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 16 Suspended Death

Standing on the periphery of the crowd, Wu Aotian looked in through the gaps in the crowd, but saw a man sitting on the ground with a desperate expression surrounded by a large circle of people, holding a woman tightly in his arms.

The man looked about 30 years old, with an unshaven beard, a pair of slightly narrow eyes, he didn't look very attractive, but Wu Aotian could feel a sense of danger in this man.

Lying quietly in his arms was a beautiful woman with her eyes tightly closed, motionless, she seemed to be dead.

The man's attention was all focused on the woman in his arms, and he gently stretched out his hand to caress the woman's cheek, as if in a daze, turning a blind eye to the surrounding onlookers. Obviously, the woman lying in his arms was his very important person.

"Hey, it's so pitiful that he died at such a young age."

"That man is probably her husband. He looks very sad..."

"It's really scary to say it. Just now I saw the two of them talking and laughing, and that woman suddenly fell down like this..."


Listening to the whispers of the surrounding crowd, Wu Aotian frowned, although he didn't understand why this woman died in this busy market, but Wu Aotian was not ready to watch any more.

The moment Wu Aotian turned his head, his eyes suddenly froze.

The woman's finger... seemed to move?

Wu Aotian gave up the idea of ​​leaving, frowned slightly and stared at the woman's hand again, after about three seconds, the slender fingers really moved again.

This movement was very slight, just a slight tremor at the tip of the fingers, only a slight movement, even the man who was holding the woman didn't feel it.

This woman is not dead!

At least... not dead yet!

The man obviously thought that the woman was dead, and didn't notice all of this at all. Should I remind him?

Let me remind you, after all, it is a human life.

Thinking of this, Wu Aotian couldn't help but said: "Brother, don't be sad, she doesn't seem to be dead yet."

The man suddenly raised his head, his long and narrow eyes suddenly shot out the sharp gaze like a falcon, and fell directly on Wu Aotian's face behind the crowd: "What did you say, you said she is not dead yet?"

The crowd disperses and walks away, exposing Wu Aotian who was originally standing behind the crowd, all of them looked sideways at Wu Aotian, each with astonished eyes.

Facing the man's sharp gaze, Wu Aotian's face was calm and his eyes were calm: "Yes, I just saw her fingertips tremble slightly, I reckoned that she should be in a state of suspended animation, but in fact she hasn't The real death, if the rescue is timely, maybe it can be saved.”

The man's face suddenly changed dramatically, as if a person on the verge of drowning suddenly breathed fresh air, his original sad and despairing eyes suddenly disappeared, replaced by an almost burning longing.

"Since you know so well, do you have the ability to save her?"

The man didn't check the woman in his arms again right away. He had checked just now, her heart stopped beating and her breathing stopped. He was sure of this. The nearest medical center is still some distance away. The hospital also takes a lot of time. How long can a person last without breathing or heartbeat?

What's more, even if he sent the person to the hospital, he didn't believe that the doctors in those ordinary hospitals could rescue the person. Although the young man in front of him was young, he spoke clearly. Although he didn't use a very sure tone, he could Hearing his confidence in his own judgment, since he can know so clearly, is he capable of saving people?

In just a split second, the man has already thought everything through very clearly. Maybe his woman can survive, it depends on whether the talking boy has a way.

Wu Aotian was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that this man would throw the problem on himself instead of reminding him...

"I'm not a doctor, and I'm not sure..."

Before Wu Aotian finished speaking, the man had already gently let go of the woman in his arms, and in a flash, he came to Wu Aotian's side and grabbed Wu Aotian's arm.

"You do it, no matter what the result is, I owe you a favor."

The man's words were clean and neat, and a powerful force came out from the man's arm, bringing Wu Aotian's body to the woman's side in an instant.

Wu Aotian didn't expect this man to be so decisive, although the man's way was a bit rude, but Wu Aotian could feel the anxiety, hope and sincerity in his words.

"Okay, I'll take a look, but I still want to reiterate that I'm not a doctor, so I can't promise you anything."

Seeing that Wu Aotian agreed to make a move, the man's eyes became more hopeful, and after nodding heavily, he let go of Wu Aotian's arm.

Wu Aotian sighed in his heart, this is really rushing the ducks to the shelves, although Wu Aotian is more than [-]% sure that the woman is currently in a state of suspended animation, but after all, there are many reasons for the suspended animation. From what a passer-by said just now, this woman clearly Still chatting and laughing with this man, but suddenly fell down, could it be some kind of sudden illness?

Since the other party has said that no matter what, you don't blame yourself, then try your best.

Wu Aotian squatted down, first rolled the woman's eyelids, looked at her pupils, touched her carotid artery, and confirmed his judgment, the woman's pupils did not dilate, although the carotid artery could not be felt, but Wu Aotian is even more sure that this woman is still alive.

His hands clasped together, pressing on the woman's heart, the tentacles were soft, but Wu Aotian didn't get distracted at all, staring at the woman's face with a serious expression, after setting the position, both hands pressed down suddenly.

When the people around saw Wu Aotian's hand on the woman's chest, there was a murmur of discussion. The man frowned slightly, but he didn't speak, because he could see that Wu Aotian's hand was in the right position. It's placed in the heart, not intentionally frivolous.

"Is that okay, isn't it inappropriate for him to touch other people's breasts like this?"

"He is also trying to save people, you are too impure."

"Hey, who knows, maybe he sees that she looks pretty..."

The man suddenly turned his head, his long and narrow eyes showed an extremely dangerous look, and he shouted in a low voice: "Shut up!"

The man's voice was not loud, but he carried a sense of majesty. Although the people around him were upset by his reprimand, they did not dare to retaliate. They closed their mouths tightly, for fear that the man would vent his anger again. Anyone who is not blind can tell that this man is impatient, and this man is not a good person at first glance.

The crowd of onlookers did not disperse, they still stared at the busy Wu Aotian, they didn't understand why Wu Aotian would say that the woman who was obviously dead was not dead yet, they naturally wanted to see if he had the ability to really rescue her ?

If he can't be rescued, this seemingly dangerous man will attack Wu Aotian?

People were paying attention silently, guessing the final result one after another, and from time to time there were a few teasing eye contact between familiar people. Obviously, no one was optimistic that Wu Aotian would really be able to save him.

After squeezing it several times, Wu Aotian frowned even tighter, because he found that the woman's heart didn't seem to resume its beating because of his squeezing.

Without a pause, Wu Aotian spread out his left hand, placed it on the woman's heart, clenched his fist with his right hand, and beat down forcefully.

After several punches, Wu Aotian stopped his movements and observed the woman's situation again, but the result remained the same, such a powerful impact still did not make the woman's heart beat again.

Wu Aotian was a little frustrated, it seemed that he could not save this woman.

The man has been staring closely at Wu Aotian's movements, although he doesn't know the meaning of Wu Aotian's movements, but he can also see that Wu Aotian's movements are not random, but purposeful, but the result does not seem to be not ideal.

Is it really impossible to save him?

The man's complexion became a little ugly, and the anticipation in his eyes disappeared bit by bit, as if he was about to enter that distraught state again.

The people next to him looked at Wu Aotian's frowning, and the woman who didn't move, some were disappointed, some looked mocking, gloating, they looked at Wu Aotian who was slowly straightening up, waiting for him to confess himself s failure.

Wu Aotian stood up straight, saw that the man was about to speak, but suddenly his heart moved, and he remembered one thing, that is, he practiced internal force in his previous life. In such a situation, he can use the internal force to directly rush into the opponent's heart to stimulate the heart, help The principle of the heart resuming beating is similar to the electric shock in the operating room. I have no internal strength now, but isn't there still such a trace of spiritual energy in my body?

The spiritual energy seems to have a great repairing effect on the human body. I wonder if it can stimulate the heart and make it beat again?

Wu Aotian swallowed back what he was about to say, squatted down again, once again found the position of the heart, pointed the palm of his hand at the heart, and then immersed himself in the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron, and quickly borrowed the amount Very little aura.

Swimming this wisp of aura slowly to the center of the palm, the moment it reached the palm, Wu Aotian pressed down violently, using that momentary movement to forcibly send the wisp of aura into the woman's body, Entered the woman's heart position.

Once, twice, three times...

Although it was only a tiny bit of aura, even hard to detect, there was bean-sized sweat on Wu Aotian's forehead, and when Wu Aotian was concentrating on saving people, the eyes of the man who had been staring at Wu Aotian suddenly changed , became full of surprise and shock.

After repeated several times, Wu Aotian suddenly stopped his hands, with two smiles on his face, because he suddenly felt the woman's heartbeat, although it was very weak, but he could indeed feel it.

This smile is full of relieved excitement, and the jade-like white face with a few drops of sweat is so charming under the sunshine.


The third watch, roar, ask for a red ticket.

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