Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 208 Conquering Earth Fire

Wu Aotian smiled wryly and said: "Maybe, I don't know at the moment, it's the first time I heard this spiritual weapon talk today, it shocked me a lot, but it's okay, at least we don't have to die."

Liu Ruxue also breathed a sigh of relief, who would want to die if she could not die?

"What's the situation now?"

Wu Aotian immersed himself in observing the situation inside the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, and found that the fire in the center of the earth has been slowly attracted to the silently burning spiritual flame of the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron.

Wu Aotian said to the flame of spiritual energy in his heart, that is, the cauldron spirit of the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron: "How do you deal with the fire in the center of the earth?"

Ding Lingqiu of the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron smiled, and said proudly: "I am still very fragile now, and it is difficult for me to subdue such a powerful existence like the fire in the center of the earth, but now it is very fragile. , but I can completely subdue it."

"Conquer?" Wu Aotian asked with some doubts: "How to subdue?"

Qiu Hehe smiled and said: "Take it in, just take it for your own use, this kind of spirit body that has evolved a soul is very rare, I want to erase its mind, and then turn it into a puppet , for my drive."


Wu Aotian asked curiously, obviously he didn't know much about the puppet Qiu mentioned.

As Qiu spoke, he continued to attract and pull the fire in the center of the earth. The flame seemed extremely calm, but behind this calmness, it gave off a feeling of violent storm. It feels like this.

In the eyes of the fire in the center of the earth, this quietly burning flame is like a demon, eating away its own life step by step.

"Let me go, as long as you let me go, I can promise you anything."

The fire in the center of the earth yelled frantically, it never thought that it would face the day of being swallowed by others because it was good at devouring itself, because it clearly knew the horror of devouring, so the fire in the center of the earth actually ignored everything and only wanted to still alive.

Qiu seemed to think about it for a while, and asked Wu Aotian back, "What do you think?"

Wu Aotian pondered for a while, but he didn't rush to answer Qiu's question. Instead, he asked another question: "I'm curious now, what kind of relationship is there between me and you? The Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron still exists in my mind , will it bring some new changes because of your awakening?"

Qiu Hehe smiled, his voice sounded like a young man in his twenties, he would not give people frivolous, but he gave people a kind of relaxed with strong confidence: "You don't have to worry, since the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron I chose you, as long as you are not dead, you are the host of the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron. In time, the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron will fly out of your mind, as a means of attack..."

Wu Aotian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Qiu De's explanation. In fact, he was not too worried about whether the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron would leave him, but he was more worried that something bad would happen to his host.

"What about my relationship with you, friend, master and slave?"

Qiu haha ​​laughed and said: "In a sense, the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron exists dependent on you. Only you can have the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron. If you die, the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron will also disappear. However, from the perspective of our relationship, we are equal, because I can choose to help you, or I can choose not to help you, just like the fire from the earth attacked you just now, I can choose to stand by and watch..."

Wu Aotian smiled and said: "Then why don't you stand by and watch, wait for me to be burned to ashes, and then we all disappear together to finish playing..."

Qiu didn't deny Wu Aotian's statement, but just laughed and said: "So, if we want to be angry, it is to let everyone finish the game together, so it is best for us to work together..."

Wu Aotian smiled slightly, and asked in his heart: "You have great power and can help me, I already knew this, but why did you wake up and speak until now?"

Qiu hummed: "Even with your current strength, it's not enough for me to wake up. If you didn't encounter the danger of dying this time, I wouldn't show up."

Wu Aotian just smiled lightly and said: "I've exhausted all my abilities, I can't help it, I can't beat this fire in the center of the earth, if you don't make a move, we are all over now, by the way, you just said how to deal with this Fire in the center of the earth, is there any choice?"

Qiu said without hesitation: "There is a choice. The first is to erase its mind and leave only its body for me to drive. Naturally, it can also be driven by you. You can drive it to fight. What you use yourself is much stronger. The second is to retain its mind, but its strength will be damaged a lot due to some control of it, and then it needs a recovery process. For the time being, its power will be much smaller, but in the long run Come to see, it is very worthwhile..."

Wu Aotian asked with some joy: "If you keep its sanity, can you still control it?"

Qiu replied affirmatively: "Of course, if you can't control it, then it will all run away."

Wu Aotian thought for a while and asked: "Then what is your suggestion?"

Qiu thought for a while and said, "The fire in the center of the earth has already been greatly traumatized by your bombardment. If its sanity is erased, then its strength will be damaged again, and its strength will be reduced in the future. The recovery will be extremely slow, I suggest to keep its sanity, even if the recovery is slower, but I can absorb the spiritual energy to help it recover, this speed should not be too slow, as long as it takes a while, the effect will be seen."

After listening to Qiu De's explanation, Wu Aotian also felt that it is a better choice to keep the sanity of the fire in the center of the earth: "Then keep the sanity, won't it be stronger in the future, that is better, the enemies we are facing now are getting stronger and stronger .”

"Okay, let's do it like this, but to preserve its sanity, I need to consume a lot of spiritual energy. Originally, your strength is still very weak, and I barely wake up, and I barely support and subdue this fire in the center of the earth. After that, I will definitely fall into a coma, but you will be able to directly control the fire in the center of the earth at that time, and let it stay in the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron, and absorb the spiritual energy from my body to restore its fighting power."

"As for you, you need to constantly absorb spiritual energy through various channels to replenish the spiritual energy in my body. This will also restore the fighting power of the fire in the center of the earth as quickly as possible, and wake me up again as soon as possible. It is estimated that after you enter the Heavenly Spirit Powerhouse, you will be able to use the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron to fight, and your combat effectiveness will be greatly improved by then."

Wu Aotian nodded happily: "Okay, I will absorb as much aura as possible to fill what you need, but if you want to get more aura, you have to wait for my strength to rise again, otherwise you will be unable to reach a certain level. Take it again."

Qiu said with a smile: "It may have been like this before, but for the time being, you don't have to worry about it. The aura needed for the fire in the center of the earth has a lot of levels, so you suck it desperately. The more you suck, the more it will recover." The faster you go, the stronger your fighting power will be."

The dialogue between Wu Aotian and Qiu was carried out consciously, and the fire in the center of the earth watched itself being gradually sucked into the quietly burning flame, and felt even more anxious. At this moment, Qiu's voice sounded again.

"I can keep your sanity, but I have to use some means to allow me to control you. If you are sensible, you should obediently give up resistance. Otherwise, your sanity will be completely wiped out. What will happen to the result? Guess I don't need any more explanation."

Hearing Qiu's words, the fire in the center of the earth begged quickly: "Okay, as long as I can preserve my sanity and my life, you can ask me to do anything."

Qiu sneered and said: "Don't think that you will pass the test safely, keep your sanity, your strength will drop again, but it doesn't matter, you can absorb spiritual energy from my body to recover, but you will be killed by my host, that is, Controlled by Wu Aotian who you want to kill, and driven by him in the future, can you do it?"

The fire in the center of the earth did not expect that such a fate was waiting for him, but now, he has no more choices, and he can only take one step at a time.

"Okay, you can do whatever you say."

"Give up your current resistance and open your heart. I want to plant an indelible spiritual imprint in your heart. This is also a necessary means to control you!"

The heart of fire in the heart of the earth is very regretful. It knows this spiritual imprint. It is an extremely powerful secret technique. The person who is cast with the spiritual imprint will not be able to disobey the order of the person in the spiritual imprint for the rest of his life, even if he is let go. death without hesitation.

The whirling flame of aura instantly sucked the earth-centered fire that had given up its resistance into it, and then began to rotate continuously. The earth-centered fire felt a person's image appear in its soul very quickly, this The image was the boy who was the descendant of Yeluzong that he wanted to kill just now.

Thinking that I will be driven by others in the future, the heart of fire in the heart of the earth is full of infinite regret. If I knew this earlier, why would I have to chase them down? Wouldn't it be better to let them escape?

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the transformation of the fire of the earth's core by the flame of spiritual energy has been completely completed. After Qiu gave some instructions to Wu Aotian, he quietly fell into silence, apparently fell into dormancy again.

After going through many hardships, the fire in the center of the earth has turned into a seemingly insignificant flame, which seems to have no lethality, but Wu Aotian is not in a hurry, he knows that as long as there is enough spiritual energy, the fire in the center of the earth will He quickly recovered, and the most important thing was that the fire in the center of the earth actually obeyed his own drive from now on.

This is really great news that cannot be bigger.

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