Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 227 Tianxin Palace

"Fei Zong, I heard that you have been waiting for me for several months, but what is the urgent matter?"

The person who spoke had black hair and looked like he was in his 40s, but in fact his actual age was already in his 80s.

This person is Zheng Yunhe, a son of the Zheng family who Zheng Feizong has been waiting for for help.

Zheng Yunhe is quite talented, even higher than Zheng Feizong. More importantly, Zheng Yunhe is very well-known in the Zheng family.

Zheng Feizong didn't think that Zheng Yunhe alone could help him solve the problem. Although he was a little stronger than himself, Zheng Feizong also knew that as long as Zheng Yunhe agreed to help him, then this problem would not be a problem.

Liu Ruxue, Yan Mo, Wu Aotian, plus that mysterious fireball, at most four Heavenly Spirit First Stage powerhouses, Zheng Yunhe himself is already a Heavenly Spirit Second Stage powerhouse, just add one or two Zheng family disciples, then It was enough to kill all these people.

Although the relationship between the two of them was quite good when they were young, and they had occasional contacts when they grew up, but at this time when Zheng Feizong asked for help, his attitude was quite respectful and docile. These days, everything is based on strength.

Sensing the aura fluctuations on Zheng Yunhe's body, Zheng Feizong looked enviously: "Brother Yunhe, your strength is getting stronger and stronger, I'm afraid you are about to break through the third level?"

Zheng Yunhe smiled lightly, and his expression was not much complacent, but rather distressed: "There is no breakthrough, although I have learned a lot in this retreat, but I am still stuck at the bottleneck of the second level... I don't know Can you break through in this lifetime?"

Zheng Feizong naturally gave some consolation: "Don't worry about Yunhe, there is still a lot of time and life is still long, and I will definitely break through."

Zheng Yunhe chuckled, and looked at Zheng Feizong with enlightened eyes: "Stop talking about me, Feizong, what trouble have you encountered?"

Being told by Zheng Yunhe, Zheng Feizong was embarrassed for a while, but he had to admit: "Brother Yunhe guessed right, I did encounter a lot of trouble. My Jin Yunzong provoked a few enemies and was almost wiped out. Now I have forced all my disciples to hide..."

Zheng Yunhe let out a oh, Zheng Yunhe naturally didn't pay much attention to Zheng Feizong's Jin Yunzong, but he also knew that Zheng Feizong's Jin Yunzong was also famous in the Tiannan Empire, but now he was being wiped out by others, so he couldn't help feeling a little bit Asked curiously: "Who did you provoke, what kind of life and death enmity?"

Since Zheng Feizong wanted to ask Zheng Yunhe to take action, he naturally had no way to hide it, otherwise even if he got through this difficulty, he would inevitably plant the seeds of discord because of his concealment in the future.

Although it was a bit embarrassing, Zheng Feizong still detailed how his grandson Zheng Deyun had a conflict with Wu Aotian and others, then the conflict intensified in the martial arts meeting, and finally he led people to be strangled but was strangled instead.

Zheng Yunhe's eyes showed a bit of surprise: "You mean, when they clashed, they didn't even reach the land spirit?"

Zheng Feizong nodded in frustration and said: "Those people are like a group of evildoers, not only the disciple of the old man Xuantian has advanced rapidly, but Wu Aotian is even more strange, not only has the phantom formation, but also can resist a sky spirit with the strength of a high-level earth spirit The attack of the strong, the strong earth spirit of the same level confronts him, he can completely kill the opponent in one move..."

Zheng Yunhe's eyes lit up, and he immediately became very interested in Wu Aotian, not only because of Wu Aotian's phantom array, but also because of the secret technique that uses the strength of a high-level earth spirit to resist the sky spirit. This must be a special secret technique or a piece of magic. What kind of treasure can have a huge boost to spiritual practitioners, if I can get that treasure, and then have a maze...

Thinking of this, Zheng Yunhe's heart couldn't help but feel hot, and his eyes became a little hotter.

Zheng Feizong is an old man, looking into Zheng Yunhe's eyes, he knew what was on his mind, pretending not to know, and said: "This kid is very strange, if you catch him, you must ask him for his secrets. It can also drive an extremely powerful fireball, I don’t know how it was made..."

Zheng Yunhe thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll help you with this matter, where are they now?"

Zheng Feizong's eyes showed a bit of shame: "I don't know now, but Wu Aotian seems to have some way to absorb spiritual energy. Along the way, several places in the Tiannan Empire that are rich in spiritual energy have been completely absorbed by him. I don't know. Why can he consume so much spiritual energy? His friends also practiced with him, and it is estimated that they have gained a lot of benefits..."

Seeing the dissatisfaction in Zheng Yunhe's eyes, Zheng Feizong quickly added: "However, when I left, I ordered the disciples to pay attention to their news. Now they are very famous people in the Tiannan Empire, and they are easy to be discovered. of……"

Zheng Yunhe frowned, looked at Zheng Feizong, but couldn't help asking: "This is a matter of life and death, why don't you go to your father?"

Zheng Feizong's eyes flashed a bit complicated, and finally shook his head: "I don't want to find him."

Zheng Yunhe looked into Zheng Feizong's eyes, seemed to understand what he was thinking, nodded and said: "Okay, then I will help you solve this matter, it's just the first level of the four heavenly spirits."

Hearing that Zheng Yunhe finally promised, Zheng Feizong couldn't help being happy, but he still said with a bit of trepidation: "Brother Yunhe, those people are quite secretive, and their strength is very good. Brother Yunhe, are you going to deal with them alone? ?”

Zheng Yunhe thought for a while and said: "Since you said that, I will call a friend of mine. He is not from the Zheng family, but his strength is similar to mine. The two of us should be enough to deal with the four of them."

Zheng Feizong silently calculated, this Zheng Yunhe is already a figure at the peak of the second level of Tianling, two peaks of the second level of Tianling, plus himself, it is estimated that there will be no problem with a ** first level of Tianling, He nodded immediately: "Brother Yunhe is in charge of everything."

"Then Feizong, you will live here first, and at the same time let your disciples from Tiannan pay close attention to their movements. Once you find their whereabouts, keep an eye on them and come here to report to us at the same time."

Zheng Feizong still brought three people with him this time, nodded and said: "Okay, just do as Brother Yunhe said."


After a rather long journey, Wu Aotian and his party finally arrived at Tianxin Palace, the sacred place of Longxiang Great Empire.

Looking at the continuous mountains and the huge palace standing on the mountains, Wu Aotian couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The Great Empire really is the Great Empire. At the beginning when I stood at the gate of the Sky Eagle Sect and looked at the main peak palace surrounded by the nine peaks, I was already greatly shocked, but now I saw the layout of the Tianxin Palace. It was a real shock.

The building of Tianxin Palace may not be much taller than the building of Tianying Sect, but this Tianxin Palace is built on a continuous mountain range, and every mountain in that mountain range is an extremely tall and dangerous peak, straight into the sky.

The continuous mountain peaks do not know how many territories they span. On these mountain peaks, there are one or a piece of buildings dotted with one another, and the entire mountain range is extremely rich in aura. Some peaks are faintly flickering with light, which should be the reaction of the formation.

One word, big.

Two words, very big.

Wu Aotian and others found the biggest mountain peak in the room, this mountain peak covers an area of ​​at least tens of miles, the upper half of the mountain peak directly inserted into the sky, it is unknown how high it is.

Wu Aotian and others flew over like this, but found that there were three huge characters on the huge cliff.

Tianxin Palace.

Each of these three characters is at least a hundred feet in size, and each stroke is like a sharp sword, full of awe-inspiring power.

These three characters fell into the cliff so deeply that people could see them from a distance.

Looking at the three large characters spanning hundreds of feet, Wu Aotian was horrified, how the characters were engraved on them, presumably it should be written by a very strong man who used a spiritual weapon as a pen to forcefully wave it in mid-air .

There is a faint light flashing on the three big characters, and the three big characters are not exposed to wind and rain. One can tell at a glance that these three big characters are also covered by formations to prevent these three big characters from being corrupted by the years.

Feeling shocked, Wu Aotian rode on the back of the Balrog and flew towards the high mountain together. On a huge square made of white jade, a group of people landed straight down.

There were quite a few people in Baiyu Square originally, and these people were also dressed differently, so it could be seen that they belonged to different sects, and some men and women in white robes were greeting these people.

Wu Aotian's eyes fell on the sect logo on the chests of these men and women in white robes, but he found that it was a pattern like a wintersweet, Wu Aotian was slightly taken aback, because he had seen this pattern before.

Back then in Dragon Soul Sect, Wu Aotian once saw a woman in Tsing Yi, that woman in Tsing Yi had such a symbol on her chest, could it be that woman in Tsing Yi was from Tianxin Palace?

Thinking of this, Wu Ao Tianxin couldn't help but be surprised, Longxiang Great Empire, Guiyun Kingdom, Tianxin Palace, Dragon Soul Sect, these two existences with such a huge difference, there is actually a connection?

The woman in Tsing Yi had helped her elder brother Wu Lingfeng that day, otherwise, Wu Lingfeng would have died in the mouth of the monster. Later, the woman in Tsing Yi gave Wu Aotian some pills. Although looking back now, those pills are not considered valuable, but for To me at that time, it was incomparably precious.

It's just that I don't know what the status of that woman in Tsing Yi is in Tianxin Palace, is it an ordinary disciple?

A few talents fell, which already attracted the attention of many people, but Wu Aotian and the others were not wearing any school logos, and more people focused their attention on the one-horned Kuimo riding on Wu Aotian.

The one-horned monster is a very powerful mutated monster. When it becomes an adult, its strength may not be inferior to that of Tianling Dzogchen. Moreover, this one-horned monster is very rare and unruly, but this one-horned monster has been taken by people. Riding on the head as a mount, everyone speculated about Wu Aotian and others for a while, even the disciples of Tianxin Palace cast curious and envious eyes.


There are at least three chapters today, and this is the first update.

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