Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 23 Moonlit Assassination

The three fathers and sons of the Wu family and the Wu family got together, and when they heard Wu Aotian talk about the tavern, Wu Houde pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "It's okay, the dumb Wan family will suffer, they can't find a reason to use this matter to deal with us Yes, even if you really want to take revenge, you have to find other reasons."

Wu Lingfeng laughed excitedly and said: "Haha, then Wan Qing was beaten with blood all over his face this time, and even his nose was knocked down. I'm afraid he will be ashamed to see others in the future."

Wu Aotian was thinking about the matter that he was going to continue to deal with Wanqing, hesitating whether to tell the two of them, after all, this is not a trivial matter, but Wu Aotian was also worried that he would be blocked by Wu Houde after he said it, and this matter is something he must to do.

Not only for the Wu family, but also for the dead Wu Aotian.

Occupying Wu Aotian's body, he can do many things for the Wu family, he can play the role of a son, he can play the younger brother, but for the dead Wu Aotian, killing Wan Qing is the only thing he can do for him.

After a little hesitation, Wu Aotian decided not to talk about this matter for the time being, but to do it in private, relying on his own experience and skills, it is absolutely certain to kill Wan Qing.

Wu Aotian's guess did not come to nothing, Wan Qing stayed at home for two days, and couldn't stay any longer, sneaked to his concubine's place to spend the night, but contrary to Wu Aotian's prediction, Wan Qing unexpectedly Unexpectedly, he brought a guard, and he didn't know if it was because of this incident, which made him a little scared.

Wu Aotian didn't change his plan because of this, although after this incident, perhaps his two guards would guess that this incident was done by Wu Aotian, or that it was related to him, but Wu Aotian was not worried, because they were very concerned about the Wu family. He is very loyal, otherwise he would not have been sent by Wu Houde to follow him to protect him.

Even if they know, I'm afraid they will only be secretly excited and happy.

In the middle of the night, Wu Aotian sat up suddenly from the bed, quietly lifted the quilt, inside was a black night clothes that had been put on long ago, after covering his face with a black scarf, Wu Aotian quietly left himself residence.

There are no strong people in Wufu, Wu Aotian's cultivation can basically be regarded as top-notch in Wufu, and Wu Aotian's defense force distribution is very clear, so when Wu Aotian quietly left Wufu, there was no one. startle anyone.

Looking at the gloomy sky, Wu Aotian's eyes showed a bit of satisfaction, the sky is not bright, it is suitable for him to hide his figure, it is a typical murderous night when the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Wu Aotian quietly walked towards the south of Songyun City, which is a relatively remote area of ​​Songyun City, Wan Qing's concubine lives in a quiet small house in the south of the city.

Wu Aotian carefully and cautiously observed back and forth, and finally, with the help of the shadows of various buildings, he came to Wanqing's concubine's hut quietly and safely.

The lights in the room had been turned off, it was dark, it seemed that Wan Qing and his concubine had already rested, Wu Aotian quietly climbed into the originally low wall.

Just when Wu Aotian climbed into the wall, another black figure appeared silently in the night. This black figure was tall and his face was also covered with a black scarf. Only a pair of eagle-like eyes were exposed outside. With a cold and sharp light.

The black shadow quietly disappeared into the darkness, looking at the back of Wu Aotian who turned into the garden, his eyes revealed a bit of surprise, as if he did not expect to meet a fellow Taoist here.

Wu Aotian held his breath, and approached the room quietly. According to the structure of the house, Wan Qing and that concubine must have slept in the main house, and the two or three rooms outside must be where the servants lived. Qing's guards also slept in it.

There were not many people living in this house originally, including Wan Qing's concubine, there were only three people in total, and the two maids were there to serve her in daily life. Now with Wan Qing and the other two, there are a total of five people living in the whole house.

If you want to enter the inner room and kill Wanqing, you have to go through the room where the servants live outside. If you sneak in first, you may be stopped after you do it. It seems that you have to kill the guard brought by Wanqing first.

Taking out a dagger, Wu Aotian quietly pried open the door, the guard was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, he didn't expect that the god of death was approaching him step by step.

The Yanhuang special police are the trump card of the elite, and these sneaking things are too childish for them. They can infiltrate more high-tech defenses silently, let alone the most primitive door, let alone the most primitive room door. It was Wu Aotian, the most powerful Yanhuang Special Police, who did it.

Standing silently at the head of the bed, Wu Aotian put away the dagger, and quietly stretched both hands towards the guard's neck. At the moment when Wu Aotian's hand was close to the guard's neck, perhaps it was the shadow of death that made his heart tremble. Feeling alert, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Wu Aotian didn't panic at all, he stretched out his hands like lightning, twisted his neck neatly.

The almost inaudible sound of neck breaking sounded in the darkness, but it didn't alarm anyone. Before the guard could even see what was standing in front of him, his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness forever.

Wu Aotian withdrew his hand, left the room quietly, and went to the inner room of the house. Wu Aotian didn't go to the room where the two maids live. Firstly, he didn't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Secondly, these two women are very powerful. Low, it is impossible to stop him from escaping.

Wu Aotian quietly entered the inner bedroom again, on the large bed, Wan Qing was lying on the bed wearing a pair of shorts, and his concubine was lying in his arms, barely naked, most of her body was exposed, at least Wu Aotian could With the help of the faint light from the room, I can see the round and tall breasts on the right side of the woman.

Wu Aotian sneered, "If you die under the peony flower, even being a ghost is flirtatious, and you will not die unjustly."

Wu Aotian stretched out his hand, and there were already two flying knives in his hands. This kind of flying knives are not special, but can be bought in any blacksmith shop, and he is not afraid of being traced afterwards.

Wu Aotian groped towards the bed and was only halfway there. Wan Qing's eyebrows on the bed moved, and his eyes were about to open. Obviously, he had noticed something strange. After all, Wan Qing was still at the fifth level, and Wu Aotian could only But it's about one level higher than him.

Wu Aotian's eyes were fixed on Wan Qing's eyes on the bed all the time, watching Wan Qing's eyes move, he knew that he had been found, with a shake of his right hand, two throwing knives flew out of the air like lightning.

One flew to Wanqing's throat, and the other flew to Wanqing's heart.

Wan Qing reacted unexpectedly quickly, grabbed the woman lying on top of him, pushed towards him, and the two throwing knives sank into the woman's body without stopping.

Wu Aotian was not surprised at all, he rushed over in a hurry, and punched Wan Qing's head, the fist was windy and powerful.

Wan Qing was suddenly attacked in his sleep, so his reaction was naturally not as fast as usual, not to mention Wu Aotian's attack was like a strong wind, without giving anyone a chance to breathe, Wan Qing didn't even have time to call out.

Dodging hastily, Wu Aotian's punch hit Wan Qing's shoulder, there was a click, and the sound of shoulder bones breaking, Wan Qing held back the severe pain, his body bounced up like a grasshopper, and his kick would not hit him. The body of the completely dead woman kicked towards Wu Aotian, the body was already running towards the window.

Wu Aotian swayed away from the woman, raised his right hand, and the three throwing knives flew out like phantoms.

Wan Qing had just jumped onto the window, before he could get out, the three throwing knives had already stabbed him in the back silently, Wan Qing's jumping body suddenly fell down like a deflated cloth bag.

Wu Aotian glanced at the woman lying on the ground, took two throwing knives, was kicked by Wan Qing again, she was already dead, Wu Aotian pulled back the two throwing knives, and ran to Wan Qing who was lying on the ground.

After all, Wan Qing is a cultivator of the fifth level, his body is already quite tyrannical, even though he received a punch and three throwing knives, he has not dispersed in one breath, he stared at Wu Aotian, his eyes were full of fear.

"Who... are you? Why did you kill me..."

Wu Aotian didn't make any answer, but bent down briskly, hugged his neck, and twisted it very neatly.

Wan Qing's eyes protruded suddenly, until he died, he didn't know who killed him.

Taking back the three throwing knives on Wan Qing, Wu Aotian rushed out without any hesitation, just as Wu Aotian rushed out of the house, he vaguely heard the voice of the maid in the outer room getting up.

In another dark corner, a black figure quietly looked at Wu Aotian's back, with undisguised surprise in his eyes, he could see everything that happened in the room very clearly.

Stretching his figure quietly, the black shadow followed Wu Aotian quietly, heading towards the darkness.

When Wu Aotian passed through the in-city river in Songyun City, he threw all the flying knives on his body into the river. Although there is no fingerprint identification or other high-tech detection methods here, but this It's better not to keep things waiting.

After dealing with the flying knives, Wu Aotian was about to return home quietly, but a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

Someone is following me!

Although Wu Aotian is not sure where this person's location is, but he definitely has someone following behind him!

Numerous tracking and anti-tracking trainings have formed a terrifying intuition.

Wu Aotian didn't turn back immediately, but went forward as before. After turning a corner of a building, Wu Aotian's body suddenly joined up, gently supported the wall, jumped up, and suddenly caught a The beam, quickly shrank behind the beam, hiding in the shadows.

After a few breaths, a black figure appeared around the corner like a ghost.

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