Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 233 An Jia

Wu Aotian is not too picky about the place where he practiced. After all, Wu Aotian's practice will devour aura. This big eater, with him around, no amount of aura would be enough for him to torment.

Also because of this, Wu Aotian didn't want his cultivation to be noticed by too many people, so he chose a relatively remote mountain, facing Dugu Wuying's curious eyes, Wu Aotian just smiled and explained: "I like quietness a little bit."

Naturally, Dugu Wuying would not interfere with his decision, but nodded to the two Tianxin Palace disciples who were following behind, and the two Tianxin Palace disciples asked Wu Aotian again, naturally about what kind of building Wu Aotian wanted to build. Wu Aotian answered all the questions about the manor.

As for the accommodation environment, Wu Aotian is not particular about it, as long as there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

After the two disciples understood Wu Aotian's request, they turned around and left, Dugu Wuying smiled and said: "You guys stay with me for a while, and they will take care of everything."

Wu Aotian nodded, but asked curiously: "Are they disciples who specialize in helping people build houses?"

Dugu Wuying smiled and said: "There are tens of thousands of disciples in Tianxin Palace. Although there are only three palace masters, there are still many small divisions of labor in the entire Tianxin Palace. For example, the two disciples just now are the builders of the palace. People include the construction and maintenance of the main hall, and they are responsible. Not only are they good at using spiritual energy to build houses, but they are also proficient in some formations, as well as the pill hall, the refining hall, etc. These different branches are responsible for different Responsibility to provide the entire Tianxin Palace with things that need to function normally..."

Wu Aotian nodded to express his understanding. After all, there are tens of thousands of disciples in Tianxin Palace here, and all kinds of needs must be huge. Although many spiritual practitioners are self-sufficient, there are always some things that are beyond their ability or not good at. After all, it is impossible for a disciple to be proficient in both alchemy and weapon refining, or even other aspects.

"Let me introduce the three palace masters. I will definitely have the opportunity to meet them in the future. Get to know them first, so as not to make any taboos."

Dugu Wuying nodded, but then smiled again: "Tianxin Palace disciples are united first, and only when they are united can they break gold. Therefore, although Tianxin Palace is divided into three veins because of the three palace masters, they are still competing with each other. relationship, but it is only a friendly competition, not a malicious competition, and only by competing with each other can we achieve better progress."

"There is competition to make progress, I understand this."

To Wu Aotian's response, Dugu Wuying just smiled lightly, with a calm and breezy look, and quickly continued to explain: "The master of the palace said 'the sky is full of wind and snow, and the sound of thunder captures the soul'. When people fight, the sky is covered with heavy snow within a hundred miles, and it is extremely cold, and there is also the secret skill of thunder sound, which can make the souls of those who hear the sound of thunder fly away..."

"Su Qinghe, the second palace lord, is known as 'the swift shadow is like lightning, and the sky and the earth are one crane', but it is because he is extremely fast, not only fast, but also fast with his sword. His spiritual weapon is a sword, which can fly even Only afterimages can be seen, when attacking the enemy is not only fast, but also tricky, making it hard to guard against. Most of the masters of the second palace are disciples of swordsmanship, and they all practice their body skills and speed hard. An unbreakable boundary..."

In the world of martial arts, the only thing that can't be broken is fast?

Wu Aotian muttered something, but he didn't make any sound, even his eyes didn't change much, he continued to wait for Dugu Wuying's introduction.

"Hong Tie, the lord of the third palace, is known as 'the bullfighting spirit, breaking the sky with his palm'. He is also extremely fast, but he is good at close combat. His strength is strong, and he can easily break mountains and rocks with a single palm..."

"There are only about 500 people in the lineage of the Grand Palace Master, because the Grand Palace Master only accepts female disciples, so the number is naturally much smaller. There are about 5000 people under the Second Palace Master's sect, and about [-] people under the Third Palace Master's sect. But when it comes to elites, the lineage of the Grand Palace Master has the most elites. Although the lineage of the Grand Palace Master is all female disciples, and even the number of them is much lower than that of the Second and Third Palace Masters, the combat effectiveness of the Grand Palace Master's lineage is even higher. It’s firmly in first place.”

Wu Aotian lowered his head slightly, as if he was thinking about Dugu Wuying's words, after a while he turned around and asked: "What are the personalities of the three Palace Masters, are they easy to get along with?"

Dugu Wuying smiled and said: "The three palace lords are all very dignified, but from another point of view, the first palace lord is fair, the second palace lord has a stable temperament, and the third palace lord has an impulsive temper. But all three of them have one thing in common, that is, to protect their shortcomings. Of course, the target of protecting their shortcomings must be outsiders or people from other countries. Inside Tianxin Palace, everyone is very united, and the three palace masters also get along very well. .”

After listening to Dugu Wuying's introduction, Wu Aotian had a general understanding of Tianxin Palace, and couldn't help asking about the conditions of the holy lands of the other two great empires. Dugu Wuying answered Wu Aotian's question gently, with a faint voice, Although it is not very cadenced, it still makes everyone listen with gusto. There are indeed many unknown things in the world.

He also asked Dugu Wuying some questions, such as when the Linglong Tower will open, when can I enter, what are the rules inside, and so on. After chatting with several people, time flies, and soon I have the foundation to tell Wu Aotian The residence has been repaired.

Wu Aotian and the others didn't waste time, they went directly to the place they had chosen at the beginning, but they saw that on the majestic cliff, a part had been levelled, and a small manor had stood quietly on the cliff.

"They moved really fast, and they built the house so quickly..."

Dugu Wuying smiled and said: "They may not be as good as other disciples in fighting, but when it comes to building, others can't catch up with them even if they flatter them."

Wu Aotian nodded in understanding, and walked towards the yard at the same time: "Do one thing, be good at one thing."

The house has been built, and even some simple daily necessities are placed, but they are very simple, Wu Aotian is not picky, he took some things from the Void Ring.

In any case, everyone has their own place to stay.

The place Wu Aotian chose to practice is actually not very far from the main hall of Tianxin Palace, about a hundred miles away. In the lowest area, the closer to the main peak, there are already houses of other disciples, and many disciples can be seen They are all practicing, and there are many people, and he doesn't want others to see the horror of his absorption of spiritual energy.

Thinking about absorbing spiritual energy in various places with rich spiritual energy before I waited for others, but I was pursued and curious by many people. If I absorbed it here, I would definitely not be able to escape the attention of those powerful people. After all, there is too much difference in strength.

He also explained to Wu Aotian the location of the Linglong Tower, and solemnly told Wu Aotian that if you have not completed the tasks on each floor of the Linglong Tower, you must not go to the top, otherwise it will cause great harm.

Dugu Wuying explained for a while, told them to contact him if they didn't understand or needed anything, and left quietly.

Now only Wu Aotian and his group are left, Wu Aotian asked them again what they think about joining Tianxin Palace, but everyone didn't express any opinion, after all, this is Wu Aotian's own private matter, it is his own choice, and secondly Mei Xuemeng also agreed, his previous identities would not change, now he only has multiple identities.

Wu Aotian asked them if they all had the idea of ​​joining Tianxin Palace, but everyone said they were not in a hurry. Anyway, they didn’t say that they could borrow from Tianxin Palace. Of course, this is a long-term stay. After all, Wu Aotian is the team’s The core character is now left in Tianxin Palace, so it is only natural for his friends to stay.

Since they are not in a hurry, Wu Aotian is naturally not in a hurry, so he should rest assured about this matter first.

Regarding the Linglong Pagoda, everyone is actually quite curious, even if you can't practice it, it's good to let everyone see it.

Wu Aotian has already reached the peak of the high-level earth spirit. When he was still worrying about how to break through this damn bottleneck, the Grand Palace Master gave five cracking pills. Looking at the pills in his hand, Wu Aotian secretly prayed that his luck would be the best. Well not so bad.

Just as Wu Aotian threw the first Sky Splitting Pill into his mouth, Leng Feng also swallowed half a bottle of water of life.

When Wu Aotian opened his eyes in frustration, he saw Leng Feng with healthy limbs standing beside him. Wu Aotian's first reaction was to look at Leng Feng's broken arm, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that Leng Feng had completely Completely own two hands.

It's amazing to be reborn from a broken arm.

Naturally, Leng Feng couldn't help but be overjoyed, Wu Aotian and others' hearts also fell a big stone, this matter that made Wu Aotian feel ashamed all the time was finally resolved.

Wu Aotian's luck is not always good. After eating the first Sky-Splitting Pill, he found that the Sky-Splitting Pill had no effect. Obviously, the first lesson of the Sky-Splitting Pill failed.

The probability of 20.00% is not high in the first place, and there is nothing to be surprised about if it fails.

After completely digesting the power of the first Sky Splitting Pill, it has been about ten days, Wu Aotian gritted his teeth and stuffed the second Sky Splitting Pill into his mouth.

Unfortunately, it still failed...

Although I know that the probability of success of this elixir is only about one-fifth, and this probability seems to be said to be one out of five times, but it may be five times, or even ten times, and none of the twenty times succeeds, because every time Taking one, the one-fifth success rate remains unchanged.

Wu Aotian was a little depressed, this Heaven Splitting Pill was such a precious medicine after all, he wasted two of them in one go, but he still didn't see the slightest effect.

Wu Aotian gritted his teeth, and swallowed the third Sky Splitting Pill into his stomach.

Wu Aotian's heart is full of fire, I don't believe it, one fifth is one fifth, I don't believe my character is really that bad.


The second one is delivered.

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