Wu Aotian closed his eyes, carefully went through the things that suddenly increased in his mind, and when he opened his eyes again, he was already extremely excited.

From this inexplicably increased memory, Wu Aotian was pleasantly surprised to find that some strange and unexplainable things happened in his body, that is, he is actually in his mind now, or in other words, it is only himself standing here The "soul" of his body, while his own body is still in the wooden barrel, soaking in hot water for bathing.

Wu Aotian's soul is now in the inner space of a cauldron, but this cauldron is in the deepest part of his mind, just a tiny dot that is almost invisible, but there is another space in it, there is no universe, It seemed to be a world of its own, and this tripod was exactly the four-legged bronze tripod that Wu Aotian had seen in his previous life before his death.

Wu Aotian only knew that he had sprinkled blood on it, and then the four-legged bronze tripod suddenly emitted a blazing light as if awakened, and finally, as if the sky fell apart, Wu Aotian came to this world inexplicably, but what he didn't expect was that this four-legged bronze tripod But the bronze tripod came to this world with Wu Aotian, and it exists in Wu Aotian's mind in this strange way.

This ancient tripod has a name, it is called Bahuang Juling Ding, as for its origin, Wu Aotian did not get the slightest information.

"Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, Ding, Ding, although I don't know what your origin is...but even if you want to pull people back and possess your soul, then you can find me a better body." Wu Aotian sighed dissatisfied with the strange things that happened to his body, but soon Wu Aotian became optimistic again: "But it's okay, at last you have a conscience and didn't let me go to a dead end. After all, there is still a way out for me..."

Where is the way out?

The way to survive is the huge fire ball floating in the void of this cauldron.

The reason why Wu Aotian can't practice the body strengthening formula is because two meridians in his body have shrunk, but now Wu Aotian has found a solution, that is to reshape the meridians!

The flame burning in the void in front of Wu Aotian is the most important part of this cauldron. It is a blazing flame of spiritual energy composed of pure spiritual energy. To solve the problem of atrophy of the meridians of his body, he can start from this energy flame.

Concentrating on this flame, Wu Aotian soon felt the somewhat familiar energy of this flame. This energy once caused Wu Aotian's weak body to severely injure Wan Qing who had reached the fifth level of physical strength. , In this world, this energy is called aura, which is the aura that can only be possessed after reaching the Ninth Level of Physical Strength and surpassing the bottleneck to become a real spiritual monk.

Ordinary practitioners must break through the physical realm and become spiritual practitioners before they can absorb the aura between heaven and earth, return it to the depths of the brain, store it in a mysterious way, and use it for spiritual practitioners. Those who cannot have spiritual energy, but now Wu Aotian has become a big alien.

The Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron exists in Wu Aotian's mind, which means that Wu Aotian's brain has spiritual energy in disguise, and as long as the spiritual energy of this ancient cauldron is borrowed, Wu Aotian's shrunken meridians can be reshaped. If this spiritual energy comes from the outside world , that would definitely cause Wu Aotian's body to burst because he couldn't bear it, but this spirit energy comes from Wu Aotian's own brain, so naturally there will be no such hidden danger.

It's just that Wu Aotian's body is still very weak now, even if he borrows the aura of the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron, he can only borrow a little bit, otherwise, Wu Aotian's body can't bear it at all, even so, Wu Aotian's cultivation path The starting point is much higher than that of ordinary people. When others start to practice, they need to practice strengthening the body to reach the ninth level to break through the bottleneck before they can have aura, but Wu Aotian can directly use aura to shape the meridians and transform the body.

As for the method of cultivation, it is the Eight Desolation Burial God Art that shines with incomparable golden light.

The Eight Desolation Burial God Art that appeared in Wu Aotian's mind is not complete, there is only one picture, in which is a naked man sitting cross-legged, a red line comes out from his brain, and then goes all the way down, going all the way to the back of his body Returning to his mind again, the red line should represent the moving line of spiritual energy during cultivation.

"Eight Desolation Burial God Art?" Wu Aotian stretched out his index finger, habitually lightly rubbed his temples, his eyes looked expectant: "The name sounds amazing, but I don't know how powerful it will be after practicing. ?”

Just when Wu Aotian was carefully checking the picture that appeared in his mind, a sliver of energy suddenly flowed out from the aura flame, flowing towards Wu Aotian's body, where Wu Aotian's mind was concentrated, the aura followed Wu Aotian's The thought moves and flows down the body.

Wu Aotian was startled, then overjoyed, quickly held his breath, and controlled the aura to travel along his meridians, where the aura passed, Wu Aotian felt a warm feeling, which made people feel warm all over , as if basking in the sun in winter.

However, that weak aura stopped quickly, and the stop position happened to be one of Wu Aotian's two shrunken meridians.

Wu Aotian's heart became a little nervous, and he didn't stop, but concentrated more on controlling the aura continuously soaking into the shrunken meridians. With the immersion of aura, Wu Aotian was pleasantly surprised to feel that the sluggish meridians suddenly There has been a slight change.

It was as if the dead wood had encountered the spring rain, and sprouted out again, the shrunken meridian was no longer as lifeless as before, but became alive. Although the transformation has not been completed immediately, Wu Aotian can be sure, as long as it takes a little longer , a little more times, my atrophied meridian will definitely return to normal.

"This method really works!"

Wu Aotian let out a cry of surprise in his heart, and was about to practice persistently, but suddenly remembered that he was taking a bath now, and Ai Bier was right in front of him, it might be dangerous for him to cultivate like this, after all, cultivation requires full concentration, and there are people around him Any changes may affect the cultivator and cause harm.

According to the method taught in Bahuang Burial God Jue, Wu Aotian controlled his mind and withdrew from the Bahuang Spirit Gathering Cauldron.

As soon as Xin Xin exited the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, Wu Aotian's eyes went dark, and when he opened his eyes again, the incomparably huge Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron had disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a flushed face.

Wu Aotian's consciousness has withdrawn from the inside of the Eight Desolation Juling Cauldron, and returned to reality again. In front of Wu Aotian, Ai Bier was staring at Wu Aotian with a little doubt, and there was a bit of worry between her brows, because she found Wu Aotian's The expression suddenly became incomparably dull, although it was only for a moment, but she still found something strange even though she was careful.

Looking at Ai Bier's expression, Wu Aotian knew that his "wandering mind" caused Ai Bier's strangeness, but looking at her expression, he obviously did not stay still for long, it seems that the time in his consciousness is not the same as the time outside Not the same.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about something just now... Well, go on, well, use some strength... Comfortable..."

Ai Bier was instantly distracted by Wu Aotian's casual words, her face became more and more red, and she was a little confused, she looked extremely cute, Wu Aotian discovered the secrets in her body at this time, and she also knew the atrophy of the meridians The matter can be resolved, and I can embark on a path of cultivation that I have never experienced before. I can't help being in a good mood, and I can't help stretching out my hand and gently pinching Ai Bier's face.

Ai Bier exclaimed "ah", but she didn't run away, her little face became more and more red, and she desperately shrank her face to the bottom of her chest, like a shy ostrich.

Wu Aotian laughed out loud, feeling extremely relaxed.

Hearing Wu Aotian's laughter, Ai Bier secretly glanced at Wu Aotian's face, then hurriedly lowered her head, and wiped Wu Aotian's body seriously, her small mouth was tightly pursed, just looking at Wu Aotian's happy smile , Abier's eyes also had a bit of joy that couldn't be concealed.

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, the refreshed Wu Aotian walked out of his room door, followed the path in his memory, walked through the garden, and came to a big house at the back, knocked lightly Knocking on the door, a slightly puzzled question came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Brother, it's me."

Wu Aotian pushed open the door lightly, and walked straight in. Anyway, the elder brother didn't marry a wife, and lived alone.

"Third Brother!" Leaning on the bed, Wu Lingfeng saw Wu Aotian walk in, his eyes widened immediately, his face showed a look of surprise, and he jumped to the ground with both hands on the bed, and shouted loudly with one foot on the ground: "It's great that you finally woke up, third brother, how is your hand?"

Wu Aotian nodded with a smile, and shook his right arm lightly, indicating that there was nothing wrong with it, but his eyes fell on Wu Lingfeng's dangling leg that was covered with a thick bandage: "I heard that brother, you want to go To avenge me, I was broken by them..."

Wu Lingfeng spit on the ground, and there was no sadness of being broken on his face, but a look of excitement: "The gang of bastards just have more people, if it weren't for the fact that I brought fewer people, where would it be broken?" Only one leg, when my leg is healed, I will go back to the place again, but third brother, I heard that you punched that guy Wan Qing and broke five ribs, and even vomited blood on the spot, and now he is still on the bed and cannot move , Aren’t you unable to cultivate, why are you so powerful?”

Wu Aotian looked at Wu Lingfeng's appearance, and there was a half-smile in his eyes. This Wu Lingfeng was indeed extremely rough, he didn't have the slightest fear of being broken by someone, and his tone of action was quite rude. Looking at Wu Lingfeng like this, Wu Aotian's heart is actually very pleasing to the eye, after all, this can be regarded as a true temperament, without any hypocrisy.

It seems good to have such a big brother.


Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 later, ask for a red ticket.

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