Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 64 Breakthrough, Breakthrough!

Killing intent, bloody smell, this kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can feel, Wu Aotian may be the only one who can feel it, this makes Liu Ruxue feel that Wu Aotian is extraordinary while being surprised.

"You have really changed a lot. Your knowledge and ability... are far from the environment you are in, and what you have experienced..."

Wu Aotian smiled slightly and said: "People in this world are nothing more than a cloud of fantasy. During the few days when I was knocked unconscious by Wanqing, I wandered between life and death. The scene in front of me was bizarre, as if after a long life. , Those who naturally comprehend and know will have more."

Liu Ruxue silently savored what Wu Aotian said, vaguely, she understood Wu Aotian's adventure, it seemed that when she was wandering between life and death, her soul "saw" life experiences that could not be seen in ordinary life, perhaps because of this Gained knowledge of his age and identity, and because of this, his personality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Wu Aotian's statement is not too different from the real situation. To Wu Aotian, the matter of crossing was like a dream.

If Wu Aotian is not very sure about his memory, and the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron really exists, Wu Aotian will even suspect that he belongs to this world, and his life on earth is just a dream of himself.

Liu Ruxue raised her head: "There are too many mysteries in you, and your future achievements will be immeasurable, but your strength is still too weak now, so I will handle the Dragon Soul Sect's affairs."

Naturally Wu Aotian will not refuse, with such a strong sister who can help him solve the current problems, Wu Aotian will not be bored to have any masculine ideas, he thinks it will hurt his face, but he just wants to deal with Dragon Soul Sect, Wu Aotian thought that he could absorb the aura scattered by spiritual cultivators after death, so he felt that this should not be wasted.

What's more, right now I am in the bottleneck stage, if I can use this to break through the bottleneck and become a spiritual practitioner, that would be great.

It's just that with my current strength, if I go all the way with Liu Ruxue, it will become her burden.

"Sister Ruxue, even though you are powerful, Dragon Soul Sect still has more than 40 spiritual practitioners. If you go to the door, I am afraid that you will be outnumbered. Although those spiritual practitioners are definitely not your opponents alone, but Two fists are no match for four hands..."

Liu Ruxue nodded and said: "So I am going to move quietly and kill them one by one. I am in the dark, and they are in the light...so that they will be panicked, and their combat effectiveness will naturally be even lower."

Wei Wei paused for a while and said: "I think during this time, you should go out to avoid it for a while, and come back after I finish dealing with this matter, so that nothing will go wrong."

Wu Aotian thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "Sister Ruxue, do you have a magic crystal?"

Liu Ruxue asked in surprise: "There are some, why, do you need them?"

Wu Aotian nodded, and said unceremoniously: "I am currently in the bottleneck stage, the magic crystal may help me a little..."

Of course, Wu Aotian was not aimless. The aura in the second-order high-level magic crystal he got from Mo Yu last time had been completely absorbed by Wu Aotian, and he used it a lot during the period. There are too many, and what makes Wu Aotian even more concerned is that when he absorbs the magic crystal aura, it can be of great help to his body.

Although Wu Aotian wanted to go with Liu Ruxue, but he also knew that being an ordinary spiritual practitioner would be a burden to Liu Ruxue, and would even drag her down, so Wu Aotian wanted to see if he could borrow the magic crystal. Quickly break through the current bottleneck.

Liu Ruxue took out a small bag from her Void Bracelet without hesitation, and handed it to Wu Aotian directly: "That's all in total, the biggest one is the magic crystal of a fifth-order monster, and the others It's the third and fourth order..."

Wu Aotian was slightly taken aback. Tier [-] and Tier [-] are equivalent to the spirit envoy stage of a spiritual cultivator, and Tier [-] and Tier [-] are equivalent to the stage of a spiritual master. This strength is not weak, but just thinking about Liu Ruxue's high-level spirit Master's strength, and a little relieved.

I opened the pocket and saw that there were not many magic crystals in the bag, only six or seven. The largest one was about the size of a thumb, and the others were slightly smaller. The luster of this largest crystal was much brighter than the others. .

"Thank you very much..." Wu Aotian closed the bag and said with a smile: "Sister Ruxue, if I can enter the realm of spiritual cultivators, can you take me there?"

Liu Ruxue asked in surprise, "Are you going?"

Wu Aotian smiled, Liu Ruxue frowned and said: "Even if you become a spiritual cultivator, anyone in the Dragon Soul Sect is probably stronger than you. If I can't be distracted when I meet a strong enemy, then you will be in danger .”

Wu Aotian is not sure at this time, if he becomes a spiritual cultivator, how strong his combat power will be, so he said immediately: "That's okay, sister Ruxue, you give me five days, if within five days, I don't enter spiritual cultivation Or, or the combat power is still low after entering, then I will not go with you."

Liu Ruxue counted the time and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you for five days, but you seem to be convinced that once you become a spiritual practitioner, your combat power will be higher than ordinary spiritual practitioners?"

Wu Aotian smiled and said: "There are some special places, but the specific effect will not be known until then."


Wu Aotian was lying on his own bed, stretching his limbs in a big shape, holding a magic crystal in each of his left hand and both hands, the flame of spiritual energy in the Eight Desolation Gathering Cauldron was already spinning sharply in his mind, constantly absorbing spiritual energy from the magic crystal.

After a lot of practice, Wu Aotian has confirmed that the reason why he can absorb the spiritual energy of the magic crystal is because the flame of spiritual energy rotates to produce a huge suction force on the spiritual energy. If the flame of spiritual energy does not rotate, then Wu Aotian cannot absorb even a tiny bit of it Aura.

While absorbing the spiritual energy, it is also tempering the body. The body tempered by the spiritual energy is extremely tough. Although Wu Aotian's body has reached a limit state at this time, while absorbing the spiritual energy, the tempering effect of the spiritual energy on the body has already been exhausted. It started to get smaller gradually, but Wu Aotian still persevered.

The aura of the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron can be used less, so Wu Aotian must replenish the aura of the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron from time to time. This is Wu Aotian's last means of saving his life. Ding, at this time, Wu Aotian may have been caught in the Dragon Soul Sect, and at this time, he may have been tortured for secrets and his body was destroyed.

The magic crystals of the two fourth-order monsters continuously provide Wu Aotian with spiritual energy. The sufficient spiritual energy is constantly wandering in Wu Aotian's body. The meridians all over Wu Aotian's body have been connected. faster and faster.

As this sufficient amount of spiritual energy continuously wandered in Wu Aotian's body, a little strange change occurred in Wu Aotian's brain.

In the depths of Wu Aotian's brain, a small black spot began to appear, and this black spot was constantly rotating, and the spiritual energy that was originally pouring into the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron unexpectedly separated out such a small amount of spiritual energy, and poured it into the This is a black spot.

This black spot, which was originally so small that it could not be seen, started to grow bigger as the traces of aura continued to flow in. It was like a small puddle, which was constantly absorbing the surrounding water, and gradually turned into a small puddle. Small pond.

Wu Aotian felt this obvious feeling naturally, and couldn't help being excited. This black spot formed in the depths of his mind is clearly the symbol of a spiritual practitioner. This black spot has grown from scratch, from childhood to Big, from invisible to tangible, and even finally evolved into a solid, becoming a spirit crystal, and now I am stepping into the door of spiritual practitioners!

Wu Aotian, who was so surprised, immersed himself in his mind, consciously controlled the trace of aura, continuously invested in that black spot, constantly nourished that black spot, let it continue to expand, expand, and the aura contained in it also continued to grow .

The black dots expand bit by bit, but Wu Aotian absorbs the spiritual energy of the two magic crystals faster and faster, the volume of the spiritual energy flame of the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron is also getting larger, and the amount of spiritual energy contained in it is getting bigger and bigger. It is constantly growing, and the speed of growth is more than ten times faster than before!

Wu Aotian is constantly absorbing spiritual energy, expanding the spiritual energy deep in his mind, and at the same time increasing the amount of spiritual energy in the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron, but he doesn't know that time flies, he has been sitting quietly in the room for several days!

His change had already alarmed Liu Ruxue, Leng Feng and Mo Yu. The three met for the first time in Wu Aotian's room. Both Leng Feng and Mo Yu felt Liu Ruxue's strength. At the time of the second lady, the expressions of the two of them were surprised again. Xin Jun said that the brothers and sisters of the Wu family were indeed abnormal. He has reached the level of a high-level spiritual master!

Liu Ruxue agreed to wait for Wu Aotian for five days, but after five days passed, Wu Aotian was still lying on the bed, his body was filled with strong spiritual fluctuations, and he showed no signs of waking up.

"It took me only three days to complete the transition to a spiritual cultivator. The third young master has been lying in bed for five days, and there is still no sign of completion..."

Liu Ruxue's eyes flashed a bit strange, because Wu Aotian's aura fluctuated very strongly, far exceeding the level of aura fluctuations when a normal cultivator becomes a spiritual cultivator, which means that Wu Aotian's foundation is relatively weak. Ordinary cultivators are much stronger, which also means that Wu Aotian will be able to reach a higher realm in the future. This is like laying the foundation for a building. The deeper the foundation is laid, the stronger the foundation is, and the higher the building can be built.

Looking at Wu Aotian on the bed, Liu Ruxue was pleasantly surprised but fell into a dilemma, Wu Aotian didn't know how long this state would last, and Wu Aotian couldn't move at this time, but if he left at this time, what if he came What kind of enemy, wouldn't that cause a catastrophe?

Liu Ruxue decided to temporarily abandon the original plan and stayed, waiting for Wu Aotian to wake up.


Ask for a red ticket, a red ticket, ho!

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