Wu is proud of the world

Chapter 70 Returning to the Cloud Palace

Wu Houde and Wu Lingfeng left with some worries after inquiring, Wu Aotian didn't tell them the specific process, he didn't want to scare the two of them, he just said that Liu Ruxue was very powerful and beat the people of Dragon Soul Sect to death After all, they chased and killed them.

After the two left, Mo Yu and Leng Feng both looked at Wu Aotian with curiosity. Obviously, the two of them had already felt that what Wu Aotian said was not completely true.

Wu Aotian looked at the eyes of the two, touched his nose, and said with a smile: "Okay, I know you are curious... Sister Ruxue and I caught up with them. In the forest, we raided them, killed nine of them first, and then When they gathered together, they were still no match for Sister Ruxue, and fled in all directions. Sister Ruxue chased and killed Tian Hu, and I followed Liu Xingran, attacked and killed him while he was asleep, and then I came back ...that's all."

Both Mo Yu and Leng Feng looked at Wu Aotian with incomparably weird eyes: "You attacked those spiritual cultivators together? You also killed Liu Xingran?"

Wu Aotian smiled and said: "It's just a sneak attack, but it's just relying on my unique method of restraining my breath. If I confront them head-on, I may not be able to defeat any of them."

Both Mo Yu and Leng Feng gasped, they knew the strength of those people from Wu Aotian, all of them were spiritual cultivators who had reached the level of spirit envoys, and that Liu Xingran was even a high-level envoy. Wu Aotian was able to kill them, but Wu Aotian had just advanced to become a spiritual cultivator.

Not to mention Leng Feng, even Mo Yu thought he couldn't do it, but Wu Aotian did it!

The eyes of the two people looked quite weird, as if Wu Aotian standing in front of him had three eyes and four hands, Wu Aotian spread his hands and smiled and said: "Don't look at me so strangely, I just know a little strange technique. "

Leng Feng took a breath and said, "Anyway, you can do it, which is enough to surprise us. After all, you have just advanced to the spiritual level, and you are not even familiar with the process."

Wu Aotian smiled and didn't speak any more.

Liu Ruxue didn't come back that day, and when she reappeared at the gate of the Wu family, it was already more than ten days later. At this time, Liu Ruxue no longer had the Xuantian battle armor lingering in the black energy, and there was no other body around her. There is no Xuanlong Sword full of Senhan's murderous intent.

Liu Ruxue was dressed in clean black clothes, with a peaceful expression, she walked slowly into Wu's house, and went straight to Wu Aotian's courtyard.

"Sister Ruxue, you are back..." Wu Aotian stepped out of the room with a smile, his eyes stayed on Liu Ruxue's face: "After so many days, did you go to Dragon Soul Sect?"

Liu Ruxue nodded without hiding anything: "I'm worried that they will retaliate against the Wu family afterwards. Of course I don't need to be afraid, but my father and elder brother have no power to protect themselves, so I went to Dragon Soul Sect first, waiting for those who escaped Those who return to the Dragon Soul Sect will be wiped out..."

Wu Aotian smiled: "The result, did they go back?"

Liu Ruxue nodded: "Basically they all returned. Tian Hu was killed by me halfway, and two of the three elders returned to Dragon Soul Sect. The first thing they did when they returned to Dragon Soul Sect was to summon The inner disciples below, I waited for them to gather, and entered through the gate, and I strangled all the inner disciples of the Dragon Soul Sect, including the two elders, none of them escaped..."

When Liu Ruxue talked about the killing, there was no fluctuation on her face, as if she was just talking about something insignificant. After she finished speaking, Liu Ruxue frowned: "It's just three elders, Liu Xingran didn't show up. This person attacked you that day, and now he has such hatred, I am afraid that he will take revenge on the Wu family in the future... This is a big hidden danger."

Wu Aotian smiled slightly: "Sister Ruxue, don't worry, then Liu Xingran is already dead."

Liu Ruxue turned her head slightly in surprise, her eyes fell on Wu Aotian's face: "You killed it?"

Wu Aotian nodded and said with a smile: "I saw them fleeing in all directions, you went after Tian Hu, so I went after Liu Xingran, I don't want him to escape and cause trouble..."

Liu Ruxue's eyes showed a bit of strangeness, obviously she was also surprised that Wu Aotian was able to kill Liu Xing, but she didn't ask about the specific process, she just asked: "Are you injured?"

Wu Aotian shook his head: "Fortunately, the sudden attack directly injured him severely, otherwise, I would not be his opponent."

Liu Ruxue nodded slowly: "You have become a spiritual cultivator now, what are your plans in the future?"

Wu Aotian exhaled lightly, looked up at the sky: "I want to go out and have a look, to see this world, to see the world of spiritual cultivators..."

Liu Ruxue was silent, and finally said slowly: "This is the idea that many spiritual practitioners will have, but the world of spiritual practitioners is more cruel than the world of ordinary people, and strong strength often means that they can trample on the law. The law, the law can only restrain the weak, not the strong, in the world of spiritual practitioners, if you are not careful, you will lose your life..."

Wu Aotian smiled lightly, he had already died once, and he was not so afraid of death: "It's just that people's inner desires are completely released, even ordinary people have a lot of desires, but because of various laws Due to the restrictions of the law or other external conditions, they have to suppress their own desires, but spiritual practitioners are already in the world, and everything is respected by strength, so naturally the inner desires do not need to be suppressed..."

After a slight pause, Wu Aotian looked at Liu Ruxue: "Maybe it's not time yet, I will stay at home for a while."

Liu Ruxue looked at Wu Aotian in amazement, her tone of surprise and appreciation couldn't be concealed: "You see it very clearly."

Wu Aotian stretched his waist, laughed and said: "If it is not like this, then why do the emperors of those countries still depend on the face of the Holy Land? Be polite to you as well."

Thinking of Liu Ruxue's trip to the Dragon Soul Sect, Wu Aotian thought of those outer disciples, and said with a smile: "You killed all the inner disciples and elders of the Dragon Soul Sect, what about those outer disciples who live on the mountainside?"

Liu Ruxue shook her head: "I didn't attack them. The inner disciples in the Dragon Soul Sect Hall were all killed. No one knows who did it. Those outer disciples couldn't find it even if they wanted revenge. Objects, not to mention the trees falling and the monkeys scattered, they are too late to escape, so how can they care about other things?"

Wu Aotian looked into Liu Ruxue's eyes, suddenly smiled lightly and said: "That's fine."

Liu Ruxue hummed, and tilted her head slightly, as if she didn't quite understand the meaning of the word Wu Aotian, but Wu Aotian just smiled and didn't explain.

The news of the Dragon Soul Sect's demise shocked the entire Guiyun Kingdom.

Although the Dragon Soul Sect is only a small sect, it is still well-known in Guiyun Country, but this Dragon Soul Sect has disappeared so silently, and even who did it is unknown. People make unreasonable guesses.

Guiyun Temple, the Holy Land of Guiyun Kingdom, also received the news, and even sent people to Dragon Soul Sect to check it out, because they wanted to know who did it and whether it was done by another country.

The Holy Land of Guiyun Palace has an extremely lofty status in Guiyun Kingdom, no less than the old man sitting on the throne of the imperial city, but Guiyun Palace is also responsible for guarding Guiyun Kingdom. The rights of all the sects of spiritual cultivators, if there is a crisis, Guiyun Hall can gather all sects of spiritual cultivators in Guiyun Country to resist foreign enemies.

The spiritual practitioners of Guiyun Temple are worried whether this is a conspiracy by other countries to weaken the strength of the spiritual practitioners of Guiyun Kingdom, because if a war breaks out in the country, the spiritual practitioners of the two countries will be the first to conflict and war. It is naturally the best thing to kill the opponent's spiritual practitioners. This kind of trick often happens before the country fights, and because of this, it is necessary to investigate clearly.

The investigation naturally did not have any direct results, but there were some clues. Leng Qi, who died more than three months ago, and the blood book that appeared, were a little known even among the outer disciples. The investigation revealed that Leng Qi went to Songyun City to arrest Wu Aotian, which also involved the conflict between Wu Aotian and Liu Xingran.

The object of investigation naturally shifted to Wu Aotian, but after conducting some investigation, the investigators found some very interesting things.

The information of the Wu family in Songyun City was quickly placed in front of the Lord Guiyun Palace, and after he checked it carefully, he was surprised that a report from the Songyun City Appraisal Office mentioned Wu Aotian's appraisal a few months ago. The experience shows that this child has great potential.

It took a waste person a month to reach the fourth level, and it didn't seem to be his real strength. After a while, he reached the sixth level and appeared in the selection field for the outer sect disciples of the Dragon Soul Sect. After a while, Wu Aotian reached the eighth level , and according to the latest investigation, this Wu Aotian seems to have recently broken through and become a spiritual cultivator, but this news is not completely certain yet!

It only took less than a year to complete this series of transformations. The Master of Guiyun Palace couldn't help being surprised when he saw this series of data. Two points of joy and anticipation.

Could it be that Guiyun Kingdom is really going to give birth to a peerless genius?

If this is the case, you must notice it early, otherwise, don't die because of some unexpected events or be discovered first by people from other countries and poach it at a good price.

Every spiritual practitioner is a precious treasure of the country, and every spiritual practitioner genius is even more a treasure of the country!

After thinking for a while, the Lord of Guiyun Hall summoned a guard standing at the door, pointed to a roll of files in his hand: "This person, please check it out for me, I want him and even his family , his friend, all the detailed information, but you can't disturb him."


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