Seeing that everyone's attention was focused on the map, Chen Dong also stopped talking about other things and began to explain the map.

"The Reincarnation Valley is not small, and the light is dim. There are all kinds of monsters living there, and the levels of the monsters are also high and low. It is said that some people have encountered eighth-level monsters, but whether this news is true or not depends on the truth. I'm not sure, but when you enter the Valley of Reincarnation, you must be careful, careful, and more careful, because some monsters in it live in groups, once they are targeted, it is difficult to escape, and some monsters hide in very inconspicuous places... ..."

"I roughly divide the entire Samsara Valley into five areas. The northernmost swamp area is full of visible and invisible swamps. Be careful to sink into it. In the swamps, there are also many monsters hidden, like iron monsters. Warcraft such as crocodiles, blue water spiders, black water eels, magic snakes, etc. This area is the most dangerous area in the entire Reincarnation Valley, because many monsters are hidden in the water, swamps and muddy, and it is not easy to be found, but this area , and it is also one of the two areas with the most purple tobacco found so far."

"The easternmost part is the dense forest area. There are various forests, and there are monsters such as magic wolf, tiger, and one-horned rhinoceros living in it."

"The southernmost area is the sandstone area. There are no tall plants in this area, only some low bushes or grass. This area is the least worth exploring, but it is also a relatively safe area. There are very few purple tobaccos in this area. , but there are relatively few monsters, there are only a few small monsters like poisonous fire scorpions, but they all live in groups, and once encountered, it is also very dangerous."

"The westernmost area is the karst cave area. In this area, there are large and small karst caves. This area is also the most suitable area for the growth of purple tobacco, but this area is darker than other areas. There are also many types of monsters. Most of these monsters live in As for the cave, this area is also a very dangerous area.”

"The last area is called a safe area by us, because in this area, it is a huge green grassland. There are basically no monsters here, even large wild beasts. When we leave, we must Get through this safe zone."

"The safety zone is relatively long and narrow, located between the sandstone area in the south and the karst cave area in the west. When the entrance to the Samsara Valley is opened, you will be teleported to a random place. Remember, from the entrance to the last gate is opened The time to pick you up is nine days, that is to say, at noon on the ninth day after entering, you must reach the southernmost position of the safety zone, there is a sign there, as long as you reach that place, you don’t have to worry about not being able to see it.”

Jia Yun, who was sitting next to Wu Aotian, suddenly asked: "In the Valley of Reincarnation, everyone can attack each other, so what if someone has evil intentions and kills and robs at the last moment when they leave?"

Chen Dong nodded and explained: "I want to explain this. From the beginning of entry to the end of the eighth day, there are no rules in any area, including the safe area. That is to say, you can attack the opponent at will. , kill or snatch the other party's prey, but on the ninth day, that is, the last half day, people who arrive at the exit of the safe zone are not allowed to attack each other. At the last moment, everyone fought in a melee, which affected leaving the Samsara Valley."

Many people breathed a sigh of relief, and Jia Yun said understandingly: "That is to say, as long as you have passed the first eight days and finally reached the safe zone, you will be safe, right?"

"Yes!" Chen Dong pointed to the map: "It is estimated that it will take four days to travel from the northernmost swamp area to the southern safe area. Calculate the time well, don't leave the time without reaching the safe zone, if so, you can't leave again, unless you can live in it for 20 years, otherwise, you will be left to die."

"On this map, some detailed landforms are basically drawn. You must remember it clearly, so that you can better control the time and know where you are."

Wu Aotian also watched the map carefully, although he, as a member of the spectators, did not seem to enter the Samsara Valley, but Wu Aotian still firmly remembered the map in his mind.

Everyone memorized the map, and Chen Dong began to talk about the scene when they went in. For these people who want to enter, every point they know, they have more hope of living. Wu Aotian listened with gusto. But after listening to it, the conclusion is still one point. There are many monsters in the Samsara Valley, which is very dangerous, but it is even more dangerous, and it is the spiritual practitioners from other countries who need to beware of it.

This is a battlefield for killing, not only to snatch Ziyan, but also to weaken the overall strength of spiritual practitioners from other countries.

The flying spirit weapon flew very fast, Wu Aotian reckoned that it only took three or four hours to reach the destination, Samsara Valley.

When the flying spirit weapon slowly landed from the sky, Wu Aotian and the others sensed at the same time that there were many powerful people below. It seemed that the team that reached the Valley of Reincarnation was not the No. 1 team of Guiyun Kingdom.

The flying spirit weapon landed on the ground, Wu Aotian scanned the surroundings, but saw two huge rocks in front of him that looked like mountain gates, and between the two rocks, there was a thick mist rolling, the mist was like The viscous liquid looked extremely strange.

Could this be the entrance to the Valley of Reincarnation?

In front of the mountain gate, there was a huge lawn, and on the lawn, there were already many people, and these people were clearly divided into two circles, one on the left and one on the right.

The group on the left has about fifty people, wearing blue robes, and the group on the right has about seventy people, wearing black robes, and each has a logo on his chest.

"The group of people on the left are from the Haiwang Pavilion, the holy land of the Sea Kingdom, and the people in black clothes on the right are from the Dongyue Sect, the holy land of the Dongyue Kingdom..." Zhu Zidan, the master of Guiyun Palace, glanced at the people on both sides, and said to his disciples. A brief introduction: "It seems that we are not the latest."

Seeing the arrival of the people from Guiyun Palace, the people from Haiwang Pavilion and Dongyuezong stood up at the same time and walked towards this side. It seemed that they should also be their leaders.

Zhu Zidan ordered the others to rest where they were, and he went up to meet him with the second general Guiyun.

"Brother Zhu, I haven't seen you for 20 years, it seems like everyone hasn't changed..."

Zhu Zidan smiled slightly and said: "Yeah, I haven't seen you for 20 years, Ge Tian, ​​you are the same, everyone is a familiar face with old arms and old legs, so don't fix those useless ones, I don't know if you Haiwang Pavilion How many people are going to enter the Valley of Reincarnation?"

Ge Tian, ​​the owner of the Haiwang Pavilion, is a smiling old man, with his hands behind his back, looking harmless to humans and animals: "Not many, just 32 people. In order to get Purple Tobacco, we are also desperate."

32 people!

Zhu Zidan was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that Haiwang Pavilion sent such a strong team this time. The number of people alone was nearly twice that of Guiyun Palace's team!

Ge Tian smiled, looked at Zhu Zidan in a white robe, and Hu Ming, the patriarch of the Dongyue Sect in a black robe next to him, and said with a smile: "Every time I see the two of you standing together, I can't help it." Zhu Xiangle, the two of you are simply black and white..."

Hu Ming, the patriarch of the Dongyue Sect, is a majestic young man with a square face, taciturn, and frowned when he heard the words: "Say less, no one will think you are dumb."

Ge Tian didn't care at all, he laughed and said: "How many people from your Dongyue Sect this time, how about Guiyun Palace?"

Hu Ming frowned, and still answered concisely: "27."

Zhu Zidan said calmly, "Seventeen."

Ge Tian laughed, and his expression was filled with a bit of pride: "Why, can it be that you can't pick out people in Guiyun Palace? Why are there less than twenty people..."

Facing Ge Tian's ridicule, Zhu Zidan said flatly: "There are many people, so it may not be the last laugh, and maybe the more people will die."

Ge Tian's complexion changed, but he didn't speak ill at each other, he just smiled and said, "You won't know until the end."

"The people from Jade Court and Tu Yuezong haven't arrived yet?"

Zhu Zidan changed the topic, and didn't want to continue discussing the number of people. What he said just now was the truth. A large number of people may not necessarily make the last laugh, but to enter the Valley of Reincarnation, the strength will obviously not be very low. In other words, this sea I am afraid that the strength of the kingdom has really become stronger.

This is obviously not good news for Gui Yunguo.

"They are the last ones to come every time. It's not like you don't know... Anyway, there is still one day before the entrance is opened, so don't worry."

Looking at Ge Tian, ​​Zhu Zidan suddenly remembered something, and asked coldly: "The Xuanyin Sect should be from your Sea Kingdom?"

Ge Tian was slightly taken aback, wondering why Zhu Zidan asked this question, nodded and said, "Yes, is there any problem?"

"Huh!" Zhu Zidan snorted coldly, his tone was cold: "The people from the Xuanyin Sect sneaked into our Guiyun Kingdom's Huifeng Valley, and even tried to attack my two female disciples of Guiyun Palace... this matter As for the matter, do you, Ge Tian, ​​belong to the team and I have an explanation?"

Ge Tian smiled wryly and said: "The Xuanyin Sect is indeed our Sea Kingdom's, but even our Sea King Pavilion can't find out the exact location of the Xuanyin Sect. The people of the Xuanyin Sect have always done all kinds of evil. If I can find out their position, I have already killed them all..."

Zhu Zidan sneered and said, "Your Sea King Pavilion's ability is really strong, and you even talk about protecting the country, even a Xuanyin sect can't do anything about it, you better not be the master of the Sea King Pavilion, lest someone poke your back. "


extremely weak...

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