Wu Aotian's heart faltered, and he simply turned to the west and ran to the west, where there is another high-risk area besides the swamp area in the Samsara Valley, the cave area.

According to Chen Dong's introduction, there are large and small caves in the cave area, and those caves are often very deep and long, and there are even many bends inside. You must be careful when you go deep into them, because not only there may be monsters in them, but there may even be monsters in them. Get lost inside.

At this moment, Wu Aotian was being chased by the Shekou Demon Clam, and he couldn't find any way to get rid of it. He could only hope to find a small cave in the cave area and drill into it. The Shekou Demon Clam had a huge body. , I can't drill into the cave like myself, and Chen Dong said that the stones in the cave area are extremely hard, even if driven by a spiritual weapon, it is difficult to break through.

Wu Aotian once tried, in the process of walking, he grabbed something casually, threw it towards his side in the mist, made a sound to confuse the Shekou Devil Clam, hoping to lure it away, but unfortunately, the Shekou Clam The magic clam seems to be able to tell the truth from the fake, and has been persistently chasing Wu Aotian's back, which makes Wu Aotian can't help but suspect, maybe because the other party is a seventh-order monster whose strength is already equal to that of a strong man in the spirit world. It is no longer possible to completely hide myself from it.

Of course, it's not completely useless, otherwise, I guess I would have been hit by a cannonball-like ice puck just like the spiritual practitioner who was killed.

While escaping, Wu Aotian is also analyzing the current situation. Only by understanding the situation of both parties can he find the best way to escape. At present, it seems that it is impossible to escape directly, unless there is a group of masters, Or a powerful magical beast came to intercept the Shekou Demon Clam.

Before meeting the Shekou Demon Clam, Wu Aotian had encountered many monsters, but none of them could match this Shekou Demon Clam, so even if Wu Aotian wanted to lure the Shekou Demon Clam to fight with the two tigers, he couldn't find it. Target.

Tragedy, tragedy...

Wu Aotian yelled with great sadness in his heart, but his feet were already walking straight towards the cave area.

What Wu Aotian is most afraid of is meeting people from Guiyun Palace, especially those who are good brothers who show loyalty. Neither of them belonged to Guiyun Palace, one belonged to Jade Court, and the other belonged to Tuyuezong. These two people once again became the targets of the Shekou Demon Clam to vent their anger, and they were instantly blasted into ice slag.

This chase and escape lasted for a whole day, Wu Aotian was almost numb from running, anyway, he never dared to undo the method of breaking the breath, fortunately, he had the support of the spiritual energy in the Eight Desolation Gathering Cauldron, otherwise, Wu Aotian probably would have been less than half The sky can't stand it.

Even so, Wu Aotian still felt that he couldn't stand it after such a high gallop for a day, even in the dark night, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and headed west all the way.

Frightened through the night of the second day, ushered in the dawn of the third day, Wu Aotian's whole body seemed to be soaked in sweat, when the third day was approaching noon, Wu Aotian finally left the swamp area, in the afternoon , saw the first mountain peak.

The mountain is not high, and can only be described as a hill, but there are only a few of them on the hill, and the exposed part of the entire mountain presents a strange luster, like metal, but not like it.

Soon, Wu Aotian saw more such peaks, this kind of peaks are not high, but occupy a wide area, and under these peaks, some dark caves can be vaguely seen.

Large and small caves are sparsely distributed at the foot of those mountain peaks. Wu Aotian is already exhausted at this time, and his whole body is in pain like needle pricks. He really admires that the Shekou devil clam has such a big obsession with the purple tobacco, He even chased and killed him all the way, chasing and killing him for a whole day without letting go!

Wu Aotian ran towards that mountain peak, Wu Aotian didn't want to run anymore, he just wanted to find a place to lie down and let himself breathe comfortably...

The ground surface here is much clearer than the swamp area, and the field of vision is much farther away. Wu Aotian quickly estimated the caves that all looked pitch-black and looked like giant mouths waiting to be devoured. The entrance, calculating what kind of hole you have to enter to escape from birth.

First, the opening of the hole must be smaller than the body size of the Shekou Devil Clam. A simple estimate is that the opening of the hole should not be higher than three meters. Otherwise, if you go in by yourself, it will follow.

Second, the hole must be deep enough, or there must be a turn. Otherwise, when you enter the hole, you will find that the hole is only a shallow hole. It can kill Wu Aotian who hid in the cave but couldn't dodge into scum.

Soon, Wu Aotian looked at the entrance of a cave. The entrance of the cave was about two meters high and looked dark. Wu Aotian rushed towards the entrance of the cave, and bent down casually to pick up a fist-sized stone. With a wave of his hand, the stone It has rushed into the hole in front of it roaring like a shell.

The stone flew into the cave, Wu Aotian pricked up his ears, and listened carefully, at least two seconds did not hear the stone hit the rock wall or other things, which proves that the cave should be quite deep.

In the caves in the cave area, many caves are not big, but they all lead to the interior of the mountain or underground. The internal space is very large, and even many caves are connected, and some even lead to the deep underground. This cave is often inhabited by monsters who like dark and humid environments, and this environment is also suitable for the growth of purple tobacco.

Wu Aotian passed by like the wind, and rushed directly into the cave. After leaving the swamp area, without the interference of the fog, the Shekou Devil Clam was getting closer and closer to him. The ice puck hit Wu Aotian several times. He was dodged by Wu Aotian, and his body was covered with a thin layer of frost. If this continues, it will probably take less than half an hour for Wu Aotian to die completely.

The cave is very spacious and extends towards the mountain, but the light is getting darker and darker. After Wu Aotian rushed into it for a certain distance, there was a turn. Wu Aotian turned around the turn and did not go further, but restrained his breath and leaned against the wall without moving.

"Bang", there was a violent shaking, and there was a dull and thunderous "quack" sound from the door. The Shekou Devil Clam had already reached the entrance of the cave, and it probably hit it directly.

Wu Aotian didn't dare to go to the corner to check, but relied on the aura fluctuations in the air to sense the situation outside.

Chi... The sound of piercing echoed throughout the cave, and an aura-filled ice ball rushed into the cave like a cannonball and hit the rock wall at the turn. The rock wall cracked a lot, and the entire turn was covered with a layer of The thick frost, there is no need to look at it, Wu Aotian also knows that the [-]-meter-long cave wall must also be covered with frost, and the entrance of the cave is already like an ice cave.

Wu Aotian heaved a sigh of relief, and finally escaped from the mouth of this seventh-level monster. It seems that the four high-level spiritual masters were still behind him at the beginning, and they probably followed him long ago?

Wu Aotian really guessed right, the four high-ranking spiritual masters were originally unwilling to be robbed by Wu Aotian of Purple Tobacco, and followed behind the Shekou Demon Clam, but after they were attacked by monsters twice in a row, they completely They lost their traces, although they could barely follow the footprints left by the Shekou Demon Clam, but this speed was too slow, and the four of them were enemies in the first place, so after following for a while, the four of them did not dare to attack others. Only each dispersed.

The Shekou Devil Clam seemed to be very unwilling. It ping-pong-pong hit the cave outside, and from time to time, an ice ball hit the cave. The whole cave was shaking slightly, which shocked Wu Aotian. How much power would it take to cause such a shock? Movement.

At this moment, Wu Aotian has a feeling that he is hiding in the air-raid shelter, the shells are whizzing down outside, the whole air-raid shelter is trembling, and the dust keeps falling...

Fortunately, no matter how you shake it, the cave seems to be as solid as what Chen Dong described. If it was an ordinary hill, the cave would have collapsed a long time ago due to such a big movement of the Shekou magic clam. , I may also be poorly buried alive below.

When Wu Aotian was panting heavily, a deep hiss suddenly came from the depths of the cave, the hiss was full of anger, and following the hiss, a burst of noise came from the depths of the cave , and at the same time, there was a slight rustling sound, and the sound was still coming towards this side.

The cold sweat dripped off Wu Aotian's head, and there is usually only one type of animal that can cause this frictional rustling sound, that is reptiles like snakes, when their bodies rub against the ground as they crawl.

It is impossible for the guy who crawled out to sense the huge movement outside, but if he sensed such a strong spiritual energy fluctuation, if it was an ordinary monster, he might have been hiding in the depths of the cave and trembling, how dare he come out?

If he dares to come out, it shows a problem. This guy is at least, at least, a monster of the same level as the Shekou Demon Clam outside!

If he was touched by this monster, he would have to be wiped out first.

Wu Aotian focused his eyes on this dark cave and quickly searched for a hiding place. Fortunately, his luck seemed to be unbroken. There was a small pit on the rock wall of the cave, but it was enough for one person to hide in it.

Wu Aotian quickly hid in this not-so-big rock crevice, squeezed in but found that the crevice was still a bit curved, he was even more delighted, retracted his body into the curved pothole, desperately restrained his breath, let himself blend with the surrounding rocks.

The rustling sound was getting closer and closer, and a strong wave gradually approached, Wu Aotian was startled secretly, and at the same time secretly guessed what kind of monster was in the cave passage outside.

When the rustling forest approached Wu Aotian's hiding place, the rustling sound suddenly stopped, Wu Aotian was shocked, had he been discovered?

Wu Aotian squinted his eyes slightly, looked out of the gap, and saw two bright blue spots slowly approaching the gap where he was hiding.

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