Wu Aotian ran wildly all the way, not daring to stop at all, the man behind him like a savage was extremely powerful, Wu Aotian couldn't catch his move.

Seeing that man turned back to the woods, Wu Aotian breathed a sigh of relief, this guy must have thought that he left Liu Ruxue in the woods in order to escape for his life, probably this guy valued Liu Ruxue's two spirit weapons more.

Wu Aotian quickly left the cave area and headed towards the south. The south is the sandstone area. There are relatively few monsters in this area. Although there is no elixir, it is relatively safe.

Liu Ruxue was seriously injured, and her own strength was not as high as the others. In addition, she had already found Ziyan at this time, so there was no need to go all out. Choose the sandstone area and go through the sandstone area to reach a safe area. .

It's just that Wu Aotian still has another worry. The man who chased and killed Liu Ruxue is very strong. He has obviously exceeded the strength of all the spiritual practitioners who entered the Samsara Valley. He should be a spiritual practitioner from other countries who entered the Samsara Valley before. I don't know how long it took, not only didn't die, but also broke through the bottleneck and became a strong earth spirit.

This man's strength at this time is already enough to do some unscrupulous things, so Wu Aotian is very worried, even if he finally reaches the safe zone, will he abide by the previous agreement that everyone will not do anything in the final safe zone?

Wu Aotian shook his head, putting this worry to the back of his mind, after all, the first thing to worry about at this time is Liu Ruxue who is unconscious, and her injuries are very serious.

After one or two hours of fast running, Wu Aotian has entered the edge of the sandstone area. Compared with other spiritual practitioners, Wu Aotian has an obvious advantage, that is, as long as he does not encounter very powerful high-level monsters, ordinary Neither monsters nor spiritual practitioners can perceive Wu Aotian who is using the method of severing breath, but Wu Aotian can instantly sense the opponent's position, so as to avoid meeting in a straight line.

When other spiritual practitioners advance in the reincarnation valley, they will always meet some monsters or other spiritual practitioners more or less, and they will spend a lot of time fighting, resting, recovering, etc., but Wu Aotian is like a ghost , directly across the past, without the slightest obstacle, this progress is naturally not comparable to others.

After confirming that he was safe, Wu Aotian stopped on a pile of rocks in the sandstone area, moved Liu Ruxue and her Xuanlong Sword out of the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron, and began to check Liu Ruxue's body injury.

Liu Ruxue had many wounds on her body, under the Xuantian battle armor surrounded by black energy, many skins were faintly exposed, Wu Aotian frowned, and inserted a trace of spiritual energy into Liu Ruxue's meridians, checking her injuries .

After a long time, Wu Aotian withdrew his hand and smiled wryly. Liu Ruxue's injuries were really serious. Fortunately, he was there to heal her injuries. Otherwise, there would be huge hidden dangers and it would be very difficult to recover.

It's just that the injury is so serious, even though Wu Aotian has the miraculous healing effect of the Eight Desolation Gathering Spirit Cauldron, it is impossible to completely heal her injury in such a short period of time, only the basic treatment first, and then after leaving the reincarnation valley, No more treatment.

Wu Aotian held Liu Ruxue's hands, and used his spiritual energy to flow into her body along the meridians of her arms, and quickly walked through her injured meridians and internal organs, nourishing her body bit by bit, repairing her body. her wounds.

About three or four hours later, Liu Ruxue's long eyelashes trembled slightly as Wu Aotian held her hands and kept her eyes closed, and slowly opened her eyes.

Where are you?

Liu Ruxue's mind is still a little fuzzy, isn't she being hunted down by that strong earth spirit? Just as she was about to commit suicide, she heard a cry, which seemed to be from Wu Aotian...

Is he dead?

Or was he caught by that man?

Thinking of this, Liu Ruxue was startled, she woke up quickly, and the scene in front of her also quickly became clear, but the first thing that caught her eyes was a handsome sunny face.

This face was so familiar that Liu Ruxue wondered if she was dreaming. How could she see him in the valley of reincarnation?

He was being hunted down by the strong earth spirit, how could he escape with himself?

Just when Liu Ruxue was in a complicated and unbelievable mood, Wu Aotian slowly opened his eyes, and smiled softly: "Sister Ruxue, you're awake."

Wu Aotian's voice was not in a hurry, but it gave people a sense of security. Liu Ruxue finally confirmed that she was not in a dream, and looked at Wu Aotian in disbelief: "Where is this place?"

Wu Aotian looked at Liu Ruxue's surprised and confused expression, couldn't help but smiled slightly and said: "This is the sandstone area of ​​Samsara Valley, there are few monsters here, and few spiritual practitioners come here, it's relatively safe and convenient for me to heal your injuries. "

"Sandstone area of ​​Samsara Valley?" Liu Ruxue's eyes drooped and fell on Wu Aotian's tightly grasping hands, her eyes flashed a flash of shyness, she raised her head and stared at Wu Aotian tightly and said, "How did you enter Samsara Valley?" Yes, before I fell into a coma, was it really you that I saw? How did you lead me away from that strong man? "

Wu Aotian is in a very good mood at this time, because he finally changed Liu Ruxue's fate, although his strength is not as good as these people, even far worse, but he really did it.

Not only did he get Purple Tobacco, but he also escaped from two large seventh-order monsters, he also got Lan Xuelian and stalactite liquid, and he also seized some elixir from other spiritual practitioners, and even from an earth spirit. Chased by the strong, Liu Ruxue was rescued safely.

This series of behaviors, I am afraid that no one in the entire Samsara Valley team of hundreds of people can do it.

"Before you entered the valley of reincarnation, I suddenly felt a panic in my heart, as if you were going to leave me. I was afraid, so I followed in... Fortunately, I came in, otherwise I would not have seen such a Miss Xue, you are gone."

Liu Ruxue was taken aback for a moment, she never thought that the reason why Wu Aotian entered the Samsara Valley was this, it was for herself!

Because he was worried about himself, he, a spiritual disciple, rushed into this perilous valley of reincarnation, but he actually saved himself!

Liu Ruxue's heart was suddenly filled with emotion...

"You fool, don't you know it's dangerous to come in? Will you die?"

Wu Aotian laughed, and put down Liu Ruxue's arms: "I'm living a good life, I met Jia Yun first, and I was with her, but because I was robbing purple with spiritual practitioners from several other countries." Tobacco, who was hunted down by the Shekou Demon Clam, fled all the way from the swamp area to the cave area, and met another giant snake monster in the cave area. I was lucky, the two monsters fought, and I took the opportunity to scrape in the cave ..."

Wu Aotian recounted his experience of the past few days, Liu Ruxue was terrified when he heard it, he never thought that Wu Aotian would encounter so many dangers, let alone that he would get through it safely and gain a lot!

"Sister Ruxue, didn't you come here to look for purple tobacco? I have enough purple tobacco here, and it's still five-petaled. We don't have to go anywhere to take risks. We'll just hide in this sandstone area, and then one will grow to the ninth day. We'll just go straight into the safe zone."

Liu Ruxue looked at Wu Aotian who was completely empty, her eyes were a bit strange, Wu Aotian smiled and said: "Although I don't have a bracelet of void, my adventure gave me another kind of ability, and I can also receive things from the void...Here, look……"

With a casual move, Wu Aotian took out the large clump of purple tobacco, Liu Ruxue's eyes lit up, she stretched out her fingers to gently touch the purple petals, and looked at Wu Aotian with surprise: "Aotian God, you're amazing."

Wu Aotian chuckled, and handed the clump of purple tobacco to Liu Ruxue: "Take the purple tobacco, and when the time comes, you will break through the bottleneck and become an earth spirit. My brother needs your protection."

Liu Ruxue heard what Wu Aotian said was interesting, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "This time you saved my sister again, you are not strong, but you have a lot of means, you haven't said how you took me The one who escaped from the pursuit of the strong earth spirit?"

Wu Aotian didn't want to hide this sister, so he said: "My Void Storage is different from your Void Bracelet. My Void Storage can also put life into it. I just hide you in it, so that he will think that I have you Put it in the woods, and then he is reluctant to part with the two spiritual weapons on your body, so go back to the woods to find you, and stop chasing me..."

Liu Ruxue was taken aback: "Can it store life forms?"

Wu Aotian nodded and said: "Yes, this is my secret, sister, you are the first to know."

Liu Ruxue nodded solemnly and said: "Don't worry, my sister will keep the secret for you. It seems that your adventure is really not an ordinary adventure, and the means are really unique."

Looking at the big clump of purple tobacco, Liu Ruxue thought for a while, and divided about a quarter of it from the middle: "I want this much, it's enough, and you keep the rest for yourself...you are going to use it Is it handed over to Guiyun Palace?"

Wu Aotian thought for a while, shook his head and said: "I have no way to explain the source of my ability to hold things in the void, I can only store it for the time being, and I will talk about it later. Besides, I will face breakthroughs in the future, so it is better to keep it as a backup."

Liu Ruxue nodded and said: "Well, that's fine, I'm worried that if you foolishly hand over all of it, then you won't be able to use it yourself, this purple tobacco is not so easy to get..."

Wu Aotian smiled and said: "All the contestants don't have void bracelets, even if they want to hide, there is nothing they can do."

Liu Ruxue remembered something: "By the way, this time I beheaded many spiritual practitioners a few days ago, including some high-level spiritual masters. I seized a lot of elixir from them, and I kept It’s useless, I’ll give you everything, but your stalactite liquid, give me some.”

Wu Aotian nodded, and he was not polite to Liu Ruxue. There was no need for any politeness between the two of them. The large pile of elixir that Liu Ruxue took out from the Void Bracelet even had a lot of confiscated ones smashed into the bottle. All the pills and so on were stuffed into the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, and then a small altar of stalactite liquid was taken out from the Eight Desolation Spirit Gathering Cauldron, and handed to Liu Ruxue.

"The stalactite liquid is also a rare treasure. Many precious medicines may have been used before, so don't waste them."

Liu Ruxue put the stalactite liquid into the void bracelet, and did not forget to tell Wu Aotian, Wu Aotian smiled and said: "It seems that our two siblings should be the ones who have gained the most this time."


o It’s [-], and it’s ready to be on the potential list, but it still seems to be unnamed on the list. Everyone has a lot of red tickets. In addition, Xiao Ba hopes that everyone can click in at least twice a day to read the updated chapters, and don’t save them all once. I haven't clicked for a long time after watching sex, this click is too bleak.

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