The little wife of the CEO tycoon

【211】Remove Obstacles

The villa where Mu Yiduo lived.

The bodyguards sent to watch Pan Xiaosi's every move took a few phone calls and recorded them to Mu Yiduo.

After listening to all the recorded conversations between Pan Xiaosi and Yuvichi, Mu Yiduo smashed the phone on the ground.

In an instant, there were several loud crackling noises, and in the blink of an eye, the intact mobile phone was smashed to pieces, leaving the ground in a mess.

Five years, five years later, she realized that the marriage contract between Yuweichi and her was a fake!

Yuweichi didn't register with her at all!

That wedding between her and him was just an empty shell. The wedding looked beautiful, but she was still not the wife of Yuweichi!

It's been five years, but she has been keeping it to her bones.

However, the most cruel thing is that as soon as Pan Xiaosi came back, Yu Weichi planned to marry her, and the marriage contract was quietly agreed!

How could Yuweichi treat her so cruelly?Why? !

Thinking that she would take away the title of Madam Yu, Mu Yiduo became terrified, afraid that everything that she and the viscount finally got today would be wiped out.Without the title of Mrs. Yu, how many ridicules will she endure, and how many people will stare at her Viscount?

At that moment, Mu Yiduo seemed to see the countless cynicism and abuse of those wealthy ladies in front of her...

"Ah... ah... ah... Yuweichi... how can you treat me like this?! How can you?!" Mu Yiduo crazily covered her head and yelled, as if she wanted to do her best to ridicule the wealthy wives Swipe away, but no matter how much she yelled, it didn't dispel the fear in her heart.

After venting for a long time, at a certain moment, Jones' elegant face suddenly popped into her mind.

The moment she thought of Jones, Mu Yiduo seemed to have found a life-saving straw and saw a glimmer of light.

Now only Jones can save her. He is a member of the American Mafia. He must find a way to drive Pan Xiaosi and her daughter away so that they will never compete with her for the Vios again.

Thinking about it, Mu Yiduo panicked and took out her mobile phone to call Jones.

Jones, who was filming on the set in the United States, originally wanted to press the phone, but seeing Mu Yiduo displayed on the screen, Jones quickly connected to Mu Yiduo's call.

I haven't seen her for a while, and Jones also misses Mu Yiduo a little bit. Her phone call happened just in time.

"Jones, are you busy?" Once connected, Mu Yiduo held the phone tightly, not knowing what to say.

However, her voice was a little flustered, which was very different from usual, and Jones could tell that something was wrong with her as soon as she heard it.

"I'm not busy," Jones responded shallowly, and then asked, "Yiduo, did something happen to you?"

Jones knew her best, and when Jones noticed something strange, Mu Yiduo had no choice but to say frankly, "Yu Weichi has found out that the Viscount is not his own son, and he wants to drive us mother and daughter to death. Jones, the Viscount is my son and yours. You must save us, and don't let Pan Xiaosi's mother and daughter plot succeed."

As Mu Yiduo spoke, her voice trembled slightly, and Jones vaguely felt Mu Yiduo's worry.

Jones was silent for a while before replying, "Why didn't you choose to take the viscount with me when you were asked to go with me? Why are you so persistent when you know that Yuweichi doesn't like you?"

If I knew it now, why bother at the beginning?

It's all because Mu Yiduo chose the wrong path.

However, feeling Mu Yiduo's fear, Jones was also worried.He and Mu Yiduo are equally stupid, and they refuse to look back.He has no right to scold Mu Yiduo, because he also did the same stupid thing that Mu Yiduo committed, but every time he faces Mu Yiduo, he is always used to persuading her, even though he knows that Mu Yiduo will not hit her. The character of Nanqiang not looking back.

"Can I leave? At that time, I was Mrs. Yu, and the Viscount was here, so I couldn't leave." She finally married Yu Weichi, how could she leave like this?

Jones sighed and asked helplessly, "Since Yu Vichi has discovered that the Viscount is my son, what do you plan to do next?"

"I want Pan Xiaosi's mother and daughter to disappear completely." In this way, she won't come to compete with her for Yu Wei Chi and Yu's Group's shares!

All the property of the Yu family will belong to the viscount, and no one can divide it!

"Is it just like that?" It's not difficult for Pan Xiaosi's mother and daughter to disappear, but the one who is really difficult to deal with is Yu Weichi, who is afraid that he will be entangled endlessly because of Pan Xiaosi's death, and then he and Mu Yiduo's family will be in trouble .

"I just want Mu Yiduo's mother and daughter to disappear. Never come back and rob me of Yu's property. Those belong to the Viscount." It has been five years. Broken, how could she bear it?

"Is everything you did only because of the Viscount?" After hearing too many lies, he could no longer tell whether what Mu Yiduo said was true or not, but no matter what Mu Yiduo said, he Still willing to give everything for her.

He always said that Mu Yiduo was stupid, but now Jones realized that he was the one who was really stupid.No matter what mistakes Mu Yiduo made or what bad things he did, he would stand by her side, and even help her and help the evildoers.

"It's not for the viscount, what else can I do? Viscount, it's all mine now. Don't you have the heart to watch your son die at the hands of Yuweichi?" Jones asked again and again, Mu Yiduo was a little annoyed, holding the phone tightly The voice replied, feeling a little out of control.

After waiting for Yuwei Chi for so many years, what he got in return was his ruthlessness and indifference, and she only had the Viscount, why didn't Jones believe it?

Besides, his son is also a part of it. She believed that Jones would not watch her mother and daughter die beside Yu Weichi in vain.

After Mu Yiduo finished speaking, the other end of the phone fell silent. After a long time, Jones replied, "Wait for my news in a few days, and I will make Pan Xiaosi and her daughter never come back to City A!"

In addition to being an actor in Hollywood, Jones has another identity, that is, a member of the American Mafia.To deal with Pan Xiaosi's mother and daughter, he only needs to send a few men down, moreover, he can do it without anyone noticing, even Yu Weichi will find it difficult for them!

Finally got Jones' affirmative answer, Mu Yiduo breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Then you have to act quickly, the wedding between Yuweichi and Pan Xiaosi will be held in City A next Wednesday, if Pan Xiaosi's daughter is allowed to enter the household registration of Yujia , the value of the Viscount will drop by half in the entertainment industry!" Even, everything!

If Yuweichi transfers all the property under his name to Pan Xiaosi's daughter Tang Xiaobei, she and Jones' Viscount will have nothing!

Thinking that after spending five years, everything that was finally obtained was about to be divided up, and it was the mother and daughter Pan Xiaosi who she hated the most, the more Mu Yiduo thought about it, the more she felt distressed.

"I understand, you can rest assured to wait for my good news." Jones said confidently.

As long as there is a threat to Mu Yiduo and the Viscount, he will help her remove obstacles.


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