But no one expected that a little girl selling bread would marry into Yu's family in the end!

Therefore, the moment they saw Yuweichi, those girls all turned into docile little sheep.

The yellow-headed girl had no choice but to take out two hundred bills and hand them to Pan Xiaosi, wanting to run away without wanting the change.

But Yuweichi didn't want to let them go just like that. He grabbed the yellow-haired girl and said, "Are you going to pay some money and you just want to get it over with? You deliberately framed my wife and made her defend for a long time. I don't know how much time she has been wasted in doing business. How can I say it?" This box of cakes will also pay us double."

Yu Weichi glanced at them coldly, and asked, "Do you have any opinions?"

Those unscrupulous youths hurriedly shook their heads and responded in unison, "No objection."

The yellow-haired girl took out two two-hundred-dollar bills and handed them to Pan Xiaosi. Pan Xiaosi took the bills away and put them in his pocket. Who told those unscrupulous young people to deliberately make things difficult for her?

Let them pay more money and pay some lessons, it should be!

It's not easy to deliver bread, no matter how windy or rainy, they can't stop, and they have to be looked down upon. These people really don't deserve it.

After paying the money, those unscrupulous young people slipped away faster than rabbits. Mu Yiduo, who was planning all this in the distance, saw Yuweichi appearing in time to rescue Pan Xiaosi, her palms tightly clenched into fists. She originally wanted to humiliate Pan Xiaosi, but she didn't I thought I would meet Yuvios in the restaurant!

Instead of humiliating Pan Xiaosi, Pan Xiaosi got a big deal instead!

"I won't let it go like this, Pan Xiaosi, you wait!" Mu Yiduo left with her bag full of resentment.

At the dining table, Pan Xiaosi smiled and waved the four hundred-yuan bills in front of Yu Vichi and said, "Mr. Yu, do we count it as extortion?"

Yuweichi smiled helplessly, his knife-sharpened face could be said to turn all living beings upside down.

"Even if it's extortion, it's aboveboard, and they still want to sue us?" Gently brushing Pan Xiaosi's messy hair behind her cheeks, she led Pan Xiaosi out with a trace of affection in her deep gaze.

Pan Xiaosi smiled into a crescent shape, Yu Weichi is really dark-hearted, knowing that he is the chief executive of the Yu family, who would dare to sue him?

What bad luck those people met him!

"Honey, it's time for us to go back to Pan's house to accompany Xiaobei." Facing Pan Xiaosi's smiling face, Yuvichi pulled her into the car.

Pan Xiaosi nodded, and went back to Pan's bakery with Yu Weichi, planning to pick Tang Xiaobei back to Yu's house.

However, when they returned to Pan's Bakery, both Pan Xiaosi and Yuweichi were stunned by the sight in front of them.

Pan's Bakery was smashed again!

This time, it was different from the previous time when Yuweichi simply vented his anger and smashed her bread. This time, the whole storefront was splashed with red paint, and the whole storefront was blood red, which was very scary and almost completely destroyed.Not to mention inside the bakery, the glass windows were broken, cakes, pastries, and bread mixed with glass shards were scattered all over the place, even the bread-baking utensils in the bakery were smashed, and none of the bread-baking utensils were intact .

"What's going on here?" Pan Xiaosi was stunned, talking to herself, her eyes were full of astonishment.

She just delivered bread, why did her bakery look like this when she came back?

The two elders of the Pan family, who were crying, saw Pan Xiaosi for a moment, and walked up to Pan Xiaosi, "Your mother and I were watching TV inside just now, a group of young men and women suddenly came from nowhere, came in without saying a word, and died." If you smash into the store, your mother and I will not be able to stop it."

Pan Musheng was very angry. He wanted to stop them, but there were many of them, and they were all young people. Old Pan's father wanted to stop them, but they pushed him and fell.

"Dad, Mom, are you injured anywhere?" Pan Xiaosi looked worriedly at Father Pan, worried that those people would hurt her parents.

"Your mother and I are fine." Pan Musheng said, but moved his legs back.

Pan Xiaosi's eyes were sharp, and she immediately saw what Pan's father was hiding. She looked at her father's leg and asked, "Dad, what's wrong with your leg?"

"Your father's leg was sprained when he was arguing with them just now." Pan's mother wiped her tears and replied. Just now, in order to prevent them from smashing the store, Pan's father almost fought with those hooligans, and Pan's father was pushed by them.

"Dad, I'll ask Junhao to take you to the hospital, and I'll handle it here." Yu Weichi frowned, persuading Father Pan to take a look at the foot injury.

However, Father Pan refused to leave, shaking his head and refusing.

"Dad, if you don't want to go to the hospital, let mom accompany you home and drink medicinal wine. We are here with Vios." Pan's father refused to leave, and Pan Xiaosi couldn't help persuading her. She didn't know the injury on her father's leg , The injury is not serious.

"Let's go, we'd better go home, it's enough for Xiaosi and Vios to stay here." Pan's mother sighed, worried for a while about her husband's sprained leg.

The whole family persuaded him to leave, so Pan Musheng nodded and asked Shi Junhao to drive them back to Pan's house.

"Weichi, let's call the police. We can't let those people go like this." Looking at the unrecognizable bakery, Pan Xiaosi felt extremely heartbroken. The bakery was the entire effort of the Pan family, but it was destroyed like this. Pan Xiaosi was full of anger.

Her bakery has always been open in a well-regulated manner, and the relationship with the acquaintances nearby has always been harmonious. Why did it encounter someone smashing the shop?

The more Pan Xiaosi thinks about it, the more wrong she is. Who has such a big hatred for her family and seems to want her bakery to fail?

"You don't need to call the police, let Junhao investigate, I believe we can find out who it is soon." Yu Weichi frowned deeply, and was also thinking about who smashed Pan Xiaosi's bakery.

Looking at the red paint at the door of the store, Yuweichi frowned slightly, as if thinking of something.

Yuweichi couldn't help but said, "Xiaosi, you can go back too, Xiaobei is unattended, she needs you. Leave the bakery to me, and I will take care of it."

Pan Xiaosi was a little hesitant, but when she thought that Tang Xiaobei was left unattended, she nodded.

The father was injured, and the mother stayed with the father. The two elders had no time to take care of the children, so she had to go back and guard Tang Xiaobei.

Pan Xiaosi walked slowly towards Pan's house not far away.

Seeing Pan Xiaosi walking away, Yu Weichi next to him picked up his mobile phone and dialed someone's phone number: Longchen City.

Longqincheng, who was doing nothing, saw that it was Yuweichi's call, so he answered the call nervously.

The last time Pan Xiaosi was kidnapped, he was severely punished by his old man, and his leg was almost broken. Up to now, Longqin City is still restrained at home, not daring to take half a step outside.

He is afraid of Yuwei Chi!

"I don't know why Young Master Yu is looking for me in Longqincheng?" Longqincheng was a little panicked. This time, Yuweichi will not still want to ask him to count Pan Xiaosi's kidnapping last time, just pouring two buckets of water on her, right?

"Young Master Long, don't be nervous, I just want to ask you for a small favor." Yu Weichi curled his lips, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his lips, it seems that Long Qincheng really learned a lesson last time!

"What's the matter, Master Yu, just tell me." Long Qincheng replied a little doggy, as long as Yu Weichi doesn't sue in front of his father, it's easy to discuss to help with those matters.

"Help me check a few people. Today at the bakery of XXXXX on Xijing Road, those people smashed up Pan's bakery. They poured several buckets of red paint on the door. They are probably loan sharks, or gangsters. Please help me to check, Mr. Long." Looking at Pan Xiaosi's disfigured bakery, he frowned.

A few days ago, the media exposed his relationship with Pan Xiaosi. They just interviewed Pan Xiaosi's bakery, and most of them knew about his relationship with Yuweichi and Pan Xiaosi. Who would dare to touch her bakery?Yuweichi was also very strange. Who first revealed the address of Pan Xiaosi's bakery to the media?

After much deliberation, Yuweichi only thought of one person.

That is Mu Yiduo!

As soon as the divorce scandal ended, the media found out about Pan's bakery the next day. With such a quick exposure, it's hard not to think of Mu Yiduo.

However, although Yu Weichi suspected Mu Yiduo of smashing the store this time, there was no evidence, so he had to ask Longqin City to investigate.

"No problem, I still have the ability to help Young Master Yu investigate the underworld matters, then Young Master Yu, wait for my call." It's not difficult to check people, Longqin City readily agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Longqincheng dialed a number to his subordinates, asking them to find out what happened to those people at XXXXX bakery on Xijing Road today.

Soon, half an hour later, Longqin City's subordinates found out those gangsters who participated in smashing Pan Xiaosi's bakery.

Longqincheng also asked his subordinates to personally hand over those who smashed Pan Xiaosi's bakery to Yuweichi for disposal.

After being questioned, Yu Weichi knew who the mastermind was.

Exactly as he had guessed, the person who deliberately smashed up Pan Xiaosi's bakery was indeed Mu Yiduo!

She was probably the one who revealed the address of Pan Xiaosi's bakery!

Yu Weichi was annoyed for a while, he let Mu Yiduo go again and again, but Mu Yiduo didn't know how to cherish again and again!

So, Yuweichi made a call to the secretary office of TS Group. From now on, TS Group will completely block Mu Yiduo. As long as he is still a tycoon in the entertainment industry, Mu Yiduo will never be able to hang out in the entertainment industry!

Yu Weichi frowned, with a look of disappointment on his face, he asked Shi Junhao beside him, "Is there any progress on the ship explosion?"

Shi Junhao shook his head, and replied, "We are still contacting people inside the mafia to investigate. Those people are all very vigilant. It will be difficult and time-consuming to investigate."

"As soon as possible." Tang Xiaobei was still lying on the bed and hadn't recovered. He was a good child, but he was harmed like this. This hatred was a disease in his heart.

Yu Weichi's brows were deeply sunken, thinking that Tang Xiaobei, who used to be lively, has not spoken for several months now, how much he wants to hear her call him daddy?However, since that accident, Tang Xiaobei has never spoken again, his eyes have been dull, and the aura of the past has disappeared.

"Boss, I know." Replied, a little sad.

Those people are really too cunning, they don't leave any traces in their actions, even if they sneak into their inner circle, they are all tight-lipped.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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