"Honey, don't go tonight, I'll save Xiaobei alone." Pan Xiaosi's face was pale, probably because he was shocked by the conversation between him and Shi Junhao just now, Yu Weichi couldn't help but stepped forward and hugged her tightly Soothing.

If Jones is really related to the ship explosion, things are more dangerous than imagined, and he must not let Pan Xiaosi get hurt in the slightest.

"Didn't Jones say you want us to go together? What if you go alone and he gets angry and hurts Beckham? Vios, I want to go with you." Pan Xiaosi was a little worried. Jones has such a strange personality. Didn't attend the appointment and only saw Yuweichi alone, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't be angry and do something.

"That would be very dangerous." Yu Weichi frowned a little hesitantly, but thinking of Pan Xiaosi's safety, Yu Weichi still couldn't help persuading him.

He is most worried that the mad Jones will lose his mind and make crazy moves.

"I'm not afraid." Pan Xiaosi shook her head, bit her lips tightly, her face full of determination.

"Okay then." Yu Weichi frowned, unable to resist Pan Xiaosi, and he was also worried that Jones didn't see Pan Xiaosi hurt Xiaobei.

So, at night, Yuweichi drove Pan Xiaosi to the waste yard.

When I got to the door, I felt that the wasteland was gloomy.Pan Xiaosi couldn't help holding Yuweichi's hand tightly, and walked inside step by step.

"Jones, we're here, you can come out now." The scrapyard was deserted and there was no one. Yuvichi couldn't help but shouted inside, trying to call Jones out.

After Yu Weichi finished speaking, in an instant, there was a sound from the roof of a dilapidated building in the waste yard, and a few low laughs, "Young Master Yu is on time."

Jones glanced at Pan Xiaosi who was beside Yu Wei Chi, and Yu Wei Chi really brought Pan Xiaosi, and later he brought the three of them together in the underworld.

"Where's my daughter, Xiaobei?" Pan Xiaosi was anxious for a while, and didn't have the slightest thought to listen to their greetings.At this moment, she just wanted to see that her daughter was safe and sound!

"No hurry, your daughter is fine." Jones responded slowly to Pan Xiaosi, and with a wave of his hand, a bodyguard grabbed Tang Xiaobei's clothes by the nape of her neck and lifted her out. No reaction, no shouting, much less resistance.

When Pan Xiaosi and Yu Weichi saw the bodyguard treating their daughter like this, their hearts were raised in their throats, and they were deeply afraid that that person would accidentally push Xiaobei down from the tall building.

"Let go of my daughter." Seeing Tang Xiaobei, Yu Weichi was agitated, and a murderous intent burst out from his deep gaze.

"Young Master Yu, do you really want me to let you go?" The bodyguard who was carrying Tang Xiaobei suddenly spoke, and Pan Xiaosi was shocked by the gloomy voice. Why does this person's voice sound so similar...

"Don't let go of my daughter!" Watching the bodyguard carry Tang Xiaobei to the floor without railings, as if he wanted to push Tang Xiaobei downstairs, looking at the tall building, Pan Xiaosi anxiously stepped forward and shouted.

She remembered the bodyguard in front of her, he was the gangster who arranged explosives on the ship that day!

She will remember his voice till death!

"If you dare to touch my daughter again, I will definitely not let you go." Looking at the bodyguard's gesture, Yu Weichi couldn't restrain his anger and threatened him.

"Xiao Liu, stop playing, bring her down." Xiao Liu seemed to be playing too much, and Jones couldn't help but stop.When they finish their business, he can do whatever he wants with that dull kid.

"Okay." The man named Xiaoliu carried Tang Xiaobei and walked towards Yuweichi and Pan Xiaosi step by step following Jones' steps.

"Jones, what are you going to do to let my daughter go?" These people were simply lunatics, and Yuweichi repeatedly suppressed his anger and questioned Jones.

When they attacked a child as young as Xiaobei, they simply lost their conscience.

"I want you and Pan Xiaosi to apologize to Yiduo." Mentioning Mu Yiduo, Jones' temperament suddenly changed, and the gentle Jones turned into a cold man.

"Apologize?" Yu Weichi frowned. In his dictionary, apart from apologizing to his wife and family and admitting mistakes, he has never apologized to anyone else!

Moreover, the person apologizing at this moment is Mu Yiduo, so that's even more impossible!

He didn't feel sorry for Mu Yiduo at all!

"Weichi, don't do this, Xiaobei is still in their hands." Pan Xiaosi couldn't help but tugged Yu Weichi's arm, reminding him.If Xiaobei can be saved, what's the point of apologizing to Mu Yiduo?

Jones on the side seemed very dissatisfied with Yu Weichi's expression, and couldn't help snorting, "Young Master Yu, it seems very disdainful."

Yu Weichi returned to Dow Jones with a smile on his lips, "Why did my young master apologize to Mu Yiduo?"

At least, Jones had to give him a reason to be soft.

"Why? Why do you say? You blocked Yiduo, forced her to a corner, and trampled on her love for you. These reasons are not enough for you to say sorry to her?" Jones smiled wryly, this is what Mu Yiduo likes man?

He looked left and right, nothing good!

"I think you made a mistake. I never trampled on her love for me. After she came back from the United States, I told her very clearly from the beginning that it was impossible for me and her to get back together. I never cheated or used her. Also, why didn't you ask her, why did I block her?" Yu Weichi snorted coldly, no wonder Jones and Mu Yiduo are such a perfect match, and their tone of accusation is exactly the same.

After Yuweichi finished speaking, Jones's sharp eyes like glass pressed on Yuweichi, and the cold light burst out with a trace of anger.Yuweichi, who was standing opposite, did not show weakness, and looked closely at Jones.

At this moment, although Yuweichi and Pan Xiaosi are in a weak position, no one can resist Yuweichi's aura.

"Jones, forget it, the forced apology is not sincere, let's forget it." Just when Jones and Yuweichi looked at each other, Mu Yiduo, who had been hiding in the dark, suddenly hahaha Laughing walked towards Jones' position.Her eyes kept looking at Yu Wei Chi, with tears shining, full of sadness.

The moment Mu Yiduo came out, Jones was startled, and said, "No, we can't just let it go, he hurt you so deeply, I must make him and Pan Xiaosi kowtow to you to apologize!"

As Jones said, he wanted to threaten Yu Weichi and Pan Xiaosi with Tang Xiaobei, but Mu Yiduo stopped him in time.

"What's the point of such an apology? Let's go ahead with the original plan. I've given up on Yuvichi, completely!" Mu Yiduo sneered bitterly, but a venomous gleam flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Jones heard Mu Yiduo say that he gave up on Yuweichi, his tense face was full of anger, but in an instant, it subsided slightly, and Mu Yiduo finally no longer had expectations for Yuweichi, and she would not have to worry about it in the future. Life is so tiring!

"Tie Tang Xiaobei upstairs to the woodpile, Young Master Yu and I still have something to talk about." Jones suddenly ordered someone to take Tang Xiaobei back to the abandoned upstairs just now, his clear and sharp eyes flashed an imperceptible light .

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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