The little wife of the CEO tycoon

【31】Sunscreen advertisement

"Yalin, work has started." After Yuweichi left, Pan Xiaosi called Ouyang Yalin to tell her the good news.

When I made the call, Ouyang Yalin was still sleeping under the covers. As soon as she heard Pan Xiaosi yell that there was a commercial to be filmed, she got out of the cover in a lazy manner, and asked anxiously, "What commercial?"

"Sunscreen." After a pause, Pan Xiaosi continued to urge, "We are filming at the Pearl Hotel at 3 o'clock this afternoon, so hurry up and die."

"Which advertising company provided the list?" Ouyang Yalin felt a little strange. When she went out to accept the list these days, she heard a lot of rumors about the ambiguous relationship between Ling Zhihan and the third-tier movie star Gao Xingyan of the TS Group. At first, she thought it was a scandal created by the company for hype. It wasn't until she saw Ling Zhihan and Gao Xingyan going in and out of the hotel intimately that day that she realized that those rumors were true.

She originally wanted to call Pan Xiaosi, but then thought that she was in a sad moment, and if she told her about Ling Zhihan and Gao Xingyan, it would only make Pan Xiaosi even more sad.

Ouyang Yalin chose to remain silent, and it was also on that day that she suddenly realized why Gao Xingyan wanted to steal their advertisement.

It turned out that Ling Zhihan deliberately blocked Pan Xiaosi's retreat.

Therefore, no matter how hard they worked during this time, they could not receive a single advertisement.

However, how did the advertisement in Pan Xiaosi's hands come about?

Ouyang Yalin was puzzled.

"The advertisements under the TS Group are not only guaranteed, but the salary is also good." Pan Xiaosi pretended to be very happy and said to Ouyang Yalin, but her heart felt bitter. If Yalin knew that their advertisements were sold by her, Will Arlene look down on herself?

"Okay, demo! TS Group is such a difficult company, you can get all of its advertisements, not bad. Hey, I'm just curious, Pan Xiaosi, how did you get the advertisements of other companies?" Ouyang Yalin joked cheerfully, trying to follow Pan Xiaosi's words.

She always felt that there was something weird about Pan Xiaosi today, but she couldn't tell where it was.

Being so excited by Ouyang Yalin, Pan Xiaosi felt uneasy for a while, feeling as uncomfortable as being crushed by a wheel. In order not to let Ouyang Yalin see the flaws, Pan Xiaosi tried her best to tease her, "Hey, it's not because people look at me She is as beautiful as a flower, everyone loves her, and the flowers bloom when she sees them, she is very lucky, so just hit me on the head."

"..." Ouyang Yalin was speechless, "Did she really fall in love with someone unintentionally?"

Ouyang Yalin still couldn't believe it.

"It's really that people didn't want to see me, okay, I won't tell you, remember to rush to the hotel before three o'clock in the afternoon." Pan Xiaosi emphasized again very seriously.

Ouyang Yalin was relieved when she heard Pan Xiaosi's reassurance.

"Don't worry, Miss. Be sure to be there on time before three o'clock." Cutting off the phone, Ouyang Yalin hurriedly washed up in the bathroom, planning to finish lunch, and meet up with Pan Xiaosi around the same time.

After hanging up the phone, Pan Xiaosi took a shower, packed up her things, and went downstairs to cook for herself.

Although Yuweichi's villa has a nanny who specializes in cooking, but she likes to cook by herself, and meals made by herself make her feel happier.

ps: Collect it... Little freshmen, girls who don’t collect are not good girls.

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