we are brothers


Wang Long and the others ran in front, when they heard shouts from behind, "Stop, stop!" Guo Dongsheng led a large group of people behind him and started chasing them. When they ran, only Li Hongru and Da Zhong were left beside Wang Long and Li Lei, the rest of the people didn't know where they went. At the gate of No. [-] Middle School, these four people ran away, followed by a dozen people chasing after them. This scene was also extremely spectacular.

After chasing for two streets, Guo Dongsheng's yelling and cursing gradually became smaller and smaller, and the four fled left and right.Entered a small alley, which is quite far away from the school.

Wang Long rubbed his face and it swelled up, "Damn it. Give Wang Hehe a few of these. According to Wang Hehe's speed, they will give up chasing directly. This is stupid." He yelled Panting heavily.

On one side of the big clock, Li Hongru, Li Lei, and others were also in a state of embarrassment. Everyone's faces were bruised and purple. Li Hongru was sweating profusely, sitting on the ground with a cigarette in his mouth. The box was thrown aside again, several people looked around with cigarettes in their mouths, each with a stick in his hand, under the surprised eyes of many people around.

Li Hongru didn't speak, with an anxious expression on his face, he took the phone and made several calls in a row, and then the "grass mud horse" cursed, and threw the phone aside, "It doesn't work, I guess it's all broken. If I knew it, I would have called more." Some people come out."

"It's all money, don't be so extravagant." Wang Long took Li Hongru's cell phone back from the ground and handed it to Li Hongru, "Don't worry, there is always a solution. Now all the broken ones have been folded. There is no way. Now Guo Dongsheng is mainly looking for the two of us."

"It's not your friend who stayed there, so you don't need to be in a hurry." Li Hongru was anxious, "Fuck!" He threw the phone to the ground again.

"Li Hongru, what the hell do you mean?" The big bell immediately went into flames, "As if we want to!"

"What do you mean?" Li Hongru stood up and yelled.

"Big clock!" Wang Long pulled the big clock aside. "That's all right. Shut up!"

The big bell glanced at Wang Long and spat out a mouthful of "fuck" to the side, then sat on the side again.

"Stop arguing." This Li Lei looks quite calm now, "Zhengwen Dawei and the others must have dealt with it now, but it won't be too serious. It's not like I haven't suffered a beating before. The problem now is What shall we do next?"

"There's a noodle shop over there, let's go eat something first." Wang Long pointed not far away, touched his pocket, there was ten yuan, four people, just enough to buy four bowls of "full food" Only then will I have the strength to think about other things.”

A few people went into the noodle restaurant and ate several bowls of noodles. When paying the bill, Wang Long took out ten yuan, but it cost 12 yuan. Because he added four eggs, he stood aside, a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll do it." Li Hongru was not as irritable as before, he returned the ten yuan to Wang Long, took out the bill himself, and bought four more bottles of water.

At this time, Li Lei's phone rang, and he took the phone and said a few words, "Brother Ru, Guo Dongsheng and the others are guarding the school gate. Zheng Wen and the others are fine now, they were beaten up, and now Guo Dongsheng Dongsheng and his gang are mainly looking for you and Wang Long. Or, you can call Yu Jiang."

"It's useless. Now he definitely doesn't care about me. He had such a big incident a few days ago, and his ass hasn't been wiped clean. Now he doesn't care about me anymore. The more important thing is that I caused it , What's the matter, Guo Dongsheng loves me so much, he guards me from the school gate without eating, right?"

"He also doesn't want to cause trouble from the school. He has been punished, and if he makes trouble from the school, he will definitely be expelled."

Li Hongru picked up his cigarette again, "About how many people came out just now."

"There must have been more than 20, but they stood separately. After the fight, they came from all directions."

"Call Zhengwen and the others and ask them to gather together. Let's make an appointment. I'll call back later."

Li Lei nodded, "Wait for me, I'll make a call."

Wang Long was smoking a cigarette on the side, "This fight will be endless. If you hit me, I will hit you."

"Then what do you say?"

"Or just like Yu Jiangping Vocational Education, defeat them all at once."

"It's easy to say. Is this what you say you can conquer?"

As soon as Li Hongru finished speaking, Li Lei also put down the phone in his hand, "Brother Ru, Zheng Wen said that many students from other schools went to the gate of the school. A few people without school uniforms are communicating with Guo Dongsheng. Zheng Wen said it seems to be Those outside the school, let's not go back in the afternoon, he saw that group of people coming with knives."

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became more serious, and Wang Long frowned. This time things were difficult, and no one was not afraid of being beaten.

"What should we do next?" Li Lei asked again, "It's easy to hide for an afternoon. Just ask the teacher for a leave. If you hide in the afternoon, there will be tomorrow. If you hide in the afternoon, there will be the day after tomorrow. We can't even go to school." Alright."

"Go to my place first, and hide this afternoon."

Li Hongru and Li Lei looked at each other, and the four of them returned to Wang Long's house.

Standing at Wang Long's house, Li Hongru looked at Wang Long, "Your house is simple enough, do you live with your sister?"

"Well, it's just the two of us." Wang Long took out a few bottles of beer. "Come on, drink some. Brother Zheng put a lot at home."

"What about your parents?"

"No, I haven't since I was a child. What do you want them to do?" When mentioning his parents, Wang Long was still very angry. "It's enough to have my sister."

"Then how do you live?"

"I go to work at night, earn a little bit, and make ends meet."

"Then how tired you are, don't you have any other relatives or friends?"

"No, it's nothing to be tired of. Anyone who leaves has to live. I can take good care of my sister. What's more, she has two other brothers now, and we can't be like this forever, waiting for my sister. After finishing high school, I will be liberated. I will find a way to support her to go to college. I can’t stop going to school now. My sister has a stubborn temper. If I don’t go to school, she won’t go to school. She loves to study. It's enough to hurt her, this time I must learn a lesson, and I promised her to accompany her to school, that's why I have been reluctant to fight in school, there are special circumstances, anyway, if you can bear it Bear with it."

"Okay, don't ask this." Da Zhong looked at Li Hongru, "Do you think everyone is as rich as your family?"

"I didn't mean that." Li Hongru glanced at Wang Long, and opened his mouth to bite off a bottle cap. "Just now I counted my mouth as too much, I will punish myself with a bottle."

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