we are brothers

[082] Shrew Xiao Xiawen

Da Zhong quickly nodded, "Don't worry, don't worry, I will do what I promised you, the second thing!"

Xiao Xiawen smiled, and stretched out three fingers, "My wife is the biggest, my wife is second, my wife is third, and you can only be fourth, ok?"

Da Zhong nodded quickly, "No problem, no problem, whatever my wife says is right!"

"Oh, I found out that this person is cheap, tsk tsk!"

Da Zhong turned his head and looked at Gao Yu angrily, "Believe it or not, I will kill you."

Gao Yu quickly covered his mouth, pointed at Gong Zheng, "I said Gong Zheng is an idiot."

"Fucking shit!" Gong Zheng went up again with a punch, "Today I will never stop dying with you!"

Xiao Xiawen has been used to this group of people these days, and she really likes this collection. "The third point." Xiao Xiawen paused, "Kneel!" She pointed to her feet.

Da Zhong froze for a moment, everyone in the room looked at them, Wang Long frowned.

"It's none of your business, don't interrupt." Xiao Xiawen pointed at Gong Zheng and Gao Yu, because they were the only ones who talked a lot.

"Big Clock, I'll give you time to count three, hurry up, three, two"

Da Zhong gritted his teeth, "Okay", then turned around and was about to kneel, Xiao Xiawen supported him, and smiled happily at him, "You can keep this kneeling, either put a ring on me, or wait for me to kill him later." about you!"

The big clock smiled "haha", and immediately hugged Xiao Xiawen, "Daughter-in-law, I love you"

"Kiss one, kiss one, kiss one!" The embarrassing atmosphere just now eased, and everyone was very, very happy. Da Zhong hugged Xiao Xiawen in his arms, stared at Xiao Xiawen, blushed again, and was stunned. Sorry, no matter how much they booed after recognizing Wang Long, it still didn't work.

"What a fucking idiot!" Xiao Xiawen yelled, "Aren't you a man!" In Da Zhong's arms, she put her arms around Da Zhong's neck and kissed Da Zhong's lips directly, that's right, It was Xiao Xiawen who kissed him forcefully.

Da Zhong's gaze was blank for a moment, and Xiao Xiawen was still in his arms. Suddenly, this guy let go, and he heard "Ouch, Mr. Jin Xiuzhong, I fell to my death!"

The big clock touched his lips, with a confused expression on his face, lingering, everyone around laughed, and quickly helped Xiao Xiawen up from the ground. As soon as Xiao Xiawen stood up, "I will fight with you." According to the big clock , waving her little fist, and punched her up, Dazhong will react now, "Daughter-in-law, I was wrong." He hugged his head and ran inside, Xiao Xiawen chased after him yelling and cursing, the two of them were in the room A fight.

"Really agree?" Gao Yu looked depressed.

Gong Zheng shook his head, "Nambly, it's not like this, these two are too out of rhythm."

"That's right, the standard Beauty and the Beast, I feel that I am better than Da Zhong in every aspect."

"I feel the same way, why can't I touch it?"

"Gong Zheng!" Ah Yao looked at him from the side, Gong Zheng quickly smiled, and patted his face, "It's all stupid Gao Yu talking nonsense!"

"Fuck, why is it me again!"

"Do you admit it? If you don't admit it, there will be no answer tomorrow!"

Gao Yu's "Mombi" yelled, "What's wrong with me!"

"Haha!" Everyone in the room laughed, and there was still the laughter of Da Zhong and Xiao Xiawen. Da Zhong felt as if he was going crazy with happiness, and ran around holding Xiao Xiawen in his arms, "Daughter-in-law, you Tell me, what do you like about me!"

"I like you stupid!"

Da Zhong became depressed at once, "I shouldn't fucking ask."

"Haha!" There was laughter again in the room.

Wang Long looked at his brothers and was happy. He was really happy. It was the first time in so many years that he lived a real and happy life like this. Although life was a bit bitter, at least he was much freer. Wang Ci on the side, Wang Ci also smiled, "I bless Brother Da Zhong from the bottom of my heart, my sister-in-law must be a very happy person!"

Wang Long nodded his head, "Xiao Xiawen is very creepy, so many people chased her, why did she fall in love with Dazhong, because she knew that Dazhong was reliable! Why didn't she like Gong Zheng and Gao Yu?" After Wang Long said this, he regretted it. He glanced at Gong Zheng and Gao Yu who were facing him, and found that they were looking at him with vicious eyes.

Wang Long suddenly laughed, "Joke, joke, two big brothers!"

Zhang Shuang's expression on the side was a bit sad, she walked to Wang Long's side, and said quietly, "Wang Long, it's been half a year."

"Yeah, it's been half a year." The figure of Yungege appeared in his mind again. He hadn't talked to Yungege for a long time, and now he just feels that he is very satisfied to see Yungege every day, and he also I don't know what else I can do.

It's time for the New Year, he glanced at the clothes on Wang Ci, and touched his pocket, he didn't care, but he wanted to buy a new suit for Wang Ci...

After lunch, the group ran to the bar. Wang Long and his group were on the way. Ma Liming came in and was next to Wang Long. "Brother Long, is it convenient?"

Wang Long nodded, greeted Gong Zheng and the others, and left with Ma Liming.

"Brother Feng said that he will block Zhu Bin at the school gate for a while, and let me come and call you."

"Okay, I'll just go there in a while. It doesn't matter if they don't. Anyway, Lu Feng just wants me to show up. I just show up."

Ma Liming smiled, "Then we'll wait for you at the school gate."

"Okay." Wang Long patted Ma Liming on the shoulder, "Help me tell Brother Feng that Xiao Xiawen and Da Zhong have formally dated just now."

Ma Liming froze for a moment, "Is it true? Xiao Xiawen can fall in love with the big clock."

Wang Long was a little unhappy, "What's wrong with my brother?"

Ma Liming also felt a little inappropriate, and quickly shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay, then we'll wait for you."

"Why did Zhu Bin and Lu Feng fight?"

Ma Liming smiled, "Brother Feng wants to carry the banner of No. [-] middle school."

As soon as Wang Long heard him say this, he understood, "What, what is the name of the club you organized?"

"Peak Fire"

Wang Long smiled, let's go back, greeted Gong Zheng and the others inside, and left by himself without saying what he was going to do.In fact, this is very good. When they walked to the school gate, Lu Feng and the others were already there. There were a dozen of them, all wearing high school uniforms. "Brother Long" Lu Feng said hello to Wang Long, because Wang Long is at school Inside, it is also a little famous.

"Brother Feng, what is the size of your Fenghuo club?"

"Either you come too and take your group."

"I can't live my own life, so I don't have the money to pay you the club fee." Wang Long happily said, "We can't be special. If it breaks the rules, it's not good, right?"

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