we are brothers

[096] New Year's Eve

"A Yao, go, stay away from this beast!" Xiao Xiawen looked at A Yao, "Stop crying, what's the use of crying!"

Da Zhong stood up and looked at Xiao Xiawen, "Leader, give me instructions, and I'll beat him up for you!"

"Shut up!" Xiao Xiawen yelled at the big bell, "Ah Yao, let's go, be more successful, and we will never mess with him in the future."

Ah Yao shook her head vigorously while tears were streaming down her face, saying she would not leave.

"It's fucking convincing!" Xiao Xiawen flicked the chopsticks, turned around and went out.

The dinner table was very awkward, Gong Zheng held the chopsticks and glanced at the big clock, "Don't chase after her, coax her, she has no evil intentions, she just has a straight temper, she will get angry after a while, at most she will target me, then But your daughter-in-law."

The big bell let out an "oh", and hurriedly chased it out.

Wang Ci sat across from Gong Zheng, "Brother Zheng, you say you."

Gong Zheng directly interrupted Wang Ci, "Ah Yao, can you stop following me? It will save you from being wronged. People like me are not suitable for dating. You are very naive in my eyes. I like social Those demon babies who can let go”

"I was wrong." Ah Yao quickly shook her head, "Ah Zheng, I won't cry anymore."

Gong Zheng looked at her, "You should have thought about it, you said that I have such a temperament, what good does it do for you to follow me."

"I'll follow." Ah Yao said quietly, "I won't leave."

Gong Zheng sighed and stood up, "Eat, Yao, come with me."

Gong Zheng turned around and went back to the room. Ah Yao followed Gong Zheng in. In the room, Gong Zheng held Ah Yao in his arms, and his attitude was not as indifferent as before. He felt sorry for Ah Yao, "Don't cry No, I'm sorry, what I did just now was a little too much, don't cry, I just want to save face, so many people..."

Ah Yao nodded, "Don't cry, don't cry," but the tears still fell down, "I, I can't control it"

"Hey, forget it, forget it, don't cry." Gong Zheng grabbed Ah Yao's chest, "Come on, take off your clothes..."

After a while, a woman's groan came from the room.

Zhang Shuang didn't speak at the side all the time, she looked at the people on the dining table, "I can't eat anymore, you can eat." She turned and left.

That left only Wang Ci and the others. Li Lei smiled and pushed Gao Yu, "It's all you."

Gao Yu shook his head, "Being self-inflicted, you can't live, you can't live! Whoever follows Gong Zheng is unlucky!"

Wang Long also smiled, "Come, eat, eat, continue to eat."

Wang Ci patted Wang Long, "Brother, don't you talk about Gong Zheng."

"I said what did he do, what happened to him?"

"How could he treat Ah Yao like this."

Wang Long stared at Wang Ci, "What is he doing to you?"

Wang Ci said "I" and didn't continue.

"Love is a thing of baseness, and he, Yao, is willing to be base, so no one else is to blame." Speaking of this, Yun Gege appeared in Wang Long's mind again, "Isn't it the same for me? Hehe"

"The matter between two people can never be explained clearly by the third person. Brother Zheng is actually right. He is such a person himself. He just treats women like this. He doesn't say anything to his brother or sister. Yes. no?"

Wang Long nodded, "My brother is always the best in my eyes, no matter how bad or animal he is in the eyes of others, he is still the best in my eyes." Wang Long looked at Wang Ci, "Because we are brothers, What he does is worthy of the word brother."

Wang Ci was not talking, with a strange expression on his face, and an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It's downstairs at Wang Long's house.

"Brother Zheng, you've acted just now, and you really hurt Ah Yao. Not only Xiao Xiawen, but even Zhang Shuang was furious."

Gong Zheng smiled and looked at the big clock beside him, "Did you chase Xiao Xiawen back?"

"He can't wait to kill you." Da Zhong stretched out his thumb to Gong Zheng, "Brother Zheng, your acting talent is really amazing."

Gong Zheng felt helpless, "Okay, stop talking, I hope she can give up."

"She's pretty smart." Gao Yu looked at Gong Zheng, "But you should be almost there."

"I hope." Gong Zheng felt helpless, pointing to himself, "I am a good person, a truly good person."

Wang Long put his arms around Gong Zheng's shoulders, and several people clapped their hands together, "Let's go, shoot!"

The expression on Gong Zheng's face also changed immediately, "I have to find some money, and I will fight Han Feiyana Yaowa for [-] rounds tonight." His face was full of excited expressions, several people looked at Gong Zheng, The admiration for him instantly turned into contempt...

It's the 29th of the new year, and everyone in the class is very happy. When I came to Wang Long, I don't know why, but I can't be happy. Yes, Chinese New Year is a day for family reunion, but he and Wang Ci have never been reunited.

He was in a bad mood, inexplicably bad, and suddenly there was no movement from Ji Dongkai's side. Wang Long and the others were nervous all afternoon, but they didn't find Ji Dongkai's shadow, and they didn't meet Ji Dongkai at night after school.

Tomorrow will be New Year's Eve, Zhang Shuang, Xiao Xiawen, Gong Zheng, the three of them will go back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year, Gao Yu, Li Lei, Ah Yao and the others also want to have a family reunion, and they don't have time to go out to play. The Wang Long brothers and sisters are gone.

The great Brother Hehe has also returned home, and the girls in the ktv have almost left. Everyone has gone home for the New Year, and the business is very deserted. Fortunately, Yun Gege is still there.

Heihu came to the ktv at night and called Wang Long to the private room. Heihu took out 2000 yuan from him and put it on the table, "You take this money, your salary for this month."

Wang Long shook his head, "Boss, don't force me, I won't ask for a penny."

Hei Hu thought for a while, "It's New Year's Eve, change your clothes, it's always the same, you don't need it, your sister still needs it."

"My sister's clothes have been arranged, and all my brothers have been arranged for her."

"What's the matter, you still see me like this."

"I'm not out of touch." Wang Long was unusually firm. "Boss, I really appreciate you, but I don't want any of this money."

Heihu sighed, "Yun Gege, you are going to accompany Wang Long to clean up at night, and it will be hard work for you two."

Yun Gege nodded, "Understood, boss."

Heihu stood up, "This place has been closed for the past few days, and there are not many people who celebrate the Chinese New Year. I won't use it for work tomorrow. Come back after the third day of junior high."

Watching Heihu leave, Wang Long looked at Yun Gege, "How often do you go home?"

"The train at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

"I'll see you off, okay?"

Yun Gege smiled, "Let's clean up early, you bring your sister, and I'll make dumplings for you in the evening."

Wang Long looked at Yun Gege, "You are so beautiful."

Yun Gege stretched out his hand and brushed away the hair in front of his eyes, "Are you praising me or hurting me."

"It's really beautiful. You remember what I promised you, and I won't miss a single word."

Yun Gege patted Wang Long's shoulder, "I don't want to hit you anymore, you take care of yourself first and take care of your precious sister."

Wang Long looked at Yun Gege, "Why are you so realistic?"

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