we are brothers

【1005】gambling thief

"What's the matter?" Da Zhong looked at Wang Long and asked repeatedly "What's wrong with you?" Then he pushed Wang Long.

Only then did Wang Long come to his senses, he turned his head and smiled at the big clock, shook his head and said "it's all right", followed by his brow wrinkled again.

It was night, around four o'clock in the morning, inside a large-scale teahouse in L city, there were many cars parked in front of it. This is a relatively famous chess and card club in L city. Three or four young men, three of them were already asleep, and the other one was playing with his mobile phone, and then, from time to time, he looked up at the dark night scene outside.

On the second floor of the chess and card club, inside a VIP room, there are gamblers and three middle-aged men in their 50s and [-]s sitting on a mahjong table. There are stacks of banknotes in front of a group of people. Four younger brothers stood in the four corners of the room, and four people stood at the door of the room.

The gambler was shirtless, with long hair, a thumb-sized pure gold necklace on his neck, and a Jade Guanyin statue hanging on it, and the gambler was smoking a cigarette "I scolded the neighbor next door, fuck, Luofeng is open again these days Yes, and business is going well.”

"That bastard Luofeng," another burly man followed suit, "Brother Huang's matter can't just be left alone, or the brothers will bring someone to ruin his place later."

"You can't smash it now, it's going to cause an accident now," another big man said, "You take advantage of Huixu being detained in the police station by Xiyang, and you smash his sister's place, and then Huixu will not be able to stay with Shanfeng when he comes out." Sprinkle it on you? This Huixu is impatient, and he skipped us and ran to Beitian Emperor Li Feng, do you think you can beat Kuangliu or fight Huixu?"

The big man sighed, "I'm paralyzed, what should I do, I can't do it in front of Hui Xu."

"There's nothing to do." The gambler smiled slightly, "Anyway, Luofeng is definitely not going to survive. Wait for this period of time to pass, calm and calm, and wait for Huixu and the others to come out. Don't worry, there is plenty of time, that Luofeng **, it's too easy to deal with her, but you have to pass this hurdle, otherwise you will get yourself into a lot of trouble."

"Come on, keep playing cards, don't mention this shitty thing, it affects your mood, he scolded the neighbor next door." The gambler cursed, "Five tubes! No one wants this, it's a must!"

"Nonsense! Hahaha, you dare to hit even the top card, hahaha, I thought I was gone!"

"Damn it!" The gambler pushed his cards fiercely, "Why are you talking nonsense about everything, fuck, are you talking nonsense..."

Just downstairs of the chess and card room, the sky is very dark, even the street lamps on the side of the road have been broken, and the broken ones are very local, just covering the main entrance of the chess and card room in darkness .

On the side of the road directly opposite the chess and card room, behind the green belt, several figures quietly flashed past, Wang Long, Da Zhong, Lu Xun, Bai Lele, Zhang Haoran, and a group of people all squatted on the side of the road, Wang Long Long took his phone and sent a message.

In less than a minute, another extremely agile figure ran over and stood beside Wang Long. Gouzi panted heavily, and stretched out his hand, "I've been following you secretly for a whole day, and now I'm still up there." Playing cards in the chess and card room. There are four people in the Highlander at the main entrance downstairs. They are on duty in turn. Now three are sleeping and one is playing with a mobile phone. There are eight people in the room upstairs, four of whom are playing cards, and four There are four people outside the room, chatting and chatting, a total of twelve people, there are two waiters in the chess and card room who are not asleep, the gamblers are in the vip1 private room, and there are three other tables of guests in the chess and card room, all overnight Yes, there are no guests in the lobby on the first floor."

Wang Long nodded and looked at Gouzi beside him, "Thank you, Gouzi."

"It's okay, Brother Long, kill him and avenge the brothers. I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

Wang Long said "hmm", then turned to look at Lu Xun on the side, "Brother Xun, what do you think?"

Lu Xun smiled, "You are our boss, you have the final say, don't ask me, I will do whatever you say."

As soon as Wang Long heard what Lu Xun said, he nodded, and rushed out first by himself. The big bell behind, Lu Xun, and a group of people followed Wang Long and rushed up from the side. The group of people was quite scattered, but The destinations are all the same. The windows of the Highlander off-road vehicle are open, or there is no air circulation, and the interior of the car is really suffocating.

Wang Long made a turn with his head down, turned around and got behind the rear of the Highlander off-road vehicle, then he squatted and walked forward slowly. Soon, he was already leaning on the driving seat, and he took a deep breath After a while, he took out the dagger that Jin Zhongchong had given him, and he stood up holding the dagger. The co-pilot was still playing with his mobile phone and didn't react at all.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Long pushed his own dagger to the man's neck.

The man in the co-pilot turned his head to look at Wang Long with a shocked expression, and then Wang Long stretched out his hand at the man and gave a "shh" to signal him not to speak.

The man immediately put the phone on his lap and stared at Wang Long with fear in his eyes.

Wang Long smiled, stretched his hand in, and opened the central control in the car. Then, he pulled the door, and at the same time, all four doors were opened, "Don't move, don't move!" Warning voices sounded one after another Passed out.

At this time, two big Jinbei cars drove over from a short distance without even turning on the lights. The Jinbei cars stopped at the door of the chess and card room. Brother Bin got down from the driver's seat, and Ding Xuan was the co-driver. , at the back, the Jinbei car door opened, and Sun Tao got out of the car with a knife in his hand, followed by another six or seven people.

On another car, more than a dozen people came down in a hurry. Ding Xuan stretched his neck, and then a group of people beside Sun Tao rushed up, and quickly swept away the four people on the Highlander off-road vehicle at the door. He was dragged out of the car, and the four people clasped their hands behind their backs, and dragged them onto the Jinbei car.

This time, there were more people at the door of the chess and card room. There must be twenty or thirty people. Wang Long put the dagger in his hand, and Sun Tao on the other side carried a travel bag in his hand and put it on the ground. Come over and take out a knife from the inside of the bag.

Ding Xuan was unarmed, and next to him were the big Han Bin and Lu Xun. These three stood in the crowd, exuding blood from all over their bodies, which gave people a lot of confidence.

On the other side, there are Wang Long, Da Zhong, Gou Zi, Gao Haixiang, Bai Lele, Zhang Haoran, and behind them are Sun Tao and a dozen of Luo Feng's boys. The door of the chess and card room is locked.

Gouzi subconsciously wanted to move forward to unlock the lock, but at this moment, Wang Long pulled him back suddenly.

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