we are brothers

【1015】It's not easy

Huixu stared at all the papers. If what Xiyang wrote was true, the Public Security Bureau could wipe out all Huixu's forces in one day, and he was aware of many things in it. It's low-key enough, because he knows that Xiyang will definitely control their evidence, because they have a lot of evidence of Xiyang for so many years in their hands, and Xiyang will definitely control them, so Huixu and the others have always been low-key in their affairs, but he didn't expect , still caught so much by the setting sun, he became more and more angry as he watched, and then he suddenly raised his head.

"Xiyang!" Huixu and Li Feng yelled at the same time, followed by Huixu standing up, and threw the document in his hand at the top of Xiyang's head with a "click", Sheets of white paper were thrown around.

Li Feng followed more directly from the side. He stood up without saying a word, with handcuffs on his hands. He stood up and kicked at Xi Yang's body. Li Feng was pulled back, and then another policeman came up, and the two pressed Li Feng firmly on the stool where he was.

"Come on! You fucking thought you were the only one with it!" Li Feng was also furious, and yelled at the setting sun, "Come and try if you have the ability!"

"Grass mud horse" Hui Xu yelled, "Xiyang, try it if you have the fucking ability!"

Xiyang has always been very calm, so quiet that it doesn't look like his style. Both Hui Xu and Li Feng are impatient. They have been imprisoned here by Xiyang for various reasons for so many days. They have long been full of anger. This time , the two became even more angry.

All kinds of threatening words came out of the two people's mouths, and they didn't give any face. Xi Yang heard the two people shouting angrily, and he didn't speak, just watched. For a while, Li Feng and Hui Xu They all regained their composure and were out of breath, probably because they were all tired.

Xiyang looked at the two of them, followed by a slight smile, "Have you shouted enough?" Then Xiyang's expression suddenly changed, and he picked up a rubber baton from the side and pointed it at Huixu's head The "Grass Mud Horse" swung down the stick, and then raised the second stick very quickly. Before he could swing it, Xiao Chao next to him said anxiously, "Xiju!" He moved forward Taking a big step, he grabbed Xiyang's wrist.

"Get out!" Xiyang was also on fire, and shook off Xiaochao, followed closely, and hit Huixu's head with another "boom!", and Huixu smashed it directly under the stool. Lin Yifei immediately stood up, "Xiyang!" He yelled, and immediately after, the policeman came up from the office again, and with a rubber stick in his hand, he swung at Lin Yifei Huixu, killing both of them. They all fell to the ground, followed by the other side, the setting sun went up to shine on Li Feng's face, and a stick went up, and Li Feng was not used to it at all, a group of people just beat Lin Yifei and Hui Xu to the ground , and then turned around and rushed to Li Feng's side. The setting sun was not at all used to it, and the big stick came down to greet him, and a group of people started to beat down.

Xiao Chao was a little flustered at this time, but he didn't care about Li Feng, and rushed towards Lin Yifei and Huixu. He quickly dragged the two of them up from the ground, dragged them to the wall, and saw Li Feng on the other side. After being beaten a few times, his face was covered with blood, and he fell to the ground.

After beating the three of them violently, Xiyang got up, threw the rubber baton in his hand aside, stretched his muscles, and tidied up his neck in an awesome way, "I don't want to say any extra words Having said that, you have also read all the things in the document. I know what you have in my heart. You can think about it for yourself. I will give you the last week, whether to die with Lao Tzu or go back and stay honestly. So, you make your own choice, if you haven't made a choice this week, I'll just take it as you guys are trying your best, so come on!"

Xiyang spat on the ground, then glanced at Xiaochao, "Let's go!"

Xiao Chao suddenly coughed a few times with a "cough cough", he looked at Hui Xu on the ground, "Brother Xu, let's put aside the matter of Shan Feng."

The corner of Huixu's mouth slightly raised, "Let it go? How?"

Xiao Chao took a deep breath, "Brother Xu, if you go on like this, you will die together. No one wants to do this. Li Feng did not do what Shanfeng did. He has no motive at all. If he does it, he needs to do it." Flash wind? It must have been done by someone who wanted L city to be in chaos. After such a long time, you must know it in your heart. I won’t say anything else. Let’s resolve it peacefully. Direction, you can't take revenge blindly, otherwise, wouldn't you just follow the villain's wishes? Brother Xu, I'm also very sad about Shan Feng's death, but if you go on like this, you will really follow the villain's wishes."

After Xiao Chao finished speaking, he coughed twice again, and his eye circles were deeply sunken.

Lin Yifei leaned aside, heaved a sigh of relief, and patted Hui Xu on the shoulder. This matter must still be up to Hui Xu to decide, but now Hui Xu has stopped talking, and what Xiao Chao said is correct.

It's just that Lin Yifei stared at Xiao Chao's eyes and his expression, "Chao'er, you haven't had a good rest for many days, you can't go on like this, what happened to you, I always feel that you are not in good health."

Xiao Chao smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, Brother Fei, think about what I said carefully, don't continue to be impulsive, you will really be used by villains." After finishing speaking, Xiao Chao stood up, and he looked at Lin Yifei He Huixu sighed, then turned around and followed Xiyang out of the office, just at the door of the office, Xiyang turned to look at Xiaochao, "You can rest for a few days, come back to work in a week, take a good rest, adjust yourself .”

"What should I adjust, Xiju, I'm fine."

"It's all right, you know it in your heart, I heard you have been coughing for the past few days." After finishing speaking, Xiyang touched Xiao Chao's forehead "Look, you still have a little fever, you have a cold, you should rest for a while, don't come to work , listen to me, take a good rest."

Xiao Chao squinted, glanced at the sunset, thought for a moment, and nodded, "Understood, Xiju, then I will rest for a few days."

"That's right." Xi Yang let out a sigh of relief, "People always have to look forward. My sister is really sorry for you. I know that your child has always been very specific in dealing with feelings, but the most unforceable thing in this world is I'm emotional, and my sister is also a girl who never pushes herself, don't break yourself down." Immediately afterwards, Xiyang's voice was not loud. "I'm sorry." These few words are really not easy.

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