"I know, it must be Ale's problem that the incident of Shanfeng came to the fore. Others don't know about it. Let's not talk about it now, and I don't have time to talk about it. Run for your life and fuck. Huixu is too perverted. I just now I saw hundreds of people smashing Fenglong, I saw dozens of cars blocking Fenglong, Bai Jing, did you tell Gao Haixiang and the others?"

"I've said it, I've said it all, I've told Brother Xiang and the others to hide, and the tyrant has also notified them."

Wang Long took a deep breath, "Get out of City L first, and get out of their sphere of influence, fuck it, this thing is not over!" Wang Long slammed the steering wheel, followed closely, and at this moment, two police cars followed , the siren sounded, and the loudspeaker shouted, "The car in front stops! Get checked! Stop immediately!"

"Big Bell, shut up his mother!" Wang Long's eyeballs were bloodshot, and he roared loudly.

The big bell of the "grass mud horse" was also impatient, turned around and poked his head out again, and shot three consecutive "boom, boom, boom" shots at the traffic police behind him with his gun, followed by the police car turning its head " "Bang" and rode to the side of the hillside.

Wang Long sped up again fiercely, throwing off a police car behind him. The atmosphere inside the car was also very tense and serious. Ten minutes later, Wang Long and his party drove to a suburb of L City and a neighboring county. Just as he was approaching the suburbs, Wang Long suddenly slowed down the car. He looked back, and suddenly he had no idea.

Immediately afterwards, he heard the sound of a police car coming from behind. Wang Long squinted his eyes and directly parked his car in the middle.

In front of them, there were four police cars parked. Then, more than a dozen special policemen pointed their guns at their side, and behind them, the sound of police cars was also heard.

"People in the car are not allowed to move, raise your hands, put down your weapons, and surrender immediately, otherwise, we will shoot!"

"It's over." The blood on Da Zhong's face "It's really over now, this group of people is really fast, the police are blocking them here."

Wang Long took a deep breath, he sat in the car and did not move, and soon, the police car behind also stopped, a dozen special policemen, and many plainclothes policemen, armed with guns, pointed towards Wang Long and the others cautiously just come over.

At this moment, Gouzi looked up and looked around, and smiled helplessly, "Fortunately, falling into the hands of the police is better than falling into the hands of Huixu."

"It's the same." Wang Long took out the cigarette very calmly, holding the cigarette in his mouth, "Hui Xu and the police are on the same side. If we fall into his hands, it's the same as if we fall into the hands of the police."

After speaking, Wang Long handed the cigarette to the big clock next to him, "Our brother is in trouble."

Da Zhong took a deep breath, "That's enough, forget it." He turned his head and looked at the dog behind him, "Why don't you run away?"

"Next time there is such an opportunity, I will run away." Gouzi also calmed down a lot, obviously, they had no room to resist.

Soon, the police surrounded Wang Long's car, and then several doors were pulled open, "Don't move, don't move!" The policemen on the side all roared, Wang Long and Da Zhong didn't resist.

Soon, Da Zhong, Wang Long, Gou Zi, Bai Jing, the four were all pulled out of the car, and after being pulled down, regardless of gender, they were pushed down to the ground, handcuffed, followed closely, and all of them were arrested. Kneeling on the side of the car.

Some policemen nearby started making calls, and Wang Long, Dazhong, Bai Jing and others were handcuffed beside the car.

Wang Long took a deep breath, feeling extremely desolate and desperate, the surrounding special police quickly withdrew, leaving four or five policemen behind, and these policemen did not speak or talk to Wang Long and the others.

After about ten minutes, a green Range Rover off-road vehicle drove over, and there was a Jinbei van beside it. The Range Rover stopped beside Wang Long and his car, followed by Huixu on the big car. Military boots, the scars on his face were unusually obvious. He looked at Wang Long and the others, holding a baseball bat in his hand. He walked up to Wang Long and the others. He glanced at Wang Long and said, Did you do it?"

Wang Long looked at Huixu, and immediately laughed, followed by Huixu's big baseball stick, and swung it down on Wang Long's head. He was very angry, and the big stick kept shaking Swinging down, even Bai Jing didn't let go, and soon Wang Long and his group were knocked down on the ground. Wang Long and Dazhong Gouzi, the three of them were lying on the ground with their eyes open, their faces covered with blood. With breathing, several people have given up resistance.

Huixu may also be a little tired from the beating, he was out of breath, and looked at the police next to him, "Okay, let's go, these people are handed over to me, and I will take them back to deal with."

A policeman next to him glanced at Huixu, "Let's get rid of it directly, and then make a scene, we can handle it easily."

"No, I can't just cheapen these beasts like this, let them die like this, I don't understand the hatred in my heart." After finishing speaking, Huixu threw the baseball bat in his hand aside, turned around and got on the Range Rover off-road car.

Then, five people came down from the golden cup, ran to Wang Long and the others, and dragged the people on the ground to the top of the golden cup. Wang Long and the others were still conscious, and a group of four people were dragged onto the golden cup, just like that, The Land Rover was in the front, and Wang Long and his party sat on the Jinbei at the back. When Huixu came over, he didn't bring many people with him. There were five people on the Jinbei, four, Ma Zi, and one driver. There was only one row horizontally inside. In the sitting place, a few horse boys sat down, Wang Long and the others were thrown on the opposite side, next to a row, there is no seat here, the car started to drive back, and it was about to pass through a winding mountain road. One side is a cliff, the other side is a cliff,

Wang Long's heart was ashamed, he exercised his muscles and bones, turned his head to look at Bai Jing with blood on his face, and suddenly felt a little sorry for her, "Jing Jing, are you okay?" After that, Wang Long raised his head, "She is innocent."

"You'd better shut up, if you intercede for her again, we'll start with her, she's a fool," a boy scolded angrily.

Wang Long stared at the horse boys on the opposite side. He took a deep breath and didn't speak.

Bai Jing smiled, shook her head, and just put her head on Wang Long's shoulder, "Don't say anything, it's all fate."

Wang Long was a little weak. He looked at the four horses in the car. The eyes of several people looking at Wang Long and his party were surprisingly angry. He also understood why. Gou Zi sat between Wang Long and the big bell. , the three of them were quite close together.

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