we are brothers

【1069】Hide him

The atmosphere in the hall instantly became a little awkward, and the expressions of several people behind Shan Yu also changed, but no one made a move. After all, this is still Liu Zhendong's territory, in Liu Zhendong's home.

Just like that, after a long silence, "Hahaha, hahahahaha" Flash Rain laughed, "Look at you, Director Liu, why are you so ignorant? Are you all joking? Hahaha, don't be angry, don't Angry, if I offended you just now, I ask Dong Liu to bear with me, haha, don’t be as knowledgeable as me.”

Liu Zhendong has been in the mall for a long time, and he has experienced many such things. This flash rain has obviously changed his routine. Respect is given to each other. Simply, he is also bold. "Hahaha" Liu Zhendong also laughed, "Brother Yu, me too Just kidding, look, since you are here, you might as well stay with me for a while, and then, the brothers have come all the way, I will make arrangements for the brothers, what do you think?"

"That's exactly what I mean, so I'm going to bother Chairman Liu a lot, hahaha." Flash Rain laughed again.

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Liu Zhendong stood up, "Tang Yan, ask the cook to prepare some appetizers. I'll treat Brother Yu to a drink tonight, and then arrange for these brothers. Are we all our own people?"

Tang Yan nodded, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and with a confident expression on his face, he looked at Shan Yu and his group again.

When the sky was getting dark, Shan Yu stayed in the guest room of Liu Zhendong's house. He was lying on the bed, his expression of bewildered drinking just now became sober in an instant. He carefully observed the layout of the guest room, and he slowly He picked up his phone, put it under the quilt, and edited a text message, "There is no Liu Zhendong's house, we are staying here."

Soon, a text message came back, "Your group of people will live in peace at his house, disperse the people, and find... from Z city..."

In the luxurious study room of Liu Zhendong's house, Liu Zhendong and Tang Yan stood there, "Dr. Liu, the meaning of this group of people is obvious. They will not leave until they find Wang Long. Moreover, they have five cars, nearly two Ten people, three Mercedes-Benz, two Audis, and the Audis came to see us, and the Mercedes-Benz stayed in the Z City Hotel, the rooms are 8816, 8817,8818, 8819, [-], there is no action yet, and then, this group Everyone has weapons on their bodies, the one who lives in our house, not counting the flash rain, there are three others, and the other four drove away in an Audi, but they should not have gone far, it is near the community."

Liu Zhendong thought for a moment, "Let me ask you a worst-case plan. If there is a conflict, do we have a chance of winning?"

Tang Yan smiled slightly, with the corners of his mouth raised, "If conflicts arise from here, and swords and guns meet, I can make none of these people get out of City Z, but what I mean is that it is best not to have conflicts, because the Kuangliu side It also put a lot of pressure on us. Moreover, although there are not many people coming from them, there are people behind the flash rain. If the flash rain is dealt with, it will definitely attract Huixu, and it will definitely be an endless situation. , then we will be in trouble."

Liu Zhendong took a deep breath, "I don't want to have conflicts, let's wait for now. I can see that Shan Yu and the others are very determined. They will definitely not leave until they find Wang Long."

"I agree with you on this point. The situation on Huixu's side has also been resolved on my side. We have also communicated with Xuanmeng's people. These days, L City is quite uneven. Huixu's a few days ago I was caught in it, and then the city of L changed drastically, the sunset fell, Xiao Chao came to power, and then Hui Xu came out, what they did these days is a bit crazy, and "Tang Yan paused" "Wang Long's little The child's reputation in L City is quite resounding, and everyone on the road knows everyone."

Liu Zhendong turned his head and glanced at Tang Yan, "Let's talk about this for a while, you are asking the people from Xuanmeng to take a good look at the situation in L City, and then ask about the cause of Shanfeng's death, Huixu will definitely not let it go, No, it must be immortal, Wang Lung, Wang Lung." Liu Zhendong suddenly became helpless, and shook his head vigorously, "What do I want to do! I raised this child since I was a child, and I watched him a little bit. When I grew up, I put a lot of effort into him, and now that he has caused such a big disaster, I really don't know what to do."

"If Shan Yu and the others see Wang Long from here today, they will definitely attack directly and will not give you any favors." Tang Yan followed up and said, "Hui Xu on the bright side has eight arhats, and then, the crazy arhat Shan Feng It is no longer there, and there are seven Arhats, as we already know, that is, Lightning Rain and Thunder, Poison Lady and Rat, the four of them have already led people, chasing them out in four directions, and the police Xiaochao there While doing internal response, it is to catch Wang Lung. They have already sent half of the organization out, which shows how much Huixu hates Wang Lung. Ah Dong, you should be mentally prepared, we can do it, It's just that Wang Long is hiding. If Wang Long shows up, it will be the beginning of bloodshed. Our role is a very embarrassing role. You have to make up your own mind about what to do. If you don't do it, the whole company will be involved, and , After all, we are in business, and they are mixed society. If it is in the business field, I think a hundred Huixu is not your opponent, but now in the social field, I think we and Huixu The gap in power is a bit big, I think you also remember that Mr. Liu Xiaoliu didn't listen to my advice, and brought countless people and money to set up camp in L City to avenge you, but in the end, he lost his wife It’s a disgrace to the family, and it’s also a lesson, you have to keep it in mind.”

Liu Zhendong took a deep breath. He naturally knew that Liu Xiao was uprooted by Xu Tiansheng when he was in L City. "The problem is that Xu Tiansheng is dead."

"Did you see him die with your own eyes?" Tang Yan smiled slightly, "Even if he is dead, that Xu Tiansheng is gone, there is a second Xu Tiansheng, and a third Xu Tiansheng. We are in business, not in society."

"What do you mean by talking to me?"

"It's not interesting, my character is very straightforward." Tang Yan looked at Liu Zhendong, "The current posture looks like you are going to risk hiding Wanglong for the rest of your life, Hui Xu and the others will definitely not let Wanglong go. "

"Actually, I now feel that everything was caused by my inability to sleep. If I didn't sleep in that meeting, Bo Long and Wang Yue couldn't be so quarrelsome. Brothers who love each other will not meet each other in the end. , if I didn't sleep then, then my father wouldn't make a big fuss in L City, and he was caught by Xu Tiansheng's trap, and almost lost the entire family business. To put it bluntly, in the end, it's all my fault." Liu Zhendong shook his head helplessly." Hide him, hide him well."

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