we are brothers


Guan Zhimin also stared at the photo, and subconsciously said, "Godfather, were you so stylish before?"

Heihu ignored Guan Zhimin, and just looked at the woman in front of him. From the side, he saw the other terrifying half of the woman's face under the hair, which was full of scars. He frowned slightly, but he was still relatively calm. Guan Zhimin on the other side was obviously not as calm as he was. As soon as he covered his mouth, Heihu reacted very quickly and grabbed Guan Zhimin's wrist. Guan Zhimin glanced at Heihu and didn't speak.

Immediately afterwards, the woman next to her "giggled" and pushed her hair away. She stared at Guan Zhimin with a horrible scar on one side and a beautiful face on the other, "Look, don't you like to watch it?"

Guan Zhimin didn't speak all the time, just covered his mouth, but looking at the side face of the woman, he was still a little terrified. At this moment, Heihu stretched out his hand suddenly, and he grabbed the woman's gloved wrist, "Girl, is he still This is a child, and he didn’t offend you by saying anything, so give him a way out. Besides, this is our land, and you have only a few people here, so they must not be here to make trouble? This is the City Lord’s Mansion of the Nightless City, Lu Chao At the door of Ba’s house, it’s up to the owner to beat a dog, right? Girl”

Du Niang turned her head and looked at Hei Hu, she thought for a moment and laughed "giggle", "What's the matter, have you taken a fancy to me?" Du Niang said with a smile, "Why do you keep grabbing me? Don't let go of your hand? People will be embarrassed." The woman looked like a monster, making people feel a little shuddering.

"Hehe, don't give me this set" Heihu is very calm "Speak up if you have something to say, I think your time is limited, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave after a while, let me emphasize again, here It's the City Lord's Mansion."

Heihu deliberately pinched the woman's wrist again, it felt a bit stiff, I don't know what was wrapped around the woman's wrist, but the woman was obviously interested in Heihu, she "giggled" and laughed again "Heihu, you Are you scaring me?" She pushed back her hair from the side, and revealed the terrifying side of her face, aiming at Heihu, "Look, which one of us is scaring the other?"

Heihu smiled slightly, followed by sitting up straight and kissing the side of the woman's horribly scarred face. The surroundings were instantly quiet, and the few people standing at the door were stunned.

Du Niang herself was stunned, she stared at Hei Hu, her whole eyes changed, became a bit ferocious, and then, in an instant, she saw Du Niang move, a dagger appeared on her wrist, and pointed at the black tiger. Hu's neck was pierced with a knife, very quickly, Guan Zhimin next to him yelled "Godfather" and then he violently pushed the poisonous lady.

Heihu's reaction was also quick. He lowered his head at this moment, and Poison Maiden's dagger slashed across Heihu's head. Immediately after, Poison Maiden was pushed back two steps by Guan Zhimin. Then she turned around, looked at Guan Zhimin, and took a look. He raised the dagger in his hand, and at this moment, he heard a gunshot of "Boom!" The shot was very accurate, first there was a "click", and the sound of glass shattering, followed by Poison Maiden Feeling a pain in his wrist, his dagger fell directly to the ground.

Poison Maiden turned her head suddenly, and saw that a monster-looking man was holding a pistol in his hand, and had pointed the gun at her forehead. At the same time, several other attendants shot The pistols were also taken out, and just as they took out the pistols, the outside door was kicked open, followed by five or six people rushing in, all holding single-barreled shotguns in their hands "Fuck you, don't move!" A group of people shouted, followed closely, and suddenly "crash, clatter" surrounded countless people. Heihu and his room were originally glass on the side near the door. At this moment, the entire hall outside was full of people, and many of them were shirtless. The people brought in by the mother confronted each other. This time, Du Niang and her group were directly blocked in the small room of Hei Hu.

Du Niang turned her head and looked at the unusually tall man outside, the expression on her face also changed.

The man laughed "hehe", and immediately followed, he put the muzzle of the gun in through the broken glass outside, and then directly pushed the muzzle of the gun to the forehead of the poisonous lady, the voice of the cold red voice was not at all emotional* *Cai "Do you know where this is?"

Poison Maiden looked at the man, "Do you know that you just shot and knocked out my dagger?"

"Hahahaha" Leng Hongyin looked at Du Niang with great interest, "Listen, I don't care where you are from or how deep your background is, in my land where the flames of war are raging, you just lie down honestly and know If you lie down dishonestly, I will beat you down and make you unable to stand up for the rest of your life, like that cripple, haha"

Du Niang squinted her eyes and looked at Leng Hongyin opposite, expressing her extraordinary calmness, without panicking at all.

"Hey, are you still staring at me?" Leng Hongyin smiled, "I counted to three, you are staring at me, I will make you unable to look at me for the rest of your life." After finishing speaking, Leng Hongyin put the gun The mouth touched Poison Maiden's eyes, "One, two, three."

Then with a "click", Leng Hongyin pulled the trigger. From the beginning to the end, Poison Maiden didn't even blink her eyes, she just stared at Leng Hongyin over here. After taking it back, looking at Poison Maiden, he smiled, "You're not so brave."

Du Niang looked at Leng Hongyin, "You will regret it, I will make you pay the price."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance and I'll be waiting for you anytime" After finishing speaking, Leng Hongyin looked at her watch "3 minutes, within 3 minutes, if you don't leave this flaming city, I will let you never leave There is no way to leave." Leng Hongyin smiled, stretched her waist, followed closely, turned around and disappeared from the crowd, followed closely, the eyes of countless densely packed people all fell on Poison Maiden Looking at the group of Poison Maiden Heihu inside.

Heihu watched Leng Hongyin leave, and he smiled, "They look down on me and treat me like a dog, but they certainly won't allow you to kill their own dog at their door. It’s very interesting.” Heihu smiled and looked at Poison Maiden, “You only have 3 minutes to clarify your intentions, a hero doesn’t suffer from immediate disadvantages, you need to speak faster.”

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