we are brothers

【1079】Fenglong reopens

Wang Long grabbed Bai Jing's hand, her hand was a little cold, "Go back, it's windy outside, I'm catching a cold."

Bai Jing didn't speak, she sat beside Wang Long, then hugged Wang Long, and put her head on Wang Long's shoulder, "Brother Long, I miss my mother, and my brother, you say, How are they doing?"

When Gouzi was mentioned, Wang Long's heart couldn't help but twitch. He was silent for a long time, and he said slowly, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Gouzi would be fine."

Bai Jing shook her head, "If it wasn't for you, our family of three would still worry about my mother's illness and livelihood, my brother would still be a thief, still be a thief, and use my father's craft to be a thief, and I would still be a thief." That massage parlor lady" Bai Jing smiled, "It was you who changed our family, not you, maybe my mother wouldn't be alive now, I don't mean to blame you at all, Brother Long, don't think too much, it's all You brought us out, including Brother Xiang. If it wasn’t for you, he would still be a construction worker. You brought us out, including Qi Qing, Ai Wei, and everyone else. Without you, there would be no everyone. When there are difficulties, you are the one who carries them. When there are benefits, no one is left behind. Brother Long, you are a good person, really."

Wang Long smiled and shook his head, "You don't need to comfort me. I caused Gouzi's death. You know, we had a quarrel the day before Gouzi's accident. As a result, the next day, he killed Gouzi. He risked everything and came back to report to us. If he ran away directly, he would be fine, but he came back to report, and in the end he did everything to save us." Wang Long's eye circles suddenly turned red, "I'm sorry He, I owe him."

"Are you brothers? It should be, Brother Long, don't be sad." Bai Jing's eye circles are also red, "Now it's me comforting you. Mother, I didn't intend to increase your guilt, really."

Wang Long touched Bai Jing's face, "You don't need to explain, I know you don't mean it." Wang Long let out a sigh of relief, "This is a hurdle in my heart, I can't get over it, I feel that I am so useless. After finishing speaking, Wang Long stood up and looked at Bai Jing, "Let's go, go out of the village and call Gao Haixiang. He is watching your mother's place these days."

When Bai Jing heard this, she blinked her big eyes, "Brother Long, is it bad?"

"I know what you're thinking, let's go, I haven't contacted you for a long time." Wang Long stood up by himself. He took Bai Jing's hand and saw that Bai Jing was only wearing a T-shirt, but put the clothes on his waist. He was inexplicably moved, and put his coat on Bai Jing's body, "Okay, you wear less clothes than me, so give it to me."

"It's okay, I'm not cold." Bai Jing shook her head quickly, Wang Long put clothes on Bai Jing forcibly, and then hugged Bai Jing, "Let's go out of the village, out of the mountain and find a place with a signal."

Bai Jing thought for a moment, nodded, and the two walked out slowly. At this time, the door on one side opened again, and Da Zhong came out holding a basin of bloody water. He poured the water aside, "Brother Long, what are you doing?" What are you going to do?"

"Go out and make a phone call. Here, take care of him first. Are you awake?"

Da Zhong shook his head, "No, Brother Long, he occupied your bed. I'll take care of him here at night. If you want to sleep well and have the strength to work tomorrow, you'd better go to Bai Sleeping in Jing's room" Immediately afterwards, the big bell shook his head, "It's not right, maybe you go to Bai Jing's room, and you won't have any energy tomorrow."

"Shut up!" Wang Long picked up a small stone from one side and threw it on the big bell, and Bai Jing also smiled from the side.

Wang Long found a bicycle from one side, and he rode on it. Bai Jing sat behind and hugged Wang Long's waist. The two of them rushed outside the village and passed. After riding for nearly an hour, they finally reached a On the side of the road, there is a signal here. Wang Long parked his bicycle aside, looked at Bai Jing beside him, smiled at her, and turned on his cell phone, which he hadn't turned on for a long time. He looked at the cell phone, Taking a deep breath, I found Gao Haixiang's phone number, and soon there was a call "Hello?"

"Brother Xiang" Wang Long's voice was not loud, but the opposite party was obviously stunned. Gao Haixiang was not talking, but just hung up the phone.

Wang Long sat on the side of the road, and Bai Jing took advantage of the opportunity to sit down, and soon, Wang Long called back, "Wang Long"

"Brother Xiang" Wang Long smiled helplessly, "How are you doing recently?"

"Fortunately, Huixu's main target is you alone, so it's not too much to embarrass us, where are you?"

"I don't know what this place is, but I haven't contacted you for a long time. Let's see how you are doing."

"Our side is fine. I've returned to L City now. Brother Long, you don't want to come back. The whole world is full of people looking for you. I can always find people following me around me. You are very happy." Dangerous, moreover, it has never been reduced for such a long time. There are many people who follow me, not only a group of people, but also the situation of Bai Lele and Zhang Haoran. Now they also stay away from home, and we occasionally Have a drink."

"Stay there. If Huixu gets lost in his thoughts one day and gets impatient, he will be in trouble if he takes you under his knife again."

"It was the tyrant who called us back." Gao Haixiang was silent for a moment, "He said, we are fine, Huixu will not continue to chase us, and then said, if you want, you can continue to follow him. He said that we will be with us." Same as before, if not better."

When Wang Long heard it, he was stunned. "Bao, the tyrant is still in city l? He returned to city l? Besides, he saved you? Ding Xuan?"

Gao Haixiang sighed, "Fenglong has been redecorated and reopened. Now Fenglong's boss is a tyrant. Huixu didn't make a statement. It should be regarded as acquiescing. I don't know what agreement Huixu and the tyrant have reached. Knowing how the tyrant persuaded Huixu to reopen Fenglong in the old city of l city, Mowan KTV, Luofeng, and Fenglong are the third ones, and the other ones have not opened, he must be We made a deal with Huixu, I asked him how the conversation went, he didn’t say, let me leave it alone, but I know Huixu didn’t embarrass us and it’s also his credit, but I think.” Gao Haixiang fell silent suddenly, Not talking.

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