we are brothers

【1088】3 wolves gathering

Yun Leopard glanced at Wang Long, "I also met a lot of friends from there. Who knows that we didn't know our leader later, so he was called the leader there. What did he do? Offended the local big shots, and then the special government troops were sent down. We have been suppressed, our entire lair was taken over by the government army, so we ran away, I was almost shot to death by a tank." Clouded Leopard smiled, "I have never seen such a chaotic place before, and I dared not even think about it before. I thought, we ran with more than ten people at the beginning, and seven of us ran out in the end. We also need to eat, but we have no other means of making money, so we can’t steal it. So, the seven of us chose a fraction, They started stationing at the China-Myanmar border, mainly to sell drugs and make some money.”

"The person who chased me was called Dai Yongqiang, and he was also a local drug lord, but he was not an ordinary small drug lord, he was a big drug lord, and he was very famous near the border. Our rise was a bit fast, and then he looked at When it became popular, they arranged for people to pretend to trade with us, trying to eat black and eat us all."

Yun Leopard sighed, "Three days ago, I traded a batch of goods with a buyer in Baoshan. Who knew that the buyer was ruthless and wanted to cheat. I found out later that they had a plan early in the morning. That The buyer was originally from Dai Yongqiang, and they wanted to eat us together, so there was a fight, and I ran out."

When Yunbao said this, his expression was a little sad, "My third brother and fifth brother died, and my second brother was beaten to death by them in order to save me, so I ran out by myself. I have been hiding in hiding for a day without a direction , Later they found out that they were forced to do nothing, so they ran into the mountains, where you saw me, and they arranged a lot of people, just to eat us up at once, grab our goods, and never leave It's a future trouble, so they chased me after all, I was already desperate at that time, who knew that I would meet you in the end, this is life, you saved me"

Yunbao sighed, "But I think my eldest brother, fourth brother and sixth brother are all more dangerous than good. That Dai Yongqiang is very cunning, and very cruel. Since they have made a move, they must be the first to attack. They did it and caught us off guard. We didn't expect them to dare to do it. Hey" Yunbao sighed, his face was very sad. "I hope big brother and the others are fine. When I fled, I knew I couldn't go home. We went, they split us into two groups, intentionally scattered us, and wanted to eat us all at once. We still have a lot of goods in our hands, and they probably all fell into their hands. We were originally mercenaries, everyone They are comrades-in-arms, with deep feelings, and they are separated from the army together. It was originally agreed that everyone is developing and developing, so they will help me save Heihu, but I didn't expect that it would be like this, just developed a little bit, this time, what? It's all gone, hey..."

Wang Long glanced at the scar on Yunbao's body, compared to Wang Long's big clock, it was only a lot more, he shook his head, and the expression on his face was also very sad, "There is nothing left, hehe, this is normal, some things, If you don’t believe it, you can’t do it, those of us who fight against the blood wolves will surely experience a bloody disaster, if you don’t want to hurt them, just stay away from them.”

Yun Leopard also seemed to see Wang Long's depression, "Brother Long, could it be that you too?"

Wang Long shook his head, "I don't want to talk about this anymore, take care of your wounds, don't go back, stay with us, we won't hurt you, anyway, you have no place to go, Dazhong and I, we are also people in trouble now , there are also people chasing us"

Yunbao looked at Wang Long and thought for a moment. He was also a homeless person, so he simply looked at Wang Long. Everyone had blood wolves on their chests. Moreover, he felt that the conversation with Wang Long and the others got along well. The big clock also saved his life, Shen Xiaoyun nodded, followed closely, he shook his head helplessly, with a sad expression on his face, "They won't let me go, because I still have a batch of goods in my hand, before I escape time, hid it, they want the shipment."

"Goods? What a good one, a batch?"

"This product is not a drug, it is." When he said this, Yunbao glanced at Wang Long.

Wang Long also knew that he had asked too many questions, so he quickly changed the topic, "Let's take a good rest here first, we can meet from here, it is also fate, and it is also fate to be hunted down, and also" Wang Long's face was a little ugly "It's all good brothers who were killed."

Shen Xiaoyun also fell silent, the room was very quiet...

From this day on, there is another young labor force in the village, Shen Xiaoyun, nicknamed Yunbao, Yunbao is a very direct and forthright person, and it is quite speculative to be with Wang Long Dazhong, especially with Dazhong, he Da Zhong and Da Zhong have the same personality, but Wang Long has changed a lot compared to before, and he doesn't like to talk much anymore. Ding Xuan's words still stimulated Wang Long from the bottom of his heart. Regretting what I did, it turned out that from the very beginning, he was a chess piece, they were chess pieces, a chess piece buried by Ding Xuan for his Fenglong rise, he would not be so stupid as to explain this to Huixu, Because Huixu wouldn't believe it, and if he dared to show up, Huixu would definitely blow his head off with a single shot. No explanation is useless. He was the one who killed Shanfeng last. This is an indisputable fact, no matter who is Use it, these are things that can't be helped.

It's just that what Wang Long still can't understand is Ding Xuan's words. He said that without him, Wang Long and the others would be dealt with by Flash Wind. He thought over and over again about the situation that day. After finishing speaking, Wang Long only now vaguely remembered that Shanfeng had already picked up the gun to kill them, and they all lost their fighting power at that time, but he suddenly lost his mind for a short time, and then I finally managed to get rid of Flashwind.

This is the picture that kept turning around in Wang Long's mind. From the first time he saw the tyrant in L City, and knew the tyrant, to the moment when they were hunted down and had nowhere to escape and hid in this small mountain village. , All kinds of things, Wang Long thought about it for no less than many times, saying that it is impossible for him not to regret, but it is too late now, sometimes he still feels like he is dreaming, but the lesson Ding Xuan taught him made him This life, lifelong benefit.

As for the way out that Ding Xuan gave him, he has also thought about it carefully. He is right, except for the two ways he pointed out, there is no other way. As for the batch of goods in Yunbao's mouth, Wang Long and Da Zhong I never asked again. Yunbao is a straightforward person. If they ask, Yunbao doesn’t want to say it. It will be very embarrassing. Anyway, no matter what the batch is, it won’t affect the relationship between them. The deeper they were, they were all the same age, but now they were connected by fate. Apart from chopping firewood and going to the fields, they drank and chatted every day, and the relationship between batches was getting better and better.

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