we are brothers

【1123】Big tattoo artist Kui Chou

The headquarters of Chenghua Logistics is a large seven-story office building with a large courtyard outside, which is very luxurious. It is in the conference hall on the third floor. Cheng Hua himself is sitting in front, Luo Changle, Kong Bowen, Renjie, Xu Haotian, The four sat on the other side, and then, Wang Long actually appeared on a seat in the meeting room.

There are only a few people in the meeting room, and the corridor outside the meeting room is full of younger brothers. The first ones leaning on both sides of the meeting room are Dazhong, Yunbao, and Wang Long. Status also rises with the tide, after all, several people are also very hardworking and capable, and are deeply appreciated by Cheng Hua.

"Master Cheng, I didn't want to be here at first. I know that the company has company rules, but Brother Ze is sick and can't come. He insisted on me coming to hold a meeting for him, and then let me go down to make arrangements. I think it's a bit inconsistent. Rules" Wang Long just wanted to continue explaining.

"It's okay, you can come if you come, it's the same." Cheng Hua interrupted Wang Long, "Originally, you are doing all the things on Ou Ze's side now. There is nothing wrong with this, I trust you."

Wang Long froze for a moment, looked at Cheng Hua, and nodded, "I will definitely not let down Master Cheng's trust."

Cheng Hua smiled, leaned on the seat, and looked at the five people in the room, "Wang Cheng, you all have impressions, so I'll cut to the chase. When our power expanded to Pu'er City, something went wrong. Well, the problem lies with this Wang Cheng. When I spared his life and let him leave the city of BS, I never thought that today would happen. I knew that I would never be merciful at the beginning, but it is too late to say anything now "Cheng Hua picked up a cigar from the side, and he lit the cigar. The scar on his forehead looked a little scary, "I was in the logistics company in Pu'er City, and someone led by Wang Cheng smashed it up, and then let it go. A big fire, this is the beginning, Wang Cheng contacted many underworld drug lords in the surrounding cities, and some people who have had a feud with us, and now they are all connected together, and now they have come to BS City, With a lot of people, they have already stationed in BS City."

"So I called everyone back. BS City is my root. For Wang Cheng, it is also his root. We have annexed too hard these days. There are too many enemies. We can't continue to expand. Wang Cheng directly They came rushing to our lair, so I called everyone back and guarded the house first."

Speaking of this, Cheng Hua glanced at Luo Changle, "Tell me about Wang Cheng's situation."

Luo Changle nodded, "Wang Cheng and the others are living in the VIP building now. I don't know how many people there are, but there will definitely be many of them anyway. BS City also has their own dens. For now, they are divided into four groups. , in the four corners of Baoshan City, southeast, northwest, each corner has a leader, and then there are many horses, Wang Cheng himself lives in the VIP building, which is less than 5 minutes' drive from us. Quite a few, while there is something to do, basically all of them can arrive within the remaining 10 minutes. They should have made arrangements early in the morning, and they all separated when they arrived in BS City. Now I don’t know what they mean. Anyway, the people above the Tao are watching now. If you can suppress Wang Cheng, you can say anything. If you can’t suppress Wang Cheng, those shopkeepers who later surrendered may have internal strife. Those people are unreliable. He was secretly bought by Wang Cheng, maybe."

"Okay, that's it." Cheng Hua took a puff of his cigar, "Tell me, what should I do? They dare to come to my door to be presumptuous. If I, Cheng Hua, don't bury them here, I will be sorry for them."

"Master Cheng, everything is according to your arrangement. Whatever you say, so be it."

Cheng Hua smiled. At this moment, he stood up and looked at Wang Long on the side, "Call Dazhong and Yunbao over here."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Hua turned around and entered a small room inside the meeting room.

Wang Long was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Cheng Hua would call them over at such a time. Wang Long thought for a moment, then he walked to the door and called Da Zhong and Yun Bao. curious.

A few minutes later, in the small room inside, Wang Long, Da Zhong, and Yun Bao appeared.

Cheng Hua stood in the inner room with a strangely dressed man. This strange man had long hair and dark skin, but he was a man, and he was wearing ethnic minority clothes, with a walking stick in his hand. This crutch also looks a bit scary. I don't know what material it is made of. This person has a gloomy expression, his face is full of wrinkles, and he is very, very thin, giving people a very depressed feeling.

Cheng Hua pointed at Wang Long, "You three, take off your clothes for me."

The few people didn't think too much, and soon, the three of them took off their shirts, and three very terrifying blood wolves came into view on their chests.

Cheng Hua stretched out his hand and pointed, "Guichou, take a look, is this a blood wolf?"

This man named Kui Chou walked up to Wang Long Dazhong and the others slowly, reached out and touched their chests, his fingers were as thin as sticks, then he suddenly raised his head, looked at the three people, his eyes widened "Cheng Hua, these are three unsealed blood wolves, and the wolf heads are unsealed, available."

Cheng Hua turned his head and looked at Kui Chou, "I want to fight against these three blood wolves, and I want to give them a seal. I want to see if the rumors on this Tao are really so accurate. I want to see, this Just how powerful is the blood wolf."

Kui Chou glanced at Cheng Hua, and then thought for a moment, "I can seal them, but it will bring blood and light. Wolves are spiritual things, so you should think twice."

"Hehe." Cheng Hua shook his head indifferently, "I believe in everything in my life, but I don't believe in evil, you know? Kui Chou!" Cheng Hua roared, "Give it to them! I want to be a wolf head!"

Kui Chou thought for a moment, then looked at Wang Long Dazhong, "How long have you had blood wolf tattoos?"

"It's been about four years." The big clock really said, "The two of us got it earlier, and his one should be later than ours, but it's just a tattoo, why do you have to say it so wickedly."

Kui Chou smiled "hehe", and turned his head, "Cheng Hua, before the blood wolf seal was opened, it was the wolf-fighters who fought against the disaster of blood and light. After the seal was opened, it was the wolf's head who fought against the disaster. If you can't handle this disaster."

"Why can't I bear it?" Cheng Hua looked at Kui Chou, "I, Cheng Hua, have been in society for so many years. There are nothing more than three blood wolves. There is still a reason why I can't bear it." After finishing speaking, Cheng Hua put the coat on his body As soon as he took it off, his back was exposed. He had no tattoos on his back. "Come on, Kui Chou!"

Kui Chou on one side frowned slightly, "Cheng Hua, I reminded you in advance that this blood wolf spiritual thing has extremely serious backlash."

"You can do it. I, Cheng Hua, have never believed in anything in my life. I just believe in myself. I am the sky." After speaking, Cheng Hua stretched his muscles and lay down on the bed beside him.

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