we are brothers

【1150】Find Hotel

At the gate of Chenghua Logistics, more than a dozen vehicles drove out in a file. Wang Long, Dazhong, and Yunbao sat in another Audi car. Dazhong lay on the back seat, holding a A single-barreled shotgun, tinkering with bullets.

Wang Long was driving in front, and Yun Leopard was sitting in the co-pilot, "Why did you mess with Bai Jing, and made her cry so hard."

"I don't want to do this either, but I don't know what to do. Whenever I encounter such a thing, I get a headache"

"Do you love her?" Yunbao lit a cigarette by himself, and then lit another for Wang Long. He handed it to Wang Long's mouth. Love, family affection more than love."

"That's good, I'll love her." Yunbao smiled, took out the pistol from one side, removed the magazine, and put the bullets up from one side, one by one, and the side of Yunbao Open the mouth "Brothers are brothers, women are women, these do not affect"

"I understand this." After finishing speaking, Wang Long stepped on the accelerator, followed closely, took out the gun from one side, and loaded it directly.

Just inside the hotel room where Huixu and the others lived, Huixu Shanyu, Shanlei, Scorpion, and Rat sat in the room.

"Fuck it, this little bastard is so fucking dead, fuck it."

"It's my fault. I should have acted earlier." Guo Hao sighed, "It's just that I didn't expect that kid to react so quickly, and he was faster than me. I still underestimated him."

"Brother Xu, we made too much noise, I guess the trouble will come soon, let's withdraw first."

"Don't go." Huixu was very calm. While he was sorting out a pistol beside him, he said lightly, "I want him to die, so I can't just leave like this. No one can blame this time, everyone did their best, yes That little bastard has a big life, he shouldn't die today"

"He's really fast, and he's hard enough. Fuck it, he's almost there."

"It's okay, take your time, we still have plenty of time." Huixu was smoking a cigarette, fiddling with the pistol on the side "I'll see how long Wang Long can jump around. I, Huixu, must hold his head and pay homage to him." My brother Feng."

As soon as the voice fell, Huixu's phone rang. Huixu glanced at the phone, smoked a cigarette, and then turned on the speakerphone. He was fiddling with a pistol. "Chu Yue, what's wrong?"

"Brother Xu, there are a large number of people coming out of Chenghua Logistics. There must be more than a dozen cars. They seem to be rushing to the hotel. Look, do you want to hide?"

"Did you discover our hiding place so quickly?" Hui Xu frowned, "Isn't it a bit too fast?"

"I don't think it's pleasant at all." Chu Yue took a deep breath, "If Cheng Hua brings people to live in a star-rated hotel in City L, I think we can find out their specific location faster so that they can't get out of the hotel. "

Huixu smiled "hehe", "I'm following, see if it's coming towards the hotel?"

"Brother Xu, hurry up, time is precious, I guess it must be heading towards the hotel, they came out in three batches one after another, my brothers have already told me here, they all got on It's on the street, it should be heading towards the hotel, it's not too far away, so be careful, get out first."

Huixu was silent, squinting his eyes, his whole face was full of unwillingness, after a while, he took a deep breath, "Explore again!"

As soon as the words were finished, Shan Yu's phone rang, and he held the phone, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Immediately afterwards, the flash rain put down the phone, "Brother Xu, a group of people came downstairs."

When Huixu heard this, he gritted his teeth, "Fuck, get out!" Then he yelled into the phone, "Chu Yue, the people who brought you get out, leave the territory of BS City first, and we'll talk about the rest, hurry up!" withdraw!"

"Understood, Brother Xu!" The phone hung up immediately, followed by Hui Xu getting up and waving his hand, "Get out!" !" Huixu was very angry, stood up and grabbed the ashtray beside him, pointed it at the TV in front of him and threw it, and heard a loud "boom!"

Then, Huixu's group reacted very quickly, they copied the guy, and immediately after, the group ran to the door, and opened the door at once, "Separate actions, be careful." He nodded at Guo Hao and the others, and followed closely, the group of people dispersed.

Looking downstairs in the hall, Wang Long, Dazhong, Yunbao, three people have already appeared in the hall, and Cheng Hua, Luo Changle, and Kong Bowen are on the other side, looking at the entrance of the hotel and the surrounding area, countless vehicles, The entire hotel was directly surrounded.

Cheng Hua stood in front of Wang Long and the others. With a big wave of his hand, he saw a large number of young horses appearing behind him, and they all started to go up along the stairs on both sides.

Cheng Hua narrowed his eyes, and walked directly towards the elevator on the other side. Wang Long and the others followed behind Cheng Hua. A few minutes later, a group of people walked up to the elevator. There are five elevators in this row, with a total of up and down. On the tenth floor, Dazhong, Yunbao, Renjie, Xu Haotian, and Cheng Hua, each of the five people led a group of people and stood in front of an elevator. The person in the lead put his hand into his clothes. Everyone is very alert.

Luo Changle Kong Bowen led a person to guard the front lobby, and another person led a person to guard the outside of the hotel.

Soon, Wang Long's elevator opened first, and Cheng Hua, Wang Long, and others turned around and boarded the elevator. Seven or eight people blocked the elevator to death. Cheng Hua pressed the button on the 8th floor, and the elevator started. Going up, soon, to the eighth floor, the door opened, and then, three middle-aged men appeared in front of them, all carrying satchels, and three small crew cuts. They didn't look like good people. When the elevator door opened , The eyes of the people on both sides instantly looked at each other.

Cheng Hua frowned, looked at the person opposite, and suddenly, he yelled "Who is it!" Immediately afterwards, the three middle-aged men on the opposite side were about to draw their guns, and Wang Long and his group on the other side People are more straightforward, and they draw their guns faster than the people on the opposite side. On the stomach, he was directly kicked by this person, and fell heavily to the ground. Immediately after the big clock punched the face of another person in front of him, and then took a big step forward, the gun in his hand It also appeared, one hand grabbed the bald man's neck, the gun in the other hand aimed at his forehead, Wang Long's muzzle pointed at the front man, and he walked back against this man At the same time, Clouded Leopard's gun was also aimed at another person lying on the ground, and then the other boys behind them all rushed up, and quickly controlled the person on the ground. From their bodies, He took out his guns and snatched the satchel behind him.

Wang Long frowned, looked at the three strange faces, and followed closely, "They don't seem to be from Huixu."

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