we are brothers

【1153】King Kong

At this time, the door of the room opened, and Wang Wei was playing with a string of Bengal tiger teeth. Liu Jun was standing behind him. Wang Wei looked relatively calm. He was wearing loose clothes, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his hands Wearing a big jade ring finger on the top, "Why are you arguing? What is there to be arguing about, I can't sleep well, what's wrong? What are you arguing about?"

Wang Cheng turned his head, "Brother, there is an inner ghost. According to your explanation, the clothes are perfect, but Zhang Xiancheng and the others were blocked by Cheng Hua and others just now, and Zhang Xiancheng was also arrested by them. We must, immediately, immediately rescue people! *****, Cheng Hua, I'm fucking fighting with them today! Brother! Don't hide it! If this continues, he will dig it out sooner or later!"

Wang Cheng was very, very excited. At this moment, he saw that Wang Wei didn't even say a word, but just picked up a small stool from the side. He held up the chair and took pictures of Wang Cheng's body. Going up, the chair directly hit Wang Cheng's head heavily, and then fell to the ground with a "boom".

The people around looked dumbfounded, and followed closely, Wang Wei moved away from the doorway, "Go, fight, go!" He pointed at the door, and his whole person was very imposing, and everyone in the room was shocked. Shocked, "Go fight!"

Wang Cheng calmed down a lot after being hit by Wang Wei. He glanced at Wang Wei, and he didn't panic anymore. You know, Wang Cheng's nickname on the Tao is Xueya. Ruthless and ruthless, famous for being ruthless. Zhang Xiancheng, the king kong under him, Song Yuxin the vulture, and Wang Jinshan, the one-word swordsman, are all Wang Cheng's sworn brothers. Wang Cheng is the boss. Over the years, Wang Cheng has climbed up step by step. His help is the greatest contribution. Looking around, there are not many people like Wang Wei. Wang Cheng, who was smashed by a stool, didn't dare to say a word, and just stood there blankly.

"You fucking go!" Wang Wei yelled again at this time, "Go, go!" Wang Wei began to yell, "You will be a bastard's life all your life, and you will never be able to achieve great things in your whole life. Damn, Chenghua, Li Pingdong was right when he didn't marry his daughter to you. If Li Pingdong's family property, his life savings, were handed over to you, Wang Cheng, then his mother would be a word, defeat, Nothing else is fucking new! Get out! You fucking go, take your people, go!"

Wang Wei was very angry, "Go, don't you want to rush! Are you going to fight, you fucking go!"

"Ah!" Wang Cheng yelled suddenly, followed closely, he picked up a beer bottle from one side, and swung it up on the top of his bald head with a "boom!" "Crack", the entire beer bottle shattered, followed by the blood on Wang Cheng's forehead began to flow down.

"I was wrong!!" Wang Cheng yelled, then picked up another beer bottle from the side, and said "Boom!" on his head again, "I'm fucking wrong! I'm wrong!" It's gone! Lord Wei!" Wang Cheng roared.

"Shut the fuck up!" Wang Wei yelled at Wang Cheng, "Shut up the fuck up, do you hear me?"

Wang Cheng took a deep breath, his eyes were wide open, he was silent, he was gasping for breath, the blood on his forehead kept flowing down, and slowly fell to the ground along his cheeks.

"Don't be angry, Lord Wei, your body is important." Liu Jun beside him sighed, and then glanced at Wang Cheng who was opposite him. When he looked at Wang Cheng, he found that Wang Cheng was also staring at him, and the blood slipped across His eyes and his whole personality were terrifying. Liu Jun definitely wouldn't dare to say Wang Cheng. Everyone here, except Wang Wei, no one dared to say Wang Cheng.

Wang Wei took a deep breath at this time, and lowered his voice, "Did King Kong be found from the hotel?"

"Yes," a boy next to him hurriedly said, he also respects Wang Wei very much, "We can guarantee with our lives that everything is hidden according to your request. There was nothing at the beginning, and it has been going on for a long time." It was well hidden. I don't know where Cheng Hua got the news today. We now think that someone from our own may have leaked the news to Cheng Hua.

"What do you mean by your own people leaking the news? Did you see someone leaking the news?" Wang Wei stared with big eyes. "If someone on my own leaked the news, would Cheng Hua just block King Kong and his group? We can live comfortably here Sleeping? He Cheng Hua is eager to dig us out quickly, he is the one who can’t sleep, he is found if he is found, a team, do you know what is the most taboo?” Wang Wei looked at the people in the room "Mutual suspicion!"

"If you can't trust the people around you, who else can you trust? What are you going to do, investigate all your own people? Do you know what the consequences of doing this will be? Are you a pig brain? No Long memory, isn't it? After so many years, besides being able to fight and fight, what else can you fucking do? You go to fight Cheng Hua now, can you beat him? If you dare to show your face, Cheng Hua will dare Fight with you, and then you will be arrested by the police, are you a fucking pig with brains? I'm going all out to avenge a pig, and then fill myself in at the end?"

Wang Cheng lowered his head, and now his temper seemed to be much lowered, "Brother, I was wrong, don't blame me, what should you say, I'm just anxious, we have been brothers for decades, King Kong Nothing can happen."

"Since you are on this road, you have to face such a danger. If you were replaced by Cheng Hua, then King Kong would definitely die, but that was Cheng Hua, not you, so he, Cheng Hua, would not be happy for a while. Will kill King Kong, he is waiting to use King Kong to lure you out, you don't show up, I don't show up, King Kong can't die, he keeps this King Kong in his hands, and he can make a deal with us at critical moments, Cheng Hua is not easy to deal with People, let's speed up our pace and strive to rescue King Kong as soon as possible."

The room was quiet again, and everyone looked at Wang Wei. After all, he, Wang Wei, is also the absolute authority here.

"Speed ​​up, we have to work hard." Wang Wei took a deep breath, then slowly closed his eyes, and began to play with the Bengal tiger teeth in his hand.

On the outskirts of BS City, beside a deserted small river, Flash Rain, Flash Thunder, Hui Xu, Guo Hao, even Chu Yue, and a few others all stood in place, and the group of people stood in a circle Son.

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