we are brothers

【1236】rescue him

"You fucked up!" Another voice yelled and cursed, "Abusive lynching, idiot" Then, Luo Bin started again...

At two o'clock in the morning, a red Mazda [-] sedan appeared at the gate of the Public Security Bureau of City Z. The car stopped at the gate for a while, followed closely, and went directly to the side of the Public Security Bureau. On the side, this A red Mazda car parked on the side wall of the Public Security Bureau, followed by the door opened, and four men in full suits appeared. Four of them were wearing black hoods and bulletproof vests. The individual holds a [-]-style automatic rifle in his hand, earphones on his ears, military spikes on his body, large military boots, and a green dress that wraps his whole body inside, except for the eyes and nose. In addition, the four big men are basically the same size, and they are all strong. In addition to the [-]-type automatic rifle in their hands, there are two pistols on the waists of each of the four big men. A series of supporting facilities are very professional. The four Type [-] automatic rifles in their hands were not ordinary automatic rifles, they were obviously modified, and all the muzzles were equipped with mufflers, which increased the length of the Type [-] automatic rifles a lot.

Four big men stood on one side, unable to see everyone's expressions clearly. At this time, a leading man said, "The Public Security Bureau has four floors in total, and the detention room and interrogation room are on the second floor. They must all be locked up on the second floor." , This is a blind area of ​​the police monitoring. From here, the monitoring is destroyed. After that, in the police station, try not to shoot and kill the police. The main target is Wang Yue. Kill Wang Yue at all costs, and then leave immediately , Do you understand everything?"

"Yes, sir!" The three people around said in unison, but kept their voices very low.

Ling Feng stretched out his hand, "Brothers, this matter, no matter whether it succeeds or not, this is our last action. We vow to avenge brother Xiong and take Wang Yue's head."

"I swear to take Wang Yue's head!" The four of them held hands tightly together. Immediately afterwards, each of the four of them put on a pair of night vision goggles, and then stepped on one side of the car and jumped onto the gate of the Public Security Bureau. On the top of the wall, as soon as it was on the top of the wall, one of the men raised his gun and pointed at the monitors in the two corners of the side "bang, bang" twice, smashing the two monitors.

These people stood on the wall of the Public Security Bureau, and all jumped off one after another. Standing in the compound of the Public Security Bureau, the four cooperated very tacitly. Ling Feng lay on the ground, climbed two steps forward, and exposed He was lying on the ground, wearing night vision goggles, and took out the 95-type automatic rifle in his hand. He spotted several surveillance cameras and fired a few consecutive shots "bang, bang, bang, bang". Going out, in an instant, all four surveillance probes were blown up.

Afterwards, Ling Feng glanced at the people on one side, and walked to the side of the Public Security Bureau. There are corridors on this side. There are security bars on the first and second floors, but there are indeed no security bars on the third and fourth floors. Ling Feng turned his head and looked The person near his eyes stretched out his hand for a gesture, and saw four people grabbing the anti-theft fence very, very quickly, stepping on the first floor and reaching the second floor, jumping from the second floor, they climbed up to the third floor, three The windows on the first floor were closed, and Ling Feng stood at the top, and he took out a glass knife from his pocket. He glanced at the window, took the glass knife, and made a small opening on the window, just in time I also reached in with my hand, knocked on the latch from the inside, and pushed the window open at once.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Feng was the first to jump into the third floor. As soon as he jumped into the corridor, Ling Feng suddenly raised his gun and aimed it at the monitor directly above him with a "bang", hitting the monitor sparingly. Broken, it was very dark in the corridor, and there was no one there. Ling Feng was wearing a night vision device, and watched the surveillance cameras in the corridor shooting three consecutive "bang, bang, bang" shots, directly smashing three more monitors.

He took two steps forward. At this time, all three people behind him also came up. Four people, two in front and two behind, started to walk forward. They walked less than 20 meters in front. Suddenly, a door right next to Ling Feng was opened, and three joking and laughing policemen walked out, holding poker cards in their hands. When the three policemen appeared, they immediately They stood where they were, because they happened to appear in front of Ling Feng and his party.

"Don't move, don't make a sound!" Ling Feng and his party consisted of four people, one of whom stood guard below, motionless, and the other three pointed their guns at the three policemen here. The police were immediately frightened. Where did this damn man come from? He was actually holding an automatic rifle and a muffler in his hand.

The three policemen were a little flustered, and quickly raised their hands. Ling Feng then said, "Go in! Enter the room!" The three policemen looked at each other, and then all retreated to the room. Seeing them all enter the room, Ling Feng Feng took a deep breath, and then, the four of them also entered the room. In the room, one stood by the wall on one side, and the other stood by the window. Both of their guns were aimed at the guns on this side. The policeman, and another person was facing the door, ready at all times. Ling Feng put his gun back on his back, looked at the three policemen in front of him, and took out a few restraint belts specially designed to restrain people from his pocket. He quickly tied up all three policemen. This is an office with computers and beds. The three policemen seem to be quite old, and they stared at Ling Feng and the others with fear. , Ling Feng pushed all three police officers to the ground.

Three people sat by the wall, followed closely by another person who took a step forward and put the gun against the head of one of the police officers.

"You guys, who are you guys? What do you want to do?" The two policemen on the side also panicked. They have never encountered such a scene after decades of police work. "Do you know where this is? Are you crazy?"

"Shut up." Ling Feng scolded one of the policemen, and then looked at the policeman with a gun on his head, "I ask, you answer, don't talk nonsense, don't waste time, we don't want to hurt you, but don't force us to do it .”

The policeman nodded hastily, "Okay, okay, you say."

"Did you arrest a few people today, including a man with earrings on his ear, who is not tall."

"Yes, there is indeed such a group of people who received a report from the Fuhua community. We rushed to it, escaped part of it, and caught a few people. It was a fight between the two sides."

"We're looking for the man with the earring."

"To save him?"

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