we are brothers

【1253】Crazy Li Feng

Everyone around looked at Li Feng and Shan Yu, looked at the two people here, and then Li Feng said slowly, "That is, it is impossible to get revenge without any damage, or Either completely give up hatred, or completely intensify the conflict." After finishing speaking, the corners of Li Feng's mouth rose slightly.

Suddenly, Shan Yu felt a breath of death, and immediately after, he broke free from Li Feng, but the moment he broke free, he heard a gunshot of "Boom!", and blood splashed onto Li Feng. Feng's face followed closely, and the surroundings fell into a quiet, deadly silence. No one thought that Li Feng would shoot and kill Flash Rain directly when he came up. This is the desperate rhythm, this is the crazy desperate rhythm, Li Feng slowly let go of Shan Yu's neck, and Shan Yu's body slowly fell to the ground.

Afterwards, Li Feng took out a bloody mask from behind him, and hung the mask on his face, which was very, very scary, and he laughed "hehe" "If you want to play, play bigger Come on, Kuangliu!" Li Feng roared.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the people behind Li Feng, all of them pulled out the knives from their bodies, and rushed up to the horse boy in the warehouse. The sound of hacking and killing was everywhere in the warehouse, Xia Wenxuan Anze and his party also joined the battle, the surroundings were in chaos, Li Feng's numbers clearly had the upper hand, and he slashed down on Huixu's men without mercy.

Wearing a bloody mask, Li Feng looked at the people around him again. Then, he walked to the table on one side and picked up Wang Long's dagger from the table. He stared at the dagger and carefully sized it up. Then, He slowly walked to Wang Long's side, looking at Wang Long covered in blood on the ground, he pushed his palm away, and stuffed the dagger into Wang Long's hand, "Grab it..."

Three or ten minutes later, at the gate of the warehouse, Huixu's Land Rover Range Rover off-road vehicle stopped at the door, followed by more than a dozen cars, and dozens of people got off. Huixu and Shanlei walked in the front, behind them It was Guo Haoxiezi and his party. The warehouse door was opened. After Huixu walked into the warehouse, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him. The lights in the warehouse were all on, and the surrounding ground was covered with blood.

He walked forward step by step, faster and faster, and the people around him entered the warehouse, and they all dispersed. There were people lying everywhere in the warehouse, and there was blood everywhere. He looked around again. Wang Long and the others are long gone, but the people lying on the ground are all his glorious people, all kinds of wailing sounds continue, and there are many people lying on the ground, motionless, even It is not clear whether it is dead or alive.

Blood, blood, the surroundings were filled with blood, Huixu walked to the center of the warehouse, and then he saw the flashing rain on the ground at a glance, the flashing rain was lying on the ground peacefully, and the flashing thunder was beside him at this time, "Shlashing rain! He yelled crazily, and then rushed towards the flashing rain, and he hugged the flashing rain from the ground, "Shipping rain, flashing rain!!"

Huixu froze in place, he looked at the flashing rain on the ground, and his whole body fell into a vacuum. At this time, Guo Hao pulled over a horse boy covered in blood, "Brother Xu , it's Li Feng, I don't know when he will come back."

Huixu turned his head, glanced at Guo Hao, and the bloody pony next to him, "Let the brothers recover well." Huixu's voice was not loud, "I'll take care of the rest."

Hui Xu glanced at the lightning on the ground and the breathless rain again, Hui Xu turned around and walked out, he walked in front, and all the people behind followed.

Huixu got into the Range Rover SUV, and rushed towards Li Feng's Beitian Dynasty.

On the other side, at the main entrance of Mowan KTV, more than a dozen Audi cars suddenly stopped, and the security guards at the door were dumbfounded. They saw forty or fifty people getting on and off the Audi cars, and all the people were there. Everyone was carrying a knife, and after getting out of the car, without saying a word, he waved the knife in his hand and rushed towards Mowan KTV.

Before the security guards had time to escape, they were cut down in a pool of blood by the rushing lunatic with two knives, followed by An Ze, Xia Wenxuan, and Qin Xiong, each of whom had a big stick in his hand. Leading the people behind him to "Crazy Flow!" roared and rushed into the Mowan KTV, just at the gate of the Mowan KTV, this group of people started smashing things crazily, smashing things, chopping people, just a little You are not polite, and you are not used to it. It is already three or four o'clock in the morning, and there are not many people in Mowan KTV.

Lin Yifei was basically woken up by someone knocking on the door while he was still asleep, "Brother Fei, brother Fei, it's bad, it's bad, the crazy streamers are here to make trouble, a lot of people are here! Brother We can't stand it any longer!"

Lin Yifei sat up straight when he heard it, "Where's Huixu?"

"Brother Xu took his brothers away, and they are smashing the Heavenly Dynasty. We have already called to inform them, and now they are heading back!"

"Fuck" Lin Yifei cursed, then got up and took out a knife from under the bed, he looked at his confidant in front of him, "Look who is still there, come with me, fuck them! Let Hui Asahi, come back quickly!"

"Yes, Brother Fei!" The man roared, and pulled out a knife from the side. Immediately afterwards, Lin Yifei rushed towards the door. He opened the door with one swipe, and looked Looking at a strange face in front of him, a large piece of knife went up and chopped the person's face, followed by raising his leg and kicking another person, followed by Lin Yifei waving the piece in his hand The knife rushed out...

In the new urban area of ​​L City, a huge building was already on fire. Hui Xu stood aside and looked at Bei Tian Dynasty in front of him, "First get rid of his nest, and then send the brothers out to me. Dig this lunatic out."

At this time, Huixu's phone rang, and he held the phone and "Hello" and then, his expression changed immediately...

This was a sleepless night, and it was also a crazy night. This night, the whole city of L was in chaos. The whole building was almost burned to ashes. The Mowan KTV was smashed by Li Feng's thugs, and the whole KTV was in a mess. The Public Security Bureau rushed to the Mowan KTV overnight and captured some criminal thugs. They all point to the person who instigated this battle, Li Feng, a social elder brother who has ancient materials in L City, a social elder brother who was imprisoned by Xiaochao and the others for nearly a year, and was almost killed several times from prison. Bloody revenge has been launched against Huixu and Lin Yifei's silent ktv. There are many rumors and rumors circulating on the road. Honor and disgrace, coexistence and death, at the same time, the police issued an arrest warrant for Li Feng, Li Feng was wanted nationwide, Mowan KTV was closed at the same time, and the whole city of L was plunged into an atmosphere of panic.

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