we are brothers

【1265】social response

Wang Long and Da Zhong looked at each other, and he immediately took out his phone, "Hey, Brother Feng."

"What's the matter?" Li Feng's voice on the phone was very gloomy, "I told you to come back, why haven't you come back yet."

"Du Niang was killed just now, the two cars are people we have never seen before, no, they are not our crazy people."

Li Feng was silent for a moment on the other side of the phone, "No, someone wanted to steal the chicken." Li Feng suddenly smiled, "Good steal, good steal, nothing, do it, as long as it is not good for Huixu, I, Li Feng Take everything according to the order! Haha, hahaha!" Li Feng laughed a little crazy, "Come back! Hurry up, time is running out!"

Wang Long let out a "hmm" and put down the phone. He looked at Gao Haixiang and Da Zhong staring at him, "What did Brother Feng say?"

"It's not our people who killed Du Niang, but Li Feng wants to take this matter up."

"Is it true or not, or is it fake?"

"I don't think it's really ours." Wang Long took a deep breath. "We've seen almost all the crazy people these days. There is absolutely no figure of the big man just now. I don't think there is any need for Li Feng to lie. It should be Someone wanted to steal the chicken, but Li Feng has admitted it now." Wang Long paused, looked up at the big clock, "I think he's crazy!"

"Go, let's leave first." At this time, an Accord sedan also drove over and stopped beside Wang Long and the others. There were still traces of bullets on it, Wang Long and others hurried into the car, Yunbao sat in the car, looked at the person lying on the ground in front of him, and was a little surprised, "Did I miss something just now, and what happened again?" "

"It's messy, it's too messy, let's go, leave first." After Wang Long finished speaking, he patted Yunbao, and the Accord drove away. Yunbao sat in the driver's seat and kept looking out the window.

L City Public Security Bureau, in Xiaochao's office, there are still two people standing, Bai Yongxiao and Xiaokai, these are also the two people closest to Xiaochao in the entire Public Security Bureau, one is the Deputy of the Public Security Bureau The director, and the other one, is the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

"Have you got any news about Li Feng and the others?" Xiao Chao glanced at Bai Yong and smiled, "It's been so long, can't those people who are caught can't get anything out of their mouths?"

"It can't be pried out." Bai Yong smiled and sighed, "This Li Feng seems to have endless money. All the lunatics caught, as long as they don't betray him, will get a lot of rewards when they go out in the future. It's an unimaginable amount of money." Many people would rather go to jail than betray Li Feng, and those who betray Li Feng are also afraid of being retaliated if they go out. Now this is the mentality of most of these lunatics. Also, Director Li, you just approved The procedures did not comply with the regulations, so Huixu was let go."

"It's okay, just let me go if I tell you to." Xiao Chao said calmly, "I will bear the consequences of all problems."

There was no sound in the office, and Xiao Chao stood aside for a while, "Dig out Li Feng for me at any cost, he is in L city, not far away, and also, arrest all the people from Huixu who were arrested." Let me go, and the people on the other side will all be sent in for me, and those who can be locked up will be locked up by me, and I will sign all the procedures."

"Director Li, it's really too much for you to do this. You should at least maintain a superficial neutrality and fairness. You can't do this, you can't, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this!"

"I said, I will bear all the consequences myself." Xiao Chao took a deep breath, "Li Feng is crazy now, don't you see it, he has put all his eggs in one basket, he has risked everything, we are all at this time, and There is no need to go through those legal procedures with him." Xiao Chao looked at Bai Yongxiao and Xiao Kai who were on the side, "I will sign, and you just do it."

"I dare to bet with my head that now that things have developed to this point, in terms of what has already happened, as long as the higher-ups are blamed, then our police station will be blamed, and this city has become a city of crime."

"This L city was originally a city of sin." Xiao Chao looked at the people in the room, "How does it compare now to ten years ago?"

"But the times are different, Li Ju, if you go on like this, I'm afraid that Li Feng will not be dead by then, but you will be."

"So what!" Xiao Chao suddenly became angry, "Who is the director now, and who is sitting in this position!" Xiao Chao roared, "Say, it's me, or you Bai Yongxiao!"

Bai Yongxiao was also angry, and yelled, "It's you, Li Chao, you're the fucking chief, I'll treat you as the chief, and I'll treat you as a brother, don't keep calling others crazy, You are the biggest lunatic! You have been in office for the past two years, and you have done things that Xiyang dared not do for 20 years. Are you finished! What the hell are you trying to do! It’s not you if you die So sucky!"

"Get out!" Xiao Chao pointed at the door, "Get out! Execute the order!" He yelled.

"Yes, Director!" Bai Yongxiao turned around and went out. Before going out, he slammed the door hard with a "Bang!".

The office was very quiet, and Xiao Kai on the other side was silent for a while, "Ju Li, we know that if something happens, you will take care of everything, but to be honest, Yong Xiao and I are the same, everyone Having known each other for so many years, you are not only the director, but also the boss in our hearts, and more importantly, the elder brother, the brother. Yong Xiao and I have the same thoughts. We have followed you since we entered here, until now, more than ten years ago. It's been a year, what do you say, we will definitely do it, but we don't do it because you are the boss, it's because we treat you as a big brother, a brother, so we do it, I think, you are really too much Well, at least judicial justice, what you should do, if you just release Huixu and all of Huixu's people without doing anything, have you ever thought about the social repercussions it will cause?"

"Execute the order." Xiao Chao took a deep breath, "I will bear all the consequences. They violated my taboo. There are only a few brothers in my life. I can't let them have an accident."

At this time, the door of the office opened again, and a police officer came in. "Ju Li, I just received a report that there was a shooting at the intersection of Fuyuan Street and Shangfu Street. It was two consecutive cases. Witnesses reported that there was a friction between a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, which led to a bloody case. First, the woman was murdered, and then the woman was killed, along with the woman's entourage. The previous murder was an accidental incident, and the latter The shooting was carefully planned by gangsters, and the attack was vicious, less than 1 minute before and after, and then disappeared without a trace, and then."

The policeman glanced at Xiaochao, "This case resulted in six deaths, two were foreigners and four were locals, among them, one woman and five men, the women were with Hui Xu, they are very famous in L City No, it's called Poison Maiden"

"I think we won't be able to resist this time." Xiao Kai glanced at Hui Xu, "The social repercussions it has caused are too great."

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