we are brothers

【1291】Land Rover Range Rover

Huixu and the others ran out of the gate of the community in a hurry, and Li Feng's people were tens of meters behind, keeping a certain distance from both sides. Wang Long and the others were surprised when they saw a green Range Rover The off-road vehicle rushed back from nowhere. The Land Rover off-road vehicle rushed in from the outside of the community, and rushed in according to Li Feng's crowd. This was obviously to stop Li Feng and the others With the footsteps of catching up, the Land Rover rushed into the crowd with the sound of the gas pedal.

The lunatics on both sides ran to the side for fear of being hit by the Land Rover. The Land Rover on this side just rushed past, and within ten seconds, another overbearing off-road vehicle rushed in from the other side. The two cars came from the outside. It rushed inside, crazily started bumping into people, kicking people out, it was horrible to see, the two cars scrambled crazily, and directly messed up Li Feng's men, there were screams everywhere around, and The sound of the accelerator starting, everyone is afraid of death, and no one will block the front of this car.

Then, I don’t know who took out the gun first, and I heard the sound of gunshots everywhere, and the guns were all aimed at the Range Rover and another Toyota Domineering, and a Land Rover in the crowd rushed madly. Going out, I rushed out towards another door. After being shot several times in a row, the domineering car on the other side slammed into the wall of a house on the other side with a loud "Boom!" The car was overturned on the side. There were quite a lot of people around, and they were very mighty. They were smashed by these two large off-road vehicles rushing in. Qin Xiong was the first to run to the overbearing The one next to the off-road vehicle, he opened the door as soon as he opened it, and a man covered in blood came out from inside, and then two horse boys came up from the other side and pointed at the one on the ground with a knife in their hands. The people were chopped down, and the large pieces of knives chopped down with "boom, boom, boom", and the people on the ground soon lost consciousness.

With this delayed timing, it is impossible to reorganize and chase again, and, similarly, the sound of a police car rang, and someone yelled, "The police are here!"

Wang Long Dazhong and the others looked at it, turned around and left the reception room. Their Audi car had been parked nearby. At this time, they saw all the people running around in a chaotic and scattered manner. Li Feng He was also surrounded by the crowd and disappeared. Except for those who screamed, those who ran away, Wang Long and Da Zhong and his party hurried back to their car. Everyone was afraid of being caught by the police. After starting the car, the Audi sedan rushed out crazily, the siren sounded from behind, and a large number of policemen came over, and it was unknown who was leading the team. Moreover, Wang Long and the others were already followed by a police car up.

"What to do, Brother Long, there are policemen behind!" Da Zhong roared, and then suddenly started to step on the gas pedal again.

"Don't panic!" Wang Long sat behind, "Brother Xiang, show the way to the big clock, run outside the city, run to remote places, don't run into the city!" Immediately afterwards, Wang Long glanced at the clouded leopard beside him , took out the pistol from his pocket, loaded the bullet, Wang Long opened the window at the back, and leaned out with his whole body, holding the gun, he looked at the two "grass mud horses" that were chasing after him. He gritted his teeth, "Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom" and fired a round of bullets in a row. He followed Wang Long back into the car, threw the magazine aside, and immediately changed another round of bullets. Stretching out his body, he started shooting non-stop at the police car that was chasing up behind him, "Boom, boom, boom, boom." As soon as the two shuttle bullets were fired, a police car stopped on the side of the road. , Immediately afterwards, the sound of gunfire was heard again. Obviously, the opposite side fired back.

Wang Long quickly retracted his body from the window, and bowed his head to Yunbao, "Big clock, hurry up."

Yunbao glanced at Wang Long, "I'm coming." Then, he opened the window on the other side, and Wang Long quickly changed the bullet again. Both he and Yunbao leaned out, and said "boom" to the chasing policeman. , bang, bang" continuous shooting, and then heard the sound of a sudden brake, the police car stopped directly in place, and did not chase after it.

In the short time it took to stop, the Audi rushed out, and Gao Haixiang sat in the co-pilot, "Big clock, turn right ahead, don't go into the city, go outside, go to a remote place!"

Da Zhong nodded, and Wang Long and Yun Bao sat behind, "What do you mean by Hui Xu? Don't fight?"

"Then who knows!" Clouded Leopard took a deep breath, "What shall we do now?"

"Hide first, then contact Brother Feng. In short, don't get caught by the police!" After finishing speaking, Da Zhong started the car again, and after driving for more than ten minutes, he appeared on a mountain trail in the suburbs of L City At night, I can't see the road very clearly. Wang Long and the others have already driven the car onto the muddy dirt road, which is the edge of the field.

When Wang Long was sitting in the back in a daze, the big clock suddenly slammed on the brakes, and Gao Haixiang knocked his head on the window beside him without paying attention, "Fuck, what are you doing."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Long and Yunbao also looked at the big clock. The big clock didn't say a word, but just pointed to the front, and he turned on the high beams of the Audi car.

Then, Wang Long and his party were immediately stunned.

A green Range Rover off-road vehicle appeared in front of them. The Range Rover turned off and parked there quietly.

The four of Wang Long and his party immediately took out their guns, "Brother Xiang, I'm out of bullets, take some bullets out."

Gao Haixiang gave a "huh", then turned around and threw a magazine to Wang Long. Wang Long took out the bullets in it, and separated with Yunbao. A group of four people got out of the car. It was very quiet, and the Land Rover Range Rover off-road vehicle was parked here, which was particularly conspicuous.

The four people got out of the car, took guns, and walked towards the Range Rover off-road vehicle. No one knew what was going on in the car, but the car seemed to be the one who just rushed into the community and was chased by Hui Xu and the others. That Range Rover, I didn't see it until I got close. There are many bullet holes around this Range Rover off-road vehicle.

Yunbao and Gao Haixiang held guns and aimed at the driving position at the door. Wang Long also took aim. There seemed to be no one in the car. The men pointed their guns at the inside of the car.

There was a man lying in the car. The man was leaning on the car seat. He was already very weak. He was clutching his lower abdomen. The blood had soaked into his clothes. There were many dried blood stains left on his body. He opened his eyes, Leaning aside, the moment he opened the door, he looked outside the door.

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