we are brothers

【1302】The person I met in the cemetery

"Who are you, why are you sneaking around here?" Da Zhong looked at this person very, very vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, the man pushed up the hat, looked at Wang Long and the big clock opposite, and revealed his entire face.

"Uncle Tang!" Wang Long looked at Tang Yan in astonishment, "Uncle Tang, why are you here, where is my uncle? Why can't I get through the phone? What happened? Why is there no one at home?"

Tang Yan glanced at Wang Long, sighed, then turned around and walked into the cemetery. As he walked in, Wang Long and the others followed Tang Yan, and finally, in the innermost, On an empty memorial tablet, Tang Yan's voice was very low, "Adong, let me come and see you."

Wang Long felt like a bolt from the blue, looking at Tang Yan, "Uncle Tang! You, you, what do you mean?"

"He's gone." Tang Yan's voice was not loud.

"What? How is it possible?" Wang Long yelled suddenly, "Are you kidding me?" He rushed to Tang Yan at once, and yelled at Tang Yan, "Why are you so excited during the Chinese New Year?" Such a joke, this is very unlucky, you know?"

"What are you calling? You think I'm such an adult that I'm in the mood to joke with you now, don't you?"

"How is it possible, impossible, impossible! I don't believe it!" Wang Long suddenly roared, shaking his head vigorously, "No, no, my uncle's serious illness can be cured, no Die so easily, absolutely not, impossible!"

"It was made by Li Feng." Tang Yan squatted down slowly, and picked up some paper money from the side. This was prepared before Tang Yan came. He held a lighter and looked at the empty space. The tombstone began to burn papers bit by bit, "Keep your voice down, don't attract too many people's attention, my current identity can't be leaked, I'm a wanted criminal."

"Uncle Tang, Uncle Tang, you are teasing me, aren't you, are you, you must be teasing me, aren't you?" Wang Long kept tugging on Tang Yan's arm, "You are teasing me, you are teasing me , right! It must be, you are kidding me!"

Tang Yan stood up suddenly. He grabbed Wang Long's neck with both hands, and lifted Wang Long up. He was very, very angry, "I told you not to disturb me. ,Did you hear that?"

Wang Long stared at Tang Yan with a helpless expression on his face. He panicked, really panicked. For him, Liu Zhendong was his only family member. Wang Lung let it go.

Wang Long's eye circles turned red instantly, "Uncle, don't scare me, we brothers and sisters, in this world, you are the only family member, don't scare me, Uncle."

Da Zhong also knew Wang Long's situation very well. When he saw Wang Long's situation, he immediately hugged Wang Long, "Brother Long."

Wang Long half-kneeled on the ground directly, "It must be fake, it must be fake, Uncle Tang, it's Chinese New Year, you're making such a joke with me, hehe, it's not funny, it's not funny, it's really not funny."

Tang Yan ignored Wang Long, just squatted in front of the tombstone, and began to slowly burn the paper, "Ah Dong, I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm sorry, the police have been chasing me so hard during this time, and I can't show my face. I'm looking for news about Li Feng everywhere, don't worry, I will definitely avenge you, and I won't let you die in vain..."

Listening to Tang Yan talking to himself, Wang Long felt like a bolt from the blue. He couldn't believe his eyes and ears. Liu Zhendong's honest teachings to him for so many years were constantly in his mind. Floating inside, he listened to everything Tang Yan said to himself, he felt like he was dreaming, and slowly, tears soaked his eyes.

Back to reality, in L city, Li Feng walked very slowly, walking forward step by step, Wang Long's muzzle was also aimed at Li Feng, and Dazhong and Yunbao were watching from the side , No one spoke, and no one stopped Wang Lung.

Only Da Zhong knew in his heart how long Wang Long had carefully planned for this day, and he took every step cautiously. Only Da Zhong knew how much Wang Long had paid for this day, in order to avenge Liu Zhendong. , Wang Long gave up everything, let go of everything, and almost lost his life.

It is not an easy task to get close to Li Feng's side. He is reluctant to part with children and can't catch wolves. If they sincerely go to Li Feng, Li Feng may not accept them or trust them. If Li Feng takes time to investigate Investigate their identities and backgrounds, and there will be more problems. The conflict between them and Huixu is well known in L City. The fact that Huixu wanted to kill Wang Lung caused a lot of trouble in the city. This alone , can make Li Feng more trust them.

In order not to arouse Li Feng's suspicion and suspicion, Wang Long thought about it for several days. Except for the big bell, he didn't tell anyone. He just knew that he wanted revenge, and he wanted revenge for his uncle. He raised such a big uncle to take revenge, and his hatred has been tightly suppressed in his heart. He didn't show it, and he was under tremendous pressure all day long.

The few of them first went back to City L on purpose, and then revealed their whereabouts to Liu Fei deliberately and without thinking. They found Gao Haixiang through looking for Liu Fei, and asked Liu Fei to betray Wang Long and the others, and then they would definitely be caught by Hui Xu.

Originally, Wang Long just wanted to participate in this matter because it was too dangerous, but Da Zhong knew about it and decided to go with Wang Long. , but at that time, Gao Haixiang refused to leave, there were so many people at that time, Wang Long had no way and no time to talk and explain so much with Gao Haixiang, he secretly told Jiajia, in her house, There was a small tracker put down by Wang Long, which was in her room. She asked Jiajia and everyone to keep it a secret, and asked Jiajia to go to Beitian Dynasty to find Li Feng. After all, the conflict between Huixu and Li Feng had not yet settled at this time. To make it public, Li Feng has just been released from prison, and has not committed any crimes from the outside, nor has he officially started a war with Huixu. , and the other is Li Feng, the secret enemy. It just so happens that the two enemies still have a deep blood feud, and they will never die.

Wang Long's behavior was crazy, because once something happened to Jiajia, Li Feng was not found from the Beitian Dynasty, or Li Feng didn't care about Wang Long's thoughts after he knew about it, or Li Feng went to When Wang Long was saved, Wang Long had already been killed by Hui Xu and the others, so all of this would cease to exist. Wang Long just gambled and fought again, because he had no other chance, and he knew It is impossible for the few of them to kill Li Feng or Hui Xu head-on. Even if they are going to sneak attack, there is no chance. He has no choice but to do it like this, to fight like this To gamble like this, he wants to avenge Liu Zhendong. This is his only way. People like Li Fenghuixu cannot be approached casually. Wang Long must make Li Feng believe him absolutely, and, He also begged Li Feng not to check his identity and background. If he was found out, even if he followed Li Feng in the end, he would still be dead.

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