we are brothers


"In this way, Bai Jing, Yungege, Tongtong, you are responsible for recruiting workers, preparing for the opening ceremony of Fulong, and normal operations. When recruiting workers, the treatment must be better than all other places. Yunbao, you and everyone Zhong, the two of you are in charge of recruiting the old department of Kuangliu, whether you go to the detention center or the prison, take care of what needs to be done, find faces we used to be familiar with, and those who are willing to come back and work together, then do it together, and then I have my work to do."

After finishing speaking, Wang Long stretched out his hand, "Everyone, let's start again! Come on!"

Dazhong, Yunbao, and two people put their hands on Wang Long's hands, while Yungege, Bai Jing, and Tongtong on one side looked at the three people here, and put their hands on it too, "Come on! Come on! Start again! !"

Three men and three women yelled loudly together. All of them were full of enthusiasm. Ten minutes later, Da Zhong brought over a large box of beer and some scattered food, "Come! Drink! Let's celebrate, Fu!" Long live the dragon!"

"Long live Fulong!" All the people around shouted, and just like that, six people, the earliest six people of Fulong, kicked off the prelude to Fulong.

As night fell, Wang Long drove his Audi car, left Fulong, and drove to the downstairs of Mowan KTV by himself. Now it is the crackdown period, and there are indeed a lot fewer people in Mowan KTV.

Wang Long smelled of alcohol, he shook his head and calmed down his emotions. He didn't tell anyone that he was coming here, but the person he had to face when he came from L City was Hui Xu.

Wang Long stopped the car and took a deep breath. It was impossible to say that he was not nervous, but he had to do it, and he had to do it. He exercised his muscles and bones, stood beside the car, and lit the Yan, looked up at Mowan KTV, there was a huge signboard, and there were some people coming in and out at the door.

Wang Long turned around and entered the Mowan KTV. After he entered, he went straight upstairs. When he was about to reach the top floor, he was stopped by two people dressed like horse boys, "Hi sir, you are not allowed to enter here. yes?"

Wang Long smiled, "I'm here to find Hui Xu, please help me convey, my name is Wang Long."

The expressions of the two boys changed immediately when they heard this, and they all stared at Wang Long, "You, what do you say is your name?"

"My name is Wang Long." Wang Long smiled, "Please inform me, I want to see Hui Xu."

The expressions of the two boys became very serious. One of them turned around quickly and started to run inside. After a few minutes, the boy came out again. He stood in front of Wang Long, "Okay, the innermost one Room, brother Xu let you in."

Wang Long nodded, and walked in by himself. The two boys behind did not follow Wang Long in. This is a corridor with rooms on both sides. There is a sign on it. Where Mowan KTV works, Wang Long walked to the innermost room as required, which was a room without a signboard.

He gently opened the door, and then entered the room, he closed the door, the room was very dark, it should be dim red light, the inside is eerie, and this is a mourning hall, there is a table in front, on top of the table, There are many tablets, not far in front of the tablet, a man is holding three sticks of incense, kneeling on the ground, praying and worshiping devoutly, soon, he stood up, put the incense in the into the incense burner.

Immediately afterwards, Hui Xu turned his head, and Wang Long and Wang Long looked at each other. The room was small, but there were only Hui Xu and Wang Long in it.

The scar on Huixu's face looked even more terrifying at this moment. He was originally dark, and his eyes staring at Wang Long remained motionless, but it could be seen that his expression was full of anger.

At this time, Huixu took out a dagger from his hand, and he played with the dagger in his hand, "How dare you come here."

Wang Long took a deep breath, bit his lips, "I'm here to pay for my life."

"Pay for your life?" Hui Xu smiled at Wang Long, "Is your life comparable to my brother's? Can you pay it back?"

Wang Long didn't speak, but walked slowly to Huixu's side. He looked at the tablets in front of him, and then saw Shanfeng's tablet at a glance. Wang Long knelt down on the ground and picked it up. Three sticks of incense: "Shanfeng, you and I have no grievances and no enmity. I, Wang Long, was instigated by a traitor and harmed you. It was my fault. I came today to pay for your life. I hope I can make amends." After finishing speaking, Wang Long respectfully He kowtowed three times from the ground, then got up and put the incense in the incense burner.

Huixu just stood there without saying a word, Wang Long walked up to Huixu, glanced at Huixu, and then he fell to his knees directly on the ground, "I'm sorry, I'm willing to do it for my youthful impulsiveness, so All the actions he did, making compensation, killing people to pay for their lives, paying debts and paying money, is justified." After finishing speaking, Wang Long took out a bank card from his pocket, and he put the card in Huixu's "This is my savings, and it's also my compensation."

After finishing speaking, Wang Long took off his coat, shirtless, took out the dagger from his body, and put it aside, he still knelt in front of Hui Xu, "I'm here today to give Master Shan For those who make amends, I am willing to pay for my life with my life."

Huixu lowered his head and looked at Wang Long who was kneeling in front of him. He was a little startled. He turned around slowly, looked at the tablet behind him, and then at Wang Long in front of him.

"Brother Xu, please be happy. After I go down, I will make a good apology to Lord Shan. No matter what, I did the thing. I have to pay for my youth, for my immaturity, and for my immaturity." I paid for my actions."

Huixu didn't speak, and didn't know what to think about. Wang Long also knelt on the ground and said nothing. After a while, suddenly, Huixu took out a gun from his pocket, and pointed the muzzle at Wang Long's head "Wang Long, do you think your bitter tricks will work with me? Let me tell you, it won't work, you know? You pay for your life, and you have to pay for my brother's life!"

Wang Long said "hmm", "Brother Xu, just give me a good time."

Huixu squinted his eyes, raised his gun, and pointed the gun firmly at Wang Long, "I ask you, why did you come back?"

"I'm not reconciled." Wang Long's voice was not loud, "But I know there are some things I can't avoid, so I choose to face them directly."

"Why are you not reconciled? What's the matter? You can run, far away. It's hard for me to catch you."

"I am not reconciled to being used by a tyrant. I am not reconciled to my brother's death. If I just left, I would not be reconciled. I have suffered so much for so long, so much suffering, how many times I almost died Lost my life, if I just disappeared like this, then everything before that would be in vain, I am not reconciled, my godfather is still opening the door for others, I am not reconciled, my brother gave up his favorite woman for me, follow me I am not reconciled to suffer hardships together, I am not reconciled to just such a mediocre life, I am not reconciled to just such a mediocre life, I want to let those who look down on me look at me with admiration, I want to lose the All those dignity have been taken back. Ever since I, Wang Long, started on this road, I have never thought of retreating. I want to be like you, to become a big brother. I want to use my ability to stand up. I am a road to the dark. For me now, I am not reconciled. It is more terrifying than death. If I die, I will be free." Wang Long raised his head, looked at Hui Xu, and smiled at him, "Come on, brother Xu , I owe Lord Shan my life, and I will pay him back."

[ps: There are mooncake activities in these two days. In my book, stamps and mooncake stamps are stamped. During the event, anyone who stamps a mooncake stamp on a book will receive a mainline supporting role for a thousand yuan mooncake stamp, and a big dragon set for a super mooncake stamp. The moon cake chapter will give you a normal set, and all the characters can be determined by yourself. We can make one-on-one communication ~ just meet the requirements of the book~ In addition, if the total number reaches two super moon cake chapters, you can enter the core six doors~ Anyone who meets the above requirements , q I can just chat alone~ Thank you everyone~ Everyone is happy, qq1106592240.]

[ps: The old seven groups were wrongly pressed by me before, and accidentally disbanded. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry. In addition, the official seven groups of sterling silver earrings: 2'88300]

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