we are brothers

【1344】1 pair of father and daughter

Turning around, the three of them all returned to the car. Wang Long glanced at the phone, started the car, and set off towards the new city of l city. The three of them sat in the car, took off their hoods, and the big clock moved Neck, turned his head to look at Yunbao again, the three of them have been doing things together for so long, and they are also familiar with each other. They know each other very well, and they cooperate very well.

Each of the three lit a cigarette, and Wang Long was smoking a cigarette, "Next, Li Chaofei, I'll go to Huixu after these two are settled." After speaking, Wang Long accelerated, and after more than 20 minutes, the car stopped. On the road opposite a teahouse in Xincheng District, there were several joking social guys standing in front of the teahouse, and there were also many cars parked in front of the teahouse.

"This is Li Chaofei's casino. He has three casinos and a bathing center in Xincheng District. He should be here at this time." Wang Long just finished speaking when he saw the door of the teahouse open, and a man with long hair came out of it. , a tall and thin middle-aged man, with his hands in his pockets, followed by seven or eight younger brothers, all of them respected him, bowed their heads, and then, in the crowd, there was a girl, this The girl is not very old, that is, around the age of [-]. She is very beautiful, with long hair and shawl, fair skin, and full breasts. She has a look of fear on her face. She follows this group of people without daring to say a word. He was dragged into the car.

"Brother Long, there are a lot of people here, why don't you?"

"Wait a minute, I can't do it now, let's see where they are going." As soon as the words fell, Li Chaofei was seen getting into an Audi Q5 off-road vehicle, followed by a Toyota Highlander, and the two cars came forward one after the other. After a while, they drove away from the small teahouse. Wang Long and the others followed from behind. They didn't know where Li Chaofei and the others were going. About 20 minutes later, Li Chaofei and his group drove into a very old community. The gate can only accommodate one car to enter. Watching Li Chaofei and his car drive in, Wang Long and Dazhong hesitated for a moment, but they also followed, but when Li Chaofei and his car parked at the downstairs of a family building, Wang Long and the others drove the car straight out without stopping together.

Wang Long and the others parked their car on the side of the road, just in time to see Li Chaofei getting off the car first. After he got off the car, the girl just now appeared. This girl was dragged to Li Chaofei's side by two men who looked like horse boys , Li Chaofei smiled "haha", and immediately hugged the girl. The girl resisted vigorously. Then, seeing that Li Chaofei was not polite at all, he went up and slapped the girl on the mouth. The girl immediately I was stunned, didn't dare to say a word, covered my face, Wang Long and the others couldn't hear what they were saying in the car, but one thing is certain, that is, Li Chaofei must be cursing the street, and scolding very much It's ugly, seven or eight horse boys around are watching, a little unscrupulous, all smiling and lustful.

Wang Long was sitting in the car, looking over there, a little surprised, he took out the information in his hand, looked at the photo of Li Chaofei, and gave various detailed introductions, "No, this is not his home, What is he doing here?"

"Go up, Brother Long." Da Zhong stretched out his hand, and at this moment, he saw Li Chaofei turned around and went upstairs. He dragged the young and beautiful girl next to him, followed by three boys, four Everyone entered the corridor, and there were three people outside watching the wind. The three of them were laughing, you said something, I said something, and they seemed to be in a good mood.

"Brother Long, it's much easier to handle this time, three on the bottom and four on the top, let's do it."

Wang Long didn't speak, but looked up at the rooms on both sides. After waiting for a while, he saw the lights in the room on the fourth floor, which suddenly turned on. Wang Long put out the smoke, "Fourth floor, east side."

Dazhong and Yunbao nodded, and then the three of them threw the thing in their hands aside, one picked up a dagger, and put on the hood, they started the Audi car, and headed towards the side slowly. Then, at this moment, they saw the side of their Audi car, and suddenly a figure rushed out. Wang Long and the others were all focused on the door, and did not pay attention to the side, and the person on the side rushed It came out extremely fast "Careful!"

Yun Leopard was the first to discover this person, but it was too late for Wang Long. Then, something astonishing happened. When this figure rushed to the side of Wang Long and his car, he jumped fiercely. Long heard the sound of the roof of the car, and then, this person jumped onto the roof of the car in one fell swoop, and then jumped from the roof to the other side, landing very calmly, without even turning his head. He rushed towards the unit in front of him.

"This person has some background," Yunbao said slowly from the side. Wang Long didn't think too much, and started the car, driving towards the unit, and saw the man who rushed past just now, about 1.7 meters five He was tall and strong, and he couldn't see anything else clearly. On this night, he ran extremely fast and rushed to the door of Wang Long's unit. After the man passed by, he went up and knocked down a door guard The little brother turned around and greeted the other two young horses. Several people fought together in an instant. All the boys were lying on the ground, rolling over and moaning in pain. The man turned around and went up the stairs without saying a word.

Wang Long and the others parked the car, and the three got out of the car. They glanced at the three boys moaning in pain on the ground. They looked at each other in the same way. After that, Wang Long took the lead, followed by the rest of the big bell and cloud leopard. The three of them turned around and ran upstairs. Just as Wang Long reached the third floor, he heard the sound of "Ding Ling Yanglang" smashing things randomly upstairs.

Wang Long gritted his teeth, took a few strides, and the big bell and Yunbao behind him also followed, and rushed to the door. The door happened to be ajar, and it was not completely closed. huh, keep hitting."

"Father!" A painful female voice came out, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Wang Long glanced at the big clock and the clouded leopard, and then he opened the door with a swipe, just in time to see With his back to Li Chaofei, he held a pistol thinly and held the girl in his arms. On the other side, there were two horse boys lying on the ground, and the other two horse boys were holding stools in their hands to take pictures. Seeing the man in the middle, he swung it up. Both of them were very angry and tried very hard.

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