we are brothers

【1370】The status quo of old friends

As for Master Du, Master Du went to serve as a soldier. He left two years ago. Remember that before Master Du joined the army, he invited Gong Zheng to dinner. Now that Gong Zheng is alone, there is also Xi Nian. In Xi Nian's eyes, Master Du is an et alien. Only you can't think of it, and there is nothing he can't do.

But the day before Master Du left as a soldier, he cried, crying very hard. He drank a lot of wine. Master Du has always been a piece of white paper. He will say whatever he thinks. He cried It was a mess, and then he kept saying, I miss you, I miss you, how are you doing from outside? He didn’t know how much money he changed his wallet and mobile phone in those years, but there was always this in his wallet. The photos of the group of people, the background picture of the mobile phone, have always been this group of people.

Since Master Du went to serve as a soldier, he has no contact with him anymore, and he doesn't know whether his life is good or bad, whether the life of a soldier is bitter or not, but according to Master Du, he must go to the army. Yes, before he left, he told Gong Zheng that his greatest wish was to open his eyes one day, and then see Wang Long, Da Zhong, Gong Zheng, Gao Yu, and Xiao Wang Ci, and everyone appeared in front of him. He said that he was waiting for that day, and then said that in his whole life, Du Hua had nothing but their brothers. He missed everyone, Xiao Ruyi and Xiao Ruyi. Du Hua broke up. They broke up after graduating from high school. Du Hua went to serve in the army. Du Hua killed a child, just like the love of school students in many times, starting from school and finally graduating, the only thing in it is **, and the innocence and happiness of childhood, self-satisfaction, Du Jiaozhu When he broke up with Xiao Ruyi, he gave Xiao Ruyi a gold bar, which he took from home and told his parents, it was regarded as compensation for Xiao Ruyi, which was much easier for Xiao Ruyi than those students who only had sex before. Ruyi is considered lucky. He met a piece of white paper, a kind-hearted and honest Master Du. On the day before he left, he yelled loudly in front of his relatives, family members, and relatives and friends who were seeing him off, "I want to carry forward my evil dragon god religion in the army!"

Du Jiaozhu's father finally couldn't control it anymore. He was a famous person no matter what, so the whole crowd who saw him off was in chaos. The father threatened to kill his son, and the relatives and friends around hurriedly fought to avoid a real murder.

Xie Tian has been missing for such a long time, no one knows where he has gone, even his parents have never seen him, Gong Zheng often visits Xie Tian's parents, every time he buys something, They all bought three copies. Li Lei's parents, Gao Yu's parents, and Xie Tian's parents. Gong Zheng is responsible for all the affairs of Ci. Xie Tian has never returned home these years, but he will send money to his home, and he will send a lot of money. Xie Tian's parents will ask Xie Tian what to do again, but Xie Tian never said a word. He was not a talkative person at first, but later, his parents got used to it. As long as the son was safe and sound, everything else would be fine, so they let nature take its course.

Li Hongru and Zhang Shuang came together, and they are well-matched. They are now living together. A few days ago, I heard that Zhang Shuang was pregnant, but I don't know if it is true or not. As for Li Hongru and Zhang Shuang How did Shuang get together? There are quite a lot of opinions. I just know that after Wang Long left, Zhang Shuang spent a period of time looking for death and life, and almost ended his own life. Fortunately, he did not do it for an unworthy man. , ruined himself, and even ruined his entire family, these are not worth it. After Wang Long disappeared and left, Li Hongru launched an offensive against Zhang Shuang, and Zhang Shuang's family and Li Hongru's family , people from both parties also hope that the two children can be together again, and it is also fueling the flames from the middle. Li Hongru treats Zhang Shuang really well, as small as three meals a day in the morning, noon and evening, and a basin of footwashing water before going to bed. It is so big that what Zhang Shuang wants and what he wants to do, as long as he asks, Li Hongru will do it. He has also completely realized that he has devoted his entire life to Zhang Shuang, and it has also made Zhang Shuang a The whole of his life, it is estimated that the two of them will get married in a few days. Li Hongru is now the boss of a famous big company in op city. He is young and promising, and his son inherited his father's career. Zhang Shuang also became a housewife with peace of mind. No matter how busy the company is or how late Li Hongru is busy, he will definitely go home and give Zhang Shuang a hug. Regardless of what happened before, at least Zhang Shuang is happy now. Li Hongru is also a good man, worthy of her of.

Lu Feng has become a man of the hour in Op City, and now he is not a single-handed man in Op City, and everyone knows that Lu Chaoba has gradually retreated behind the scenes. Many things, many businesses are managed by Lu Feng, and the city that never sleeps is still the same Lu's group is also growing stronger and stronger. Lu Feng usually brings many younger brothers and attendants when he goes out, and he has done several major things in a row, making everyone on the road full of praise for him. , backing him up, everything is developing according to the direction he wanted at the beginning, and the relationship between the Lu Group and Xiao Qing is even more blurred.

Gong Zheng later mentioned Han Yan'er, Yu Jiang's own sister, Yu Jiang had already come out, but after he came out, he didn't know where he went, anyway, his official career was ruined, and there was no hope anymore, Han Zhen Simply let him develop on his own, Han Yan'er has also returned from studying abroad, and now he has entered the ZF job in Op City, he is following the path Yu Jiang should take, and she puts all her energy into In terms of work, she has matured a lot and changed a lot. Gong Zheng had dinner with her twice, and Han Yan'er never found a boyfriend again, but what did she think about Gong Zheng? Gong Zheng didn't say anything. After all, it involved Gong Zheng's own sex. He didn't want to mention Han Yan'er, but Wang Long and the others knew that Han Yan'er loved Gong Zheng, at least it was love many years ago, and it was not ordinary love.

The last thing Gong Zheng mentioned was Xiao Xiawen. When Xiao Xiawen was mentioned, both Wang Long and Gong Zheng obviously looked at the big clock on the side. The big clock smiled and hugged Gong Zheng haha. shoulder, told Gong Zheng that the person he likes now is called Li Yuanyuan, and then said that neither he nor Wang Long could handle it. When Gong Zheng came to do it, Gong Zheng patted his chest vigorously, saying that everything was covered by himself. Then, regarding Xiao Xiawen's remaining affairs, Gong Zheng said that she had changed a lot. She works in the company, and then, a man often appears by her side. Then, Xiao Xiawen saw Gong Zheng, but she didn't say a word to Gong Zheng. He could see the anger in her eyes. Gong Zheng was actually very wronged. Yes, but he didn't explain.

In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, everyone in the student days has a way out for everyone, time tricks people.

Da Zhong really didn't drink less, Xiao Xiawen, it was his sore spot to some extent, he changed Xiao Xiawen's life, similarly, Xiao Xiawen also changed Da Zhong's life.

After eating and drinking, the three of them directly found a small ktv nearby, and the three of them ran into the ktv, had another casual meal, and vented their inner unhappiness to their heart's content.

In the early hours of the morning, I ran to a large-scale bathing place in Xincheng District. When passing by Shui Furong, Wang Long glanced outside in a daze, and vented that Shui Furong was closed. .

The three of them took a full bath, and they were all sober. When they returned to the top, they opened a room for each of them, and each called two girls. They were happy, happy, happy that they haven't felt in a long time...

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