we are brothers

【1395】bloody gold basin

Wang Yue took a step forward and pointed at him, "What's the matter, you jumped out of a crack in the rock? No parents, no wife and children, no relatives and friends, enough life, isn't it?" Wang Yue Laughed, "Your parents raised you so big that they let you run over to be a body bomb. How can your mother have such a high level of ideological consciousness? You fucking thought this was Iraq. Where are you fucking jihad?"

Wang Yue took another step forward, "Are you living a life of injustice? Have you ever had sex? You won't be able to enjoy it with long legs and big tits." Wang Yue smiled, " Have you told your parents what you are doing now?"

Wang Yue continued to take a step forward and stood in front of the man, "Don't you call them, don't spend all your life savings, how wronged you are to die like this, or I will give you Looking for two Japanese girls, you spend your savings, I will let you have a good time, why is death not death, why do you have to die like this? How aggrieved!"

Wang Yue had already walked in front of the man and was about to continue talking.

"You fucking don't move. If you take another step forward, I'm going to detonate the explosive!" It was trembling, "Don't move! I will really detonate the explosives!!" The man's expression was very excited, and his whole body was shaking non-stop.

"All right, all right, what are you yelling nonsense, are you tired? Besides, think about what I just said, is it right?"

"Get out!" The man yelled, "Stop fucking talking! You're a fool!"

"How many times have you scolded people? You have scolded me before. When I scolded people, you still peed on you. You are paralyzed, a muddy horse." Wang Yue also scolded, "Who are you playing two hundred and five with, isn't it just detonating, you Yin!" After finishing speaking, Wang Yue went up and grabbed his wrist with his left hand, "Come on, Yin!"

The people below clattered and subconsciously moved to the side, and the people next to Wang Long followed suit, "Where is this lunatic who ran out again?"

"Wang Yue, you don't even know that the old man in l city is like brothers with Hui Xu."

Wang Long glanced at the people next to him, then turned his gaze to the stage again, and then he saw Wang Yue grasping the man's hand with his left hand, and the gun in his right hand pressed against his forehead, "I tell you, I, Wang Yue, have never lied in my life. I count to three. Either you put down these things and I will take you to find two Japanese girls, or you will detonate it and everyone will die together. If you don’t detonate it, I will help you detonate it. Don’t think I'm joking with you." Wang Yue stared at the man across from him, "Look at my gun, the bullets are all loaded, I'll give you the last three seconds to think about it, don't scare people with the idea of ​​dying together, big brother was scared when he was young , I can count."

"Three!" Wang Yue yelled suddenly, followed closely, and heard "Boom!" There was a gunshot, and blood spattered Wang Yue's face. This man, he opened the hands of the person opposite him with both hands, took out the remote control from inside, and held it in his own hand. Then, the man opposite him fell to the ground slowly, bleeding instantly. The blood flowed all over the place, and all the people around were stunned. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Yue who was standing in front of the stage. There was blood all over Wang Yue's face, and there was blood on his hands. Playing with the remote control, he turned his head and looked at the people under the stage. His facial expression was very ferocious, and with the blood on his face, everyone around him felt a little shuddering. He was Smiling, but this smile is terrifying.

He still holds a gun in his right hand, his voice is not loud, but very calm, and people around can hear it, "I don't care what kind of god you are, today my brother washes his hands in a golden basin, and let him do it down-to-earth." After the washing, from now on my brother will not interfere with any affairs in the Jianghu. Who of you wants to be the boss, who wants to be the boss, and who wants to be the boss? Don't involve me in it. If you want to be good, then everyone will be good. If you don’t want to live well, then no one should live a good life. I am afraid of everything, but I am not afraid of death.” After speaking, Wang Yue looked around and laughed, “I think I can live to this day , from the perspective of medicine and fortune-telling, it is already a complete miracle. Don't scare me with death. I'll kill anyone who smears any more, or you can come up and beat me to death right now, if you don't believe me, just try." After speaking, Wang Yue looked up at the tyrant across from him, "Isn't it?"

The tyrant frowned, and then smiled at Wang Yue, "Come on, let's continue." He ignored Wang Yue, took the people behind him, and continued the ceremony. Chu Yue and his party looked at Wang Yue , and then everything returned to order, and the corpse covered in explosives was also carried out, and it was unknown where it was carried.

Looking at Wang Yue in the middle of the stage, he turned his head and looked at the people below the stage. He crossed his legs and sat down. His face was full of blood, and he had the smell of a ruffian all over his body. He had a gun on one side and a remote control on the other. He casually took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and just looked at the group of people in the audience without saying a word.

Lin Yifei and Hui Xu also took a look at Wang Yue, the corners of their mouths were raised, and there were smiles on their faces.

"I knew that this kind of thing would not be smooth sailing." Tang Yan looked at the person above who was holding the ceremony again, and I kept thinking who would put Huixu on this stage, and it was him, the lunatic who made the fuss for a long time."

"He's too ruthless," Da Zhong added from the side, "but I think he's a bit shameless, just now he swore that he would never lie."

"I'm not lying. They meant to count to three. Didn't they count to three?" Wang Long smiled from the sidelines. "This person is very powerful, and his mental quality is super tough."

"He really crawled out of the pile of dead people." Tang Yan took a deep breath and glanced at Wang Long, "Besides, at the beginning, he probably wasn't there, but later, he mixed into the crowd .”

"Are you so sure?"

"When we were on the stage, I had already seen everyone in the audience, and there was absolutely no him. He came later."

Wang Long said "Oh" and didn't speak again. A group of people disappeared in the crowd. There was indeed an episode in the ceremony, but Wang Yue solved the episode and sat in the middle. It went very, very smoothly, and soon the top of the golden basin turned into a basin of red water. All the people who came had finished the process, each person had a drop of blood, and the water in the small basin became more or less red. look.

ps: Happy birthday Jiang Chao.I wish my super brother good health.May all go well with you.Extra cash.Good luck again and again.Super brother mighty!

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