we are brothers

【1472】Who is it

"Winners and losers, the losers are not qualified to judge the means of the winners, you know? You can do it too, go kidnap it"

"Tell me, what do you want to do, how can you return them to me, and they are safe and sound, tyrant, I, Wang Long, dare not say how strong I am now, but I dare to swear, if you dare to touch them A hair, I, Wang Long, will recognize it in this life, I will be like this, I will make you a tyrant, I will be your son! I will not kill you, I will kill you, I will see what will be behind you and the butcher Mo Hongtu fights with them, try it if you don’t believe me, I will really risk my life, it’s true, you know me, I, Wang Long, can do anything.”

"Are you scaring me again? I'm so scared, Wang Long, hehe." The tyrant laughed from the phone.

"You don't need to provoke me, I know what you mean, everyone made it clear, you definitely don't want to drive me to nowhere, right? To put it bluntly, two women, you give me Let me go, I, Wang Long, will definitely go, provided that they are unscathed, if you don’t give me a way, then you can do whatever you want, it’s nothing more than two women, you can kill them and bury them as you please, my king Long went to make amends to the two sister-in-laws the next day, and he would never live a life, so it’s just such a small matter.” Wang Long said quite calmly, “So, let’s not talk about useless things, why, just say it.”

The tyrant was silent on the phone for a moment, "I have no other intentions. I don't know where your two sister-in-laws are. I just want to invite you to the theater. Beiguan Building Materials City, within 10 minutes, at the gate of Building Materials City, by car The windows are not allowed to be rolled down, I want to make sure that you have gone, and also, don’t hang up the phone, we will keep in touch at any time.”

"Okay, I'll go right away, did you say so earlier, haha" Afterwards, Wang Long rolled down the car window, "Big Bell, Beiguan Building Material City."

Da Zhong nodded, and started the car directly. In less than 10 minutes, Wang Long and his car stopped at the gate of Beiguan Building Materials City. Beiguan Building Materials City is a very big building. , only on both sides, there are places selling building materials, Wang Long's car was parked at the gate of the building materials city, and soon, he saw five or six cars, rushing towards the building materials city, and the car stopped. At the gate of the building materials city, a very conspicuous big and strong man got off the car. This is Brother Bin. After he got off the car, he immediately raised a single-barreled shotgun in his hand. The five cars behind him Inside, more than 20 people came down, most of them were very strange faces.

Wang Long, smoking a cigarette, looked at Brother Bin opposite, and saw Brother Bin standing at the door, holding a shotgun in his hand, aiming at the lock of the door with a "Boom!" shot, and then two people behind him slammed With a push, the big iron gate outside was pushed open. As soon as the big iron gate opened, two vicious dogs rushed up first, and then they heard two sounds of "boom, bang" from the side. He fell directly on the ground, and then five or six gangsters opposite him held a knife in their hands, looked at Brother Bin and his party at the door, turned around and ran inside, and all the lights in the hall instantly lit up.

There are really quite a few people here, and they all stood up in unison. The number of people is much larger than that of Brother Bin and the others. After these people got up, they all looked at the people on Brother Bin's side. Lifting his single-barreled gun, he shot another shot at the top of his head with a "Boom!" and yelled, "Whoever makes a fucking move, I will kill him today! There is a wrong and a debt!"

At the same time, everyone behind Brother Bin took out their guns, followed closely, and there was a gunshot from somewhere, and they saw Brother Bin turn around, pointing the single-barreled hunter in his hand at a small head in front of him. There was a "Boom!" shot on the head of the person, blood spattered on the spot, and everything around was in chaos, and the sound of gunshots was everywhere in the entire building materials city.

"Tyrant, you are crazy, do you know how many policemen are staring at you, how dare you do this?" Wang Long looked at a group of crazy people inside, "You are really crazy, the police will kill you in less than 10 minutes Will be there."

"Wang Long, do you know that Kou Zi and the others are four dogs in the eyes of my tyrant, even worse than a dog. I can crush them to death whenever I want. Dogs have been biting people like crazy recently, I want them to never dare to bite again, and I want them to know that my tyrant can't be messed with by anyone, you know?"

Wang Long wasn't talking, he just looked at the chaotic Beiguan Building Materials City, and soon, he saw a man in the middle of the gate, several people held down a man, pushed the man to the ground, followed by Brother Bin The single-barreled gun on the gun pointed directly at Kou Jianpeng's forehead, and there was a "boom!" The gunshot sounded, and the people around were frightened. Look at Brother Bin and his group.

Looking at Brother Bin again, he threw the single-barreled shotgun in his hand aside, and then lifted Kou Jianpeng, who was out of breath, from the ground. With great strength, he threw it at the gate in the distance. Going out, Kou Jianpeng's body fell heavily on the ground, followed by Brother Bin to wipe off the blood on his face, turned around and walked out.

Wang Long frowned, "Ding Xuan, what method did you use to restrain Xu Lijian?"

"I'll tell you later, Wang Long, you go to Haixiang Street, Xinjiang BBQ, and wait for me there, hurry up, time is limited."

Da Zhong heard the voice on the phone and started the car immediately. Wang Long held the phone and thought for a moment, "Tyrant, you did what Song Yong did, didn't you?"

The tyrant smiled, "Song Yong? Hey, it seems that you also have thoughts about him. What's the matter? Could it be that you didn't do what Song Yong did? Are you asking me that?"

When Wang Long heard what the tyrant said, he thought for a moment, "I don't know what you're going to say."

The tyrant smiled "hehe" "It doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want, but Xu Lijian is busy tonight, do you know that Xu Lijian has three knives in the Criminal Investigation Brigade, Song Yong, Li Xiang, Ye Peng, Song Yong It's on the bright side, Li Xiang and Ye Peng are behind the scenes, look at you, you go to solve Song Yong, then we have to help you with the remaining two, or you have to come by yourself, look For this, do you have to thank me and Lord Wu, the warden is still assisting the investigation in the Public Security Bureau, Xu Lijian won't have too much thought to deal with other things tonight."

"I still have your people by my side." Wang Long was silent for a moment, "Who is it?"

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