we are brothers

【1593】The duel between the setting sun and Wang Yue

"I scolded the neighbor next door." Wang Yue cursed secretly, "Don't be like this, daughter-in-law, don't be angry, I'm not busy with your brother's affairs." Wang Yue stood at the door and didn't dare to go in because he saw Another iron cup appeared in Xi Yu's hand, "I've been busy with his affairs for so many days, that's why I finished it."

"Hurry up and pull it down, did you go somewhere to have a few more women? Don't pretend, it's been so many years, who doesn't know who, don't use my name to talk about these useless things, you know, my sunset Guaranteed with your own head, you must have gone blind again." Xiyang is quite old, wearing a Mickey Mouse pajamas, who bought it for him, and then has an ugly face.

Wang Yue furiously stretched out his hand to point at the sunset, "Fuck you, Mickey Mouse, I don't care about your business." Then he looked up at the angry Xi Yu, "Daughter-in-law, do you believe me or not? You Just say believe it or not?"

"What the hell do I believe in you? You said you would leave for so many days? What are you doing back here? What are you busy with? What woman did you go out to chat with again?"

"What's the matter, am I such a person in your eyes?"

"Wrong, you said it wrong." Xiyang quickly said, "My sister is wrong, it's not me, it's us." Xiyang pointed at Wang Yue, "You are such a person in the eyes of all of us, you know?"

"Shut up the fuck, you can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth."

"Sister, he scolded me." Xi Yang touched the Mickey Mouse on her chest, "I'm paralyzed, dare to scold my uncle."

As soon as Xi Yu heard it, a water bottle came up and threw it at Wang Yue. Wang Yue dodged it all at once, and heard a "boom", Wang Yue quickly hid aside, "Daughter-in-law, serious, serious, I I just went out to relax in a bad mood, nothing else, I swear I didn't go to chat, really, I swear, then, I love you, and, I went out to let Jiang Debiao solve your brother's affairs, Clear up your brother's affairs, your brother won't have to flee everywhere in the future, I'm all for you!" Wang Yue solemnly swore, and then raised his hand, Xi Yu was very angry at first, but when he heard Wang Yue's vow, Obviously not as angry as before, but the setting sun is still fanning the flames, "Sister, you forgot what we two said just now, don't be fooled by this inhuman bastard, we must follow what we discussed before , I haven’t even had a phone call after walking for so long, I obviously don’t take you seriously, it’s fine if I don’t take you seriously, even my mother doesn’t take you seriously, it’s unforgivable” Xiyang said , while pointing at Mickey Mouse on his chest.

"I helped you whitewash your identity and you don't even have a thank you?" Wang Yue looked at the sunset.

"What's the matter, you should, I fucking married my sister to you, fuck!" Xi Yang scolded Wang Yue, "I helped you so much, when did you thank me?"

Wang Yue is also used to Xiyang's shameless behavior, he stretched out his hand, "Stop making noise, uncle, look, you are a person who has seen the world, look at this hand on my hand How about the emerald?" After speaking, Wang Yue gave the emerald in his hand to the setting sun.

Afterwards, Wang Yue ignored Xi Yang's greedy eyes. He did it on purpose. Afterwards, Wang Yue smiled at Xi Yu, "Daughter-in-law, in fact, I always think about you when I'm outside. Do you know that in order to get this A piece of jade, I almost lost my life, do you know how much you have worked hard for this piece of jade, this is a priceless treasure, I gave it to you, take a look"

As Wang Yue said, he walked to Xi Yu's side while holding the jade, and it was obvious that Xi Yu was staring at Yu again, and he was not as angry as before, so furious.

But from the moment Wang Yue spread his palms, Xi Yu hadn't moved yet, and the setting sun on one side kept staring at Fei Cui as if he saw his own father, and when he was waiting for Wang Yue to move forward, suddenly "* *", he yelled vigorously, "Based on the precious experience of my mother who has been corrupt and perverted the law for so many years, this mother is definitely a good thing, a priceless treasure, brother-in-law, show me." Mouse pajamas, a clever one took up from the sofa "My dear brother-in-law" and came towards Wang Yue, and then stepped down from the sofa without knowing whether he was too excited or something , He didn't take a good step, his leg got stuck, and then, he fell straight to the ground from the armrest of the sofa.

He heard a "bang", the obvious sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by Wang Yue's irrelevant twisted together, he felt a little pain when he heard it, and hurriedly closed the door, and heard a loud "Brother" from the side Immediately after Xi Yu got off the sofa and rushed towards Xi Yang who fell headfirst to the ground.

Wang Yue couldn't bear it anymore, "haha, hahahaha", he burst out laughing. He sat on the ground laughing and leaned back and clutched his stomach. In fact, he really wanted to control himself not to laugh, but Still a bit really uncontrollable, Xi Yang was helped up by Xi Yu, a large lump was visible to the naked eye on the top of his forehead, and the nosebleeds in his nose kept flowing down, he sat on the ground, Mickey Mouse on his chest was still Conspicuously, Xi Yu looked anxious from the side, "Brother, brother, are you alright?"

"It's okay, what can he do, he fell lightly, fell lightly, haha, hahahaha" Wang Yue laughed more and more exaggeratedly, and then he heard Xi Yang's angry voice, "I'm fucking killing you!" !!" Xiyang roared angrily and got up from the ground, then rushed up to Wang Yue, who was laughing wildly, and when he reached Wang Yue's side, Xiyang slammed on Wang Yue's arm with a purposeful mouthful. up.

Wang Yue felt a sharp pain in his arm. He let out a loud "ah", and then he clenched his fists to shine a "boom" on the sunset's eyes. He was really not used to the sunset at all. Ah, and the strike was also super ruthless. This punch directly smothered Xiyang to the ground. When Xiyang got up, his panda eyes were obvious. Wang Yue quickly put the jade away and put it in his pocket, and then looked at it. Looking at the saliva left by the setting sun on his arm, with a disgusted expression on his face, "I'm fucking."

As he said, he took off his clothes and threw them aside, "I'm poisoned, I'm poisoned, I'm poisoned." As soon as he threw his clothes aside, he saw a figure rushing up to him again. Really crazy, came over and punched Wang Yue's face and greeted him. When Wang Yue was not paying attention, he felt a sharp pain in his eyes and screamed "Ouch".

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