we are brothers

[160] Overwhelming

"Da Zhong, beat him up!" Gao Yu stretched out his hand arrogantly.

"Get lost, you're looking for death!" Da Zhong threatened Gao Yu with his fist raised.

"Honey, beat him up!" Xiao Xiawen said calmly, "He dares to scold me! Threatening me"

Da Zhong immediately stood up and raised his fist towards Gong Zheng.

Gong Zheng quickly smiled, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding"

"Haha" The people in the whole room laughed again, and everyone forgot about the unpleasantness of that meeting. As for the matter of Wang Ci's love letter, Wang Long and the others didn't ask all of them, because it was already like this, no matter whether they asked or not, It doesn't make any sense anymore.

Lu Feng carried the banner of the first year of high school, and the Fenghuo club became the largest club in the first year of high school, because Yu Jiang didn't form a club, and they didn't know much about the situation in the third year of high school, but so far, the five big clubs in the second year of high school Qi, except for Ji Dongkai who had already let go, the remaining four people all left the school, and the entire banner of the second year of high school was smashed, and they were all smashed by Lu Feng's peak fire club.

Suddenly, Lu Feng became a famous figure in the No. [-] Middle School. Many people were discussing him, and the number of girls around him also increased. Many people were proud of being able to say a few words to Lu Feng, and many people They all wanted to join the Fenghuo Society, and Lu Feng became more and more honorable, but few people knew that it was Wang Long and his group who really contributed, and it was Lu Feng who really benefited.

On the other hand, the business of the small ktv is getting worse and worse. Moreover, Heihu has fewer and fewer girls. In order to keep everyone safe, Heihu has already started paying out of his own pocket. How did Hu handle it? It's just that there will still be mochi people watching at the entrance of the small ktv. Everyone can see that now Heihu is at the end of his battle. Mochi did it on purpose. Heihu encircles the place from the outside. There will always be people who make trouble and lend money. As long as they dare to lend, there will be people who dare not to repay. There is a shadow of Mochi behind this, and I don’t know how much hatred this Mochi has with Heihu. What Wang Long admired even more in playing Heihu to death was Heihu's heart, a word, forbearance.

This night, an uninvited guest came to the rock bar in the city that never sleeps. This person is more than 1.8 meters tall, unusually strong, wearing a jacket, with sharp edges and corners, giving people a very cold feeling. On this person's neck, there is a tattoo of blood. The phoenix, the blood phoenix is ​​not big, but it is so lifelike that many people even think that the tattoo of the blood phoenix is ​​not a tattoo, but a sticker. This person came in alone, but after entering , which attracted the attention of most people.

He looked around, left and right, and headed for the employee passageway inside. When he was at the door, just as the bar waiter came out, he stopped the strange man with his hand, "Hello, outsiders are not allowed to enter here."

The man smiled slightly, "I'm looking for your boss." Then, he ignored the waiter and went in directly.

"Hey, no one is allowed to enter here casually." The man ignored the waiter at the back. There were many rooms inside, and he kept opening the door. The corridor was very quiet, and the waiter shouted from behind.

Finally, when he opened the inner door, a single-barreled shotgun hit his forehead. The bar owner was bareheaded and had a fierce expression on his face.

"Hehe, I'm still so cautious." The man laughed.

Hearing the voice, the bar owner glanced at the uninvited guest again. He put away the single-barreled shotgun, glanced at the waiter at the door, and gave him a wink.

Seeing that the boss recognized him, the waiter nodded, turned around and left.

The bar owner returned to the room and sat on the sofa.

The big man also came in, closed the door, and looked around, "You are living in such a small place now? Are you wronged?"

"What's wrong with that? I've let go of everything. It's nothing."

The big man walked up to the tablet enshrined by the bar owner, stared at the three tablets on it, and frowned, "You still have his tablet here, which is really beyond my expectation?" He said, taking it from the side Get up a stick of incense and bow in front of the memorial tablet.

"When did you come back?" The bar owner took out the cigar, "How did you find out that I'm here?"

"I have a lot of people, I know you all came to the OP city, and then I tried to find a way, you are such an obvious person, it is easy to find, I listened to their introduction to you, I knew, This is you, you know, now that you have money, you can do anything.”

"You didn't stay in Australia well, why did you come back again?"

The big man pointed to the blood phoenix on his neck, "You said why I came back, don't you understand?"

The bar owner shook his head helplessly, "Sun Dong, Sun Dong, what do you want me to say about you, are you still not letting go?"

"I can't let it go, what about Chen Yongjie, take me to him, I just need him to provide me with information, I have my own people, besides, what about Wang Yue, where is he hiding now? , I thought, if he knew I was back, he would be very happy, wouldn't he?"

The bar owner shook his head, "I'll take you to the butcher. As for Wang Yue, I don't know where he is. You can ask the butcher. Not many people know where he is now. He's a lunatic. Everyone hides." Can't hide in time, who will go near him?" The bar owner laughed "hehe" again... There is too much helplessness mixed in the smile.

"The technique of the married woman last night was really great, it was paralyzing, it made me fascinated, she also told me, let me continue tonight, she called her sister over, and the three of us played .”

"Well, did she also say that she is very satisfied with your bed skills?"

Gao Yu stared at Gong Zheng, "How do you know?" He picked up a chopstick of food, "It's really annoying, do you think I will go or not, and the one from the day before yesterday, that wife said she would take care of me, so paralyzed."

"Well, your bed skills are so good, they still linger when they see sex and ejaculation."

"Talk about yourself, idiot Gong Zheng."

"I said Brother Yu and we have been brothers for so long, why can't you correct your bragging?"

"Who is bragging? I'm telling the truth, you know? I can understand your envy and jealousy, but it's really boring for you to slander me like this."

Everyone at the table looked at Gong Zheng and Gao Yu, and the two began to bicker again, "No, I was just thinking, we have to develop a secondary industry in the future, what was the celebration in our square two days ago, let it go So many big balloons, what a luxury, from my point of view, if there is such a thing in the future, there is no need to blow up the balloons, it’s much better to invite Brother Yu over and brag about how awesome he is than blowing up the balloons.”

"Hahaha!" Everyone at the table laughed.

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