we are brothers

【1615】group beat Xiao Xiawen

"Grass mud horse" Dazhong scolded at the side, and then he was going to go there. Wang Long knew Dazhong, he knew that when this kind of thing happened, Dazhong would be impatient, right at Dazhong When he took a step forward, Wang Long grabbed the big clock's arm and "big clock" Wang Long roared.

"Get up" the big clock swung Wang Long violently, and then walked towards that side again. Wang Long gritted his teeth and pulled the big clock hard. He pulled the big clock directly to the side of a card bag. The big clock pushed it on the sofa next to the card bag, and then grabbed the big clock's neck with both hands, "Listen to me, listen to me, calm down, calm down."

"F**k!" Da Zhong stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhang Shengqi, "I'm going to beat this bastard to death."

"What's none of your business?" Wang Long said simply and clearly, "I'll ask you, what's none of your business? What happens to him is their business and has nothing to do with you, do you know that? Look at Li Yuanyuan." After finishing speaking, Wang Long pointed Pointing to Li Yuanyuan who was standing in the crowd over there, "You take care of your own affairs. Now you have passed and fought with him. Li Yuanyuan asked you what you said. You said you helped Xiao Xiawen educate her cheating husband. Is that what you want to say? ?” Wang Long looked at the panting big clock, “Calm down, calm down, be sure to calm down.”

Da Zhong looked at Wang Long, and suddenly became silent for a while. He looked at Zhang Shengqi over there, very angry, and then turned his gaze to Li Yuanyuan, who had already turned his attention to Da Zhong and Wang Long. And kept staring at the two of them.

"Your daughter-in-law has been staring at us. If you want to live in peace, you just pretend that you haven't seen anything. It's none of your business, you know? No matter what happens or what they do, it's none of your business." ,do you know?"

Da Zhong slowly closed his eyes, thought for a while, and nodded, "Yes, you're right, don't care about me." After finishing speaking, Da Zhong let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at the opposite side again. Over there, I saw Zhang Shengqi and the girl had already stood up, the two hugged each other, kissed each other, and walked out while kissing. It seemed that they were drinking too much and planned to leave. There were many people around. Boys and girls, obviously, Zhang Shengqi and the others are the core.

"Okay, don't read it, remember it, don't say anything when Li Yuanyuan asked you, just pretend to drink too much." After speaking, Wang Long patted Dazhong's face, "Be sober, ok?"

Da Zhong squinted his eyes and nodded, "Brother Long, let this bastard lie to Wenwen like this? ****, is he considered a person? woman?"

"Paper can't hold fire, she will find out sooner or later, but these have nothing to do with you, unless you want to kick Li Yuanyuan and then be with Xiao Xiawen, the premise is that she is still willing to be with you, you think about it, Get ready, remember, it has nothing to do with you."

Wang Lung repeated the sentence again. Da Zhong took a deep breath when he heard what Wang Lung said, and looked at Wang Lung again. He squinted his eyes to calm his emotions. After a while, he opened his eyes again, "Go, Brother Long, we're going back."

"That's right." Wang Long smiled, turned his head to look at Li Yuanyuan over there, and then he pulled the big clock, and the two of them rushed past Li Yuanyuan. After the three met, Li Yuanyuan didn't say anything. Didn't ask, just smiled at Da Zhong, Da Zhong and Wang Long looked at each other, followed by a group of three people out of the bar.

As soon as the three of them stepped out of the bar, they heard a voice yelling, "You fucking beast!" Immediately afterwards, a woman rushed up to a man frantically, and greeted him with a big mouth. Vicious, there are many onlookers around.

Wang Long and the others also stood in place immediately. Xiao Xiawen appeared at some point, and rushed towards Zhang Shengqi crazily. Like crazy, he grabbed and beat Zhang Shengqi. Zhang Shengqi stood where he was, panicked. He didn't dare to say anything. He just hugged his head and didn't fight back.

"You fucking bastard!" Xiao Xiawen yelled at Zhang Shengqi who was holding her head, and her attack became more and more ruthless. She picked up a brick from the side with a single stroke. Very excited, looking at Zhang Shengqi who was holding his head over there, followed closely, and was about to shoot up with a brick.

Wang Long turned his head and glanced at the big clock, then smiled, "What did I say, if you don't want people to know, you have to do it yourself."

Da Zhong squinted, didn't speak, just stared at Xiao Xiawen and Zhang Shengqi over there.

"Don't throw it, don't hold it back..." At first Zhang Shengqi just thought that Xiao Xiawen was a hand and foot, and didn't react much, as if he was resigned to his fate, but Xiao Xiawen obviously went too far. I can’t just sit back and watch, if this guy really greets me, it’s no joke, “What are you going to do, that’s enough!” Zhang Shengqi yelled at this time, “You’re not finished yet!”

"Didn't you fucking sleep? Is this what you call sleeping? This is your fucking home?" Xiao Xiawen yelled, "You fucking liar! Animal!" Xiao Xiawen yelled excitedly, saying He didn't wait for Zhang Shengqi to react, he threw a brick out, and passed towards Zhang Shengqi's head. Zhang Shengqi fell to the ground with a choke, then turned his head and flew past him, followed by Xiao Xiawen rushed over to take a picture. Looking at Zhang Shengqi's face with a "bang", he kicked it up, female man, standard girl, Zhang Shengqi put his hands on his face, and Xiao Xiawen kicked Zhang Shengqi's arm.

"Bastard!" Xiao Xiawen yelled at this time, and when she was about to continue raising her hand, she saw a girl next to her rush up, rushed to Xiao Xiawen's side, and "slapped" Xiao Xiawen's face The only thing left is a mouth, and the sound of this mouth is very loud. After the mouth is finished, the surroundings are quiet, and everyone's eyes are focused on this girl in revealing clothes. He is Zhang Shengqi's friend, I don't know his name What name, everyone around looked at the two women.

Xiao Xiawen covered her face and glanced at the girl next to her, "Do you dare to hit me?"

Immediately afterwards, before she could speak, the girl next to her raised her mouth angrily and swung her mouth at Xiao Xiawen again, with great force, she heard another "pop".

Xiao Xiawen also became angry at this moment, "You fucking hit me!" She yelled, turned around and rushed up to the woman. Just as she was just getting started, the other girls who were playing with her "grass mud horse" The "very indecent" ones have all been used, and I saw the woman just now, and the three or four women who were playing together just now, and Xiao Xiawen in the middle. Fighting between women, pulling each other's hair , dragging his clothes, Xiao Xiawen is a girl no matter what, he may not win the fight with the woman opposite, let alone three or four girls around, these girls are wearing high heels, pulling and yelling at each other, Grabbing with buckle and belt, he greeted Xiao Xiawen, and soon, Xiao Xiawen was knocked down to the ground, and then a circle of women around started beating Xiao Xiawen, yelling and cursing at Xiao Xiawen on the ground.

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