we are brothers

【1633】Cunning Lu Chaoba

"Thank you Ba Ye." Yan Hui respected Lu Chaoba even more, his face was ugly, and he followed Wan Jun and left.

Lu Chaoba looked at the people in the room, took a deep breath, and smiled helplessly, "Captain Xi, am I to blame?"

Xi Nian leaned against the wall, clutching her stomach, and smiled helplessly at Lu Chaoba, "Ba Ye, you saved my life, can I blame you? Thanks, I almost lost my life No, it's us." Xi Nian's expression was also not good, she glanced at the girl lying on the ground and Wang Long, "Help me, we have to leave early and take care of the girls, I don't want them to know."

Lu Chaoba gave a "hmm" and turned his head, "Zhao Dong, arrange for someone to deal with it quickly."

"Understood, Master Nian" Zhao Dong turned around and ran out. Wang Long glanced at Lu Chaoba, and finally let go of the big stone in his heart. He looked at Wang Ci who was lying on the ground and was still sleeping. , the sweat on his forehead also came out, and after a while, I was afraid...

The next day, the wind was sunny and the sun was shining brightly at noon. In the hotel where Wang Long and the others were staying, Wang Ci Dazhong and his group were sitting together, talking and laughing. Xi Nian also came, and this For the first time, I deliberately sat next to Wang Ci. Wang Ci didn't express anything, and Wang Long didn't think too much. The people at the table were chatting and laughing. Regarding what happened last night, Wang Long and Xi Nian kept silent. , they all insisted that Wang Ci and the other three girls drank too much. Although Wang Ci didn't believe it, Wang Long and the others insisted, and she didn't continue to ask, but Xi Nian surrounded Wang Ci, unusually Yinian Love, there are three big characters written on the whole face, that is I love you, the big clock on the other side is also competing with Xi Nian, the two have been bickering and competing since they met, the big clock really said But Xi Nian, if you say that beating the big clock can beat Xi Nian, the problem is that he can't run away from Xi Nian. Both of them know that neither of them can be really impatient. Even if they ran away, the big clock couldn't catch up, and the two of them became enemies, and they quarreled endlessly.

Wang Long and the others are going back today too. After lunch, Wang Long and his party said goodbye to Xi Nian while talking and laughing. The two stood face to face next to Wang Ci's Porsche, "Wang Long, you are leaving this time. When will you come back?"

"I don't know yet, the time has not yet come. You are welcome to go to City l anytime. Anyway, aren't you getting old yourself? When you go to City L again, let's sit down and have a drink, and call Gong Paopao. "

Xi Nian nodded, "Yes, I have something I want to ask you." After finishing speaking, Xi Nian looked at the people behind Wang Long, "Are these people under your command? How long have you been with you? "

"Except for that Wan Chuangfei who came later, the rest have been with me for many years, what's the matter?"

Xi Nian frowned, glanced at Wang Long, and thought for a moment, "It's nothing, you'd better check them when you go back."

Wang Long looked at Xi Nian saying this, and was a little surprised in his heart, but he knew that Xi Nian would definitely not say these things for no reason, "What happened, why did you say that?"

"I don't know if I should say it or not. After all, I can talk about such things casually, and you can listen to them casually, that's good."

Wang Long nodded, "Let's go ahead, tell me first how you dealt with the matter in the city that never sleeps? Did Lu Chaoba give you an answer?"

"Lu Chaoba gave me a sum of money, which is regarded as a hush money." Xi Nian and Wang Long also directly said, "This money just brings back the money I sent out, which is very good, I don't know how much , but not less, if I am unhappy, tell Xiao Qing and Mayor Zhang what happened last night, then it will be really fun. If something like that happens, he will definitely not be able to eat and walk around, and it will also affect his alliance with Xiao Qing." Xi Nian lit a cigarette by herself, so I might as well just do it conveniently and pretend not to know, after all, he is also I tried my best to save him, if he hadn't gone there yesterday, we probably would have lost our lives there."

"You must be careful when dealing with people like Lu Chaoba. Let me tell you, this person is unfathomable and will definitely betray you at critical moments." Why do you want to take his money?"

"I didn't take it." Xi Nian smiled at Wang Long, "The money is all on Wang Ci's card. Lu Chaoba is too scheming. He didn't give me the money, and he didn't tell me Everything is clear, because he gave me money before, and I never wanted it. He probably knew it in his heart, so this time he didn't think about giving me money at the beginning, but you know how he gave gifts Is it?" Xi Nian smiled strangely.

Wang Long looked at Xi Nian's expression, "The gift is nothing more than a gift for you, or for your relatives. You don't have any other relatives here. Gong Mingtang will definitely not take his money. You said it was for you, and then returned it to you." Said you didn't want it?"

"Yeah, I'll learn his original words for you." Xi Nian took a deep breath and started to imitate Lu Chaoba's voice, "Xi Nian, look at me as an uncle, I'm really sorry for what happened last night Ah, I'm really sorry, uncle will treat you to dinner another day, and I'll accompany you, look good, now the dad in the bar has also run away, and uncle has arranged for someone to chase him, and uncle can do everything Oh, the waiters in the bar really have nothing to do with him, uncle understands, and they can't be held accountable, right? Look, look at the injured, what, Xiao Xiawen and Zhang Shuang? I also arranged for people to send them back to the hotel to rest, but I didn't let anyone tell them what happened. They are all little girls. If they really know, they will be afraid or something. I think there is something , it’s better not to let them know, what do you think?”

Wang Long glanced at Xi Nian on the opposite side, and then smiled, "How did you answer Lu Chaoba?"

Xi Nian narrowed her eyes, "I didn't have any answer. I just told him that I am a people's policeman, and some things can be kept private, and some things can't be kept private. I thank him for saving his life."

"Didn't you also not understand what you said? Then what did he say next?"

Xi Nian smiled, "You have to listen carefully to what he says next." Xi Nian coughed twice, clutching her neck, "Xi Nian, at least you call me Uncle Sheng. What about this time, you You are the victim, you are also a policeman, you can choose to call the police or not, right? Then don’t call the police, isn’t it that nothing big happened? My uncle attended the wedding, half of the wedding was attended by the most critical moment People threw it away, and the witnesses didn’t do it and ran back. You see, uncle has hard work without credit, right? Uncle knows that you have your principles and is a good policeman. Our night city has been so peaceful for so long, that is Because of your existence, but this time, if it is someone else, you must be business-like, but if it is yourself, you should hold your hands high." Xi Nian looked at Wang Long and smiled, "What, I heard that you Brother Wang Long's sister is back, Uncle, I have a little heart, I know this has nothing to do with you, it has something to do with her, I transferred some money to her, let her buy some food and drink, so I won't ask her to eat together .”

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